DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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proportion to the nutrient load ingested and relay this information

to the islet as part of a feed-forward mechanism that allows an insulin

response appropriate to meal size. Insulin secretion rates in healthy

humans are highest in the early digestive phase of meals, preceding

and limiting the peak in blood glucose. This pattern of premonitory

insulin secretion is an essential feature of normal glucose tolerance.

How to mimic this pattern is one of the key challenges for successful

insulin therapy in diabetic patients.

Elevated circulating insulin concentrations lower glucose in

blood by inhibiting hepatic glucose production and stimulating the

uptake and metabolism of glucose by muscle and adipose tissue.

These two important effects occur at different concentrations of

insulin. Production of glucose is inhibited half-maximally by an

insulin concentration of ~120 pmol/L, whereas glucose utilization

is stimulated half-maximally at ~300 pmol/L. Some of the effects of

insulin on the liver occur rapidly, within the first 20 minutes of meal

ingestion, whereas stimulation of peripheral glucose uptake may

require up to an hour to reach significant rates. This is probably due

to the quick access of insulin to hepatocytes, via the hepatic-portal

circulation and the liver sinusoids, and the slower passage of insulin

to its receptors on muscle and adipose cells. Insulin has potent effects

to reduce lipolysis from adipocytes, primarily through the inhibition

of hormone-sensitive lipase, and increases lipid storage by promoting

lipoprotein lipase synthesis and adipocyte glucose uptake.

Finally, insulin stimulates amino acid uptake and protein synthesis

and inhibits protein degradation in muscle and other tissues; it thus

causes a decrease in the circulating concentrations of most amino


The demand for glucose as an energy source for skeletal muscle

increases dramatically during exercise. Glycogen stored in skeletal

muscle is mobilized for some of these needs, but there are limited

supplies that are used, mostly at the onset of activity. Most of the

glucose support of exercise comes from hepatic gluconeogenesis.

The dominant regulation of hepatic glucose production during exercise

comes from epinephrine and norepinephrine. The catecholamines

stimulate glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, inhibit

insulin secretion, and enhance release of glucagon, all contributing

to increased hepatic glucose output. In addition, catecholamines promote

lipolysis, freeing fatty acids for oxidation in exercising muscle

and glycerol for hepatic gluconeogenesis.

Pancreatic Islet Physiology and Insulin Secretion. The

pancreatic islets comprise 1-2% of the pancreatic volume

and are scattered throughout the exocrine pancreas. The

pancreatic islet is a highly vascularized, highly innervated

mini-organ containing five endocrine cell types:

α cells that secrete glucagon, β cells that secrete glucose,

δ cells that secrete somatostatin, cells that secrete

pancreatic polypeptide, and ε cells that secrete ghrelin.

The endocrine, exocrine, and ductal cells of the pancreas

share a common embryologic heritage but in the

adult are functionally distinct. Insulin and glucagon are

important pharmacological agents in the treatment of

diabetes, and an understanding of their synthesis, secretion,

and action are important in the therapeutic efforts

related to diabetes.




–24 1 2 2 86




B chain















C peptide


SP cleavage


S–S bond formation


A chain


PC1: cleavage of Arg 31 /Arg 32

PC2: cleavage of Lys 64 /Arg 65

C peptide


Figure 43–2. Synthesis and processing of insulin. The initial peptide,

preproinsulin (110 amino acids) consists of a signal peptide

(SP), B chain, C peptide, and A chain. The SP is cleaved and S-

S bonds form as the proinsulin folds. Two prohormone convertases,

PC1 and PC2, cleave proinsulin into insulin, C peptide,

and two dipeptides. Insulin and C peptide are stored in granules

and co-secreted in equimolar quantities.

Insulin is initially synthesized as a single polypeptide chain,

preproinsulin (110 amino acid), which is processed first to proinsulin

and then to insulin and C-peptide (Figure 43–2). This complex

and highly regulated process involves the Golgi complex, the endoplasmic

reticulum, and importantly the distinctive secretory granules

of the β cell. Secretory granules are critical not only in bringing

insulin to the cell surface for exocytosis, but also in the cleavage and

processing of the prohormone to the final secretion products, insulin

and C-peptide. The structure of insulin is discussed in the section

describing its therapeutic use. Equimolar quantities of insulin and

C-peptide (31 amino acids) are co-secreted. Insulin has a t 1/2


5-6 minutes due to extensive hepatic clearance. C-peptide, in contrast,

with no known physiological function or receptor, has a t 1/2

of ~30 minutes. Because almost all of the C-peptide released into

the portal vein reaches the peripheral circulation where it can be

measured, this peptide is useful in assessment of β-cell secretion,

and to distinguish endogenous and exogenous hyperinsulinemia (for

example in the evaluation of insulin-induced hypoglycemia).

Importantly, the β cell also synthesizes and secretes islet amyloid

polypeptide (IAPP) or amylin, a 37–amino acid peptide. IAPP is not

essential for life but influences GI motility and the speed of glucose

absorption. Pramlintide is an agent used in the treatment of diabetes

that mimics the action of IAPP. As reflected by its name, IAPP forms

amyloid fibrils in the islets of individuals with type 2 diabetes;

whether this is a cause or a consequence of the islet dysfunction of

type 2 diabetes is not yet clear.

Insulin secretion is a tightly regulated process designed to

provide stable concentrations of glucose in blood during both

fasting and feeding. This regulation is achieved by the coordinated




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