DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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and do not readily cross the axonal membrane into the

nerve ending. The latrotoxins from black widow spider

venom and stonefish are known to promote neuroexocytosis

by binding to receptors on the neuronal membrane.

Adrenergic. Several drugs that promote the release of

the adrenergic mediator already have been discussed.

On the basis of the rate and duration of the druginduced

release of norepinephrine from adrenergic terminals,

one of two opposing effects can predominate.

Thus tyramine, ephedrine, amphetamine, and related

drugs cause a relatively rapid, brief liberation of the

transmitter and produce a sympathomimetic effect. On

the other hand, reserpine, by blocking the vesicular

amine transporter (VAMT2) uptake of amines, produces

a slow, prolonged depletion of the adrenergic

transmitter from adrenergic storage vesicles, where it

is largely metabolized by intraneuronal MAO. The

resulting depletion of transmitter produces the equivalent

of adrenergic blockade. Reserpine also causes the

depletion of 5-HT, DA, and possibly other, unidentified

amines from central and peripheral sites, and many of

its major effects may be a consequence of the depletion

of transmitters other than NE.

As discussed earlier, deficiencies of tyrosine hydroxylase in

humans cause a neurologic disorder (Carson and Robertson, 2002)

that can be treated by supplementation with the dopamine precursor


A syndrome caused by congenital DβH deficiency has been

described; this syndrome is characterized by the absence of NE and

epinephrine, elevated concentrations of DA, intact baroreflex afferent

fibers and cholinergic innervation, and undetectable concentrations of

plasma DβH activity (Carson and Robertson, 2002). Patients have

severe orthostatic hypotension, ptosis of the eyelids, and retrograde

ejaculations. Dihydroxyphenylserine (L-DOPS) has been shown to

improve postural hypotension in this rare disorder. This therapeutic

approach cleverly takes advantage of the nonspecificity of aromatic

L-amino acid decarboxylase, which synthesizes NE directly from this

drug in the absence of DβH (Man in’t Veld et al., 1988; Robertson

et al., 1991). Despite the restoration of plasma NE in humans with

L-DOPS, epinephrine levels are not restored, leading to speculations

that PNMT may require DβH for appropriate functioning (Carson and

Robertson, 2002).

Agonist and Antagonist

Actions at Receptors

Cholinergic. The nicotinic receptors of autonomic

ganglia and skeletal muscle are not identical; they

respond differently to certain stimulating and block -

ing agents, and their pentameric structures contain

different combinations of homologous subunits

(Table 8–2). Dimethylphenylpiperazinium (DMPP)

and phenyltrimethylammonium (PTMA) show some

selectivity for stimulation of autonomic ganglion

cells and end plates of skeletal muscle, respectively.

Trimethaphan and hexamethonium are relatively

selective competitive and noncompetitive ganglionic

blocking agents. Although tubocurarine effectively

blocks transmission at both motor end plates and

autonomic ganglia, its action at the former site predominates.

Succinylcholine, a depolarizing agent, produces

selective neuromuscular blockade. Transmission

at autonomic ganglia and the adrenal medulla is complicated

further by the presence of muscarinic receptors

in addition to the principal nicotinic receptors (see

Chapter 11).

Various toxins in snake venoms exhibit a high degree of

specificity toward cholinergic receptors. The α-neurotoxins from the

Elapidae family interact with the agonist-binding site on the nicotinic

receptor. α-Bungarotoxin is selective for the muscle receptor and

interacts with only certain neuronal receptors, such as those containing

α 7

through α 9

subunits. Neuronal bungarotoxin shows a wider

range of inhibition of neuronal receptors. A second group of toxins,

called the fasciculins, inhibits AChE. A third group of toxins, termed

the muscarinic toxins (MT 1

through MT 4

), includes partial agonists

and antagonists for the muscarinic receptors. Venoms from the

Viperidae family of snakes and the fish-hunting cone snails also have

relatively selective toxins for nicotinic receptors.

Muscarinic ACh receptors, which mediate the effects of ACh

at autonomic effector cells, now can be divided into five subclasses.

Atropine blocks all the muscarinic responses to injected ACh and

related cholinomimetic drugs whether they are excitatory, as in the

intestine, or inhibitory, as in the heart. Newer muscarinic agonists,

pirenzepine for M 1

, tripitramine for M 2

, and darifenacin for M 3


show selectivity as muscarinic blocking agents. Several muscarinic

antagonists show sufficient selectivity in the clinical setting to minimize

the bothersome side effects seen with the nonselective agents

at therapeutic doses (see Chapter 9).

Adrenergic. A vast number of synthetic compounds that

bear structural resemblance to the naturally occurring

catecholamines can interact with α and β adrenergic

receptors to produce sympathomimetic effects (see

Chapter 12). Phenylephrine acts selectively at α 1


whereas clonidine is a selective α 2


agonist. Isoproterenol exhibits agonist activity at both

β 1

and β 2

receptors. Preferential stimulation of cardiac

β 1

receptors follows the administration of dobutamine.

Terbutaline is an example of a drug with relatively

selective action on β 2

receptors; it produces effective

bronchodilation with minimal effects on the heart. The

main features of adrenergic blockade, including the

selectivity of various blocking agents for α and β adrenergic

receptors, are considered in detail in Chapter 12.

Partial dissociation of effects at β 1

and β 2

receptors has

been achieved by subtype-selective antagonists, as

exemplified by the β 1

receptor antagonists metoprolol




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