DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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influence adrenergic receptors selectively have resulted

in a class of drugs with a large number of important

therapeutic uses.

Shock. Shock is a clinical syndrome characterized by inadequate

perfusion of tissues; it usually is associated with hypotension and

ultimately with the failure of organ systems (Hollenberg et al., 1999).

Shock is an immediately life-threatening impairment of delivery of

oxygen and nutrients to the organs of the body. Causes of shock

include hypovolemia (due to dehydration or blood loss), cardiac failure

(extensive myocardial infarction, severe arrhythmia, or cardiac

mechanical defects such as ventricular septal defect), obstruction to

cardiac output (due to pulmonary embolism, pericardial tamponade,

or aortic dissection), and peripheral circulatory dysfunction (sepsis

or anaphylaxis). Recent research on shock has focused on the accompanying

increased permeability of the GI mucosa to pancreatic

proteases, and on the role of these degradative enzymes on microvascular

inflammation and multi-organ failure (Schmid-Schoenbein and

Hugli, 2005). The treatment of shock consists of specific efforts to

reverse the underlying pathogenesis as well as nonspecific measures

aimed at correcting hemodynamic abnormalities. Regardless of etiology,

the accompanying fall in blood pressure generally leads to

marked activation of the sympathetic nervous system. This, in turn,

causes peripheral vasoconstriction and an increase in the rate and

force of cardiac contraction. In the initial stages of shock these mechanisms

may maintain blood pressure and cerebral blood flow,

although blood flow to the kidneys, skin, and other organs may be

decreased, leading to impaired production of urine and metabolic


The initial therapy of shock involves basic life-support measures.

It is essential to maintain blood volume, which often requires

monitoring of hemodynamic parameters. Specific therapy (e.g.,

antibiotics for patients in septic shock) should be initiated immediately.

If these measures do not lead to an adequate therapeutic

response, it may be necessary to use vasoactive drugs in an effort to

improve abnormalities in blood pressure and flow. This therapy generally

is empirically based on response to hemodynamic measurements.

Many of these pharmacological approaches, while apparently

clinically reasonable, are of uncertain efficacy. Adrenergic receptor

agonists may be used in an attempt to increase myocardial contractility

or to modify peripheral vascular resistance. In general terms, β

receptor agonists increase heart rate and force of contraction, α receptor

agonists increase peripheral vascular resistance, and DA promotes

dilation of renal and splanchnic vascular beds, in addition to activating

β and α receptors (Breslow and Ligier, 1991).

Cardiogenic shock due to myocardial infarction has a poor

prognosis; therapy is aimed at improving peripheral blood flow.

Definitive therapy, such as emergency cardiac catheterization followed

by surgical revascularization or angioplasty, may be very

important. Mechanical left ventricular assist devices also may help

to maintain cardiac output and coronary perfusion in critically ill

patients. In the setting of severely impaired cardiac output, falling

blood pressure leads to intense sympathetic outflow and vasoconstriction.

This may further decrease cardiac output as the damaged

heart pumps against a higher peripheral resistance. Medical intervention

is designed to optimize cardiac filling pressure (preload),

myocardial contractility, and peripheral resistance (afterload).

Preload may be increased by administration of intravenous fluids or

reduced with drugs such as diuretics and nitrates. A number of sympathomimetic

amines have been used to increase the force of contraction

of the heart. Some of these drugs have disadvantages:

isoproterenol is a powerful chronotropic agent and can greatly

increase myocardial O 2

demand; NE intensifies peripheral vasoconstriction;

and epinephrine increases heart rate and may predispose

the heart to dangerous arrhythmias. DA is an effective inotropic

agent that causes less increase in heart rate than does isoproterenol.

DA also promotes renal arterial dilation; this may be useful in preserving

renal function. When given in high doses ( > 10-20 μg/kg per

minute), DA activates α receptors, causing peripheral and renal vasoconstriction.

Dobutamine has complex pharmacological actions that

are mediated by its stereoisomers; the clinical effects of the drug are

to increase myocardial contractility with little increase in heart rate

or peripheral resistance.

In some patients in shock, hypotension is so severe that vasoconstricting

drugs are required to maintain a blood pressure that is

adequate for CNS perfusion. Alpha agonists such as NE, phenylephrine,

metaraminol, mephentermine, midodrine, ephedrine, epinephrine,

DA, and methoxamine all have been used for this purpose.

This approach may be advantageous in patients with hypotension

due to failure of the sympathetic nervous system (e.g., after spinal

anesthesia or injury). However, in patients with other forms of shock,

such as cardiogenic shock, reflex vasoconstriction generally is

intense, and α receptor agonists may further compromise blood flow

to organs such as the kidneys and gut and adversely increase the

work of the heart. Indeed, vasodilating drugs such as nitroprusside

are more likely to improve blood flow and decrease cardiac work in

such patients by decreasing afterload if a minimally adequate blood

pressure can be maintained.

The hemodynamic abnormalities in septic shock are complex

and poorly understood. Most patients with septic shock initially have

low or barely normal peripheral vascular resistance, possibly owing

to excessive effects of endogenously produced NO as well as normal

or increased cardiac output. If the syndrome progresses, myocardial

depression, increased peripheral resistance, and impaired tissue oxygenation

occur. The primary treatment of septic shock is antibiotics.

Data on the comparative value of various adrenergic agents in the

treatment of septic shock are limited. Therapy with drugs such as

DA or dobutamine is guided by hemodynamic monitoring, with individualization

of therapy depending on the patient’s overall clinical


Hypotension. Drugs with predominantly α agonist activity can be

used to raise blood pressure in patients with decreased peripheral

resistance in conditions such as spinal anesthesia or intoxication with

antihypertensive medications. However, hypotension per se is not

an indication for treatment with these agents unless there is inadequate

perfusion of organs such as the brain, heart, or kidneys.

Furthermore, adequate replacement of fluid or blood may be more

appropriate than drug therapy for many patients with hypotension. In

patients with spinal anesthesia that interrupts sympathetic activation

of the heart, injections of ephedrine increase heart rate as well as

peripheral vascular resistance; tachyphylaxis may occur with repetitive

injections, necessitating the use of a directly acting drug.

Patients with orthostatic hypotension (excessive fall in blood

pressure with standing) often represent a pharmacological challenge.

There are diverse causes for this disorder, including the Shy-Drager




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