DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1870 Skin. The skin is very sensitive to chronic arsenic exposure.

Dermal symptoms often are diagnostic of arsenic

exposure. Arsenic induces hyperkeratinization of the skin

(including formation of multiple corns or warts), particularly

of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

It also causes areas of hyperpigmentation interspersed

with spots of hypopigmentation. These symptoms can be

observed in individuals exposed to drinking water with

arsenic concentrations of at least 100 μg/L and are typical

in those chronically exposed to much higher levels.

Hyperpigmentation can be observed after 6 months of

exposure, while hyperkeratinization takes years. Children

are more likely to develop these effects than adults. The

mechanism of arsenic-induced changes to the skin is

unknown, partly because these effects are not seen in

other animals (Mead, 2005; ATSDR, 2007a).

GI Tract. Acute or subacute exposure to high-dose arsenic

by ingestion is associated with GI symptoms ranging

from mild cramping, diarrhea, and vomiting to GI hemorrhaging

and death. GI symptoms are caused by

increased capillary permeability, leading to fluid loss. At

higher doses, fluid forms vesicles that can burst, leading

to inflammation and necrosis of the submucosa and

then rupture of the intestinal wall. GI symptoms are not

observed with chronic exposure to lower levels of arsenic.

Nervous System. Acute high-dose arsenic exposure

causes encephalopathy in rare cases, with symptoms

that can include headache, lethargy, mental confusion,

hallucination, seizures, and coma. However, the most

common neurological effect of acute or subacute

arsenic exposure is peripheral neuropathy involving

both sensory and motor neurons. This effect is characterized

by the loss of sensation in the hands and feet (a

stocking and glove distribution). This often is followed

by muscle weakness. Neuropathy occurs several days

after exposure to arsenic and can be reversible following

cessation of exposure, although recovery usually is

not complete. Arsenic exposure may cause intellectual

deficits in children. Wasserman et al. (2007) observed

a negative association between arsenic levels in drinking

water and performance on intelligence tests.



Other Non-Cancer Toxicities. Acute and chronic arsenic exposures

induce anemia and leukopenia. Arsenic likely causes both direct cytotoxic

effects on blood cells and suppression of erythropoiesis through

bone marrow toxicity. Arsenic also may inhibit heme synthesis. In the

liver, arsenic causes fatty infiltrations, central necrosis, and cirrhosis

of varying severity. The action of arsenic on renal capillaries, tubules,

and glomeruli can cause severe kidney damage. Inhaled arsenic is irritating

to the lungs, and ingested arsenic may induce bronchitis progressing

to bronchopneumonia in some individuals. Chronic exposure

to arsenic is associated with an increased risk of diabetes.

Carcinogenesis. Arsenic compounds were among the first

recognized human carcinogens. At the end of the 19th

century, Hutchinson observed that patients receiving

arsenic-containing drugs had an increased occurrence

of skin tumors. Epidemiological studies performed in

regions with very high arsenic levels in drinking water

consistently observe substantially increased rates of skin

cancer (squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas), bladder

cancer, and lung cancer. There also are associations

between arsenic exposure and other cancers, including

liver, kidney, and prostate tumors. Inhalation exposure to

arsenic in occupational settings causes lung cancer.

IARC classifies arsenic as “carcinogenic to humans

(group 1).”

The developing fetus and young children may be at increased

risk of arsenic carcinogenesis, because humans exposed to arsenic in

utero and in early childhood have a greatly elevated risk of lung cancer

(Smith et al., 2006). Studies in rodents also have observed

increased cancer risks from in utero exposure and suggest that the

second trimester of pregnancy represents a critical susceptibility window

(Waalkes et al., 2007).

The mechanism of arsenic carcinogenesis is poorly understood.

Arsenic is an unusual carcinogen in that evidence for human

carcinogenesis is much stronger than for carcinogenesis in laboratory

animals. Arsenic does not directly damage DNA; rather, arsenic is

thought to work through changes in gene expression, DNA methylation,

inhibition of DNA repair, generation of oxidative stress,

and/or altered signal transduction pathways (Salnikow and

Zhitkovich, 2008; Hartwig et al., 2002). Arsenic compounds can act

as tumor promoters or co-carcinogens in rodents, particularly when

combined with ultraviolet light (Burns et al., 2004). In humans,

exposure to arsenic potentiates lung tumorigenesis from tobacco

smoke. Smokers in regions with high concentrations of arsenic in

the drinking water have a 5-fold increased risk of cancer over smokers

living in low arsenic regions (Ferreccio et al., 2000). Arsenic cocarcinogenesis

may involve inhibition of proteins involved in

nucleotide excision repair (Salnikow and Zhitkovich, 2008; Hartwig

et al., 2002). Arsenic also has endocrine-disrupting activities on several

nuclear steroid hormone receptors, enhancing hormone-dependent

transcription at very low concentrations and inhibiting it at slightly

higher levels (Bodwell et al., 2006).

Arsine Gas. Arsine gas, formed by electrolytic or metallic reduction

of arsenic, is a rare cause of industrial poisonings. Arsine induces

rapid and often fatal hemolysis, which probably results from arsine

combining with hemoglobin and reacting with oxygen. A few hours

after exposure, patients can develop headache, anorexia, vomiting,

paresthesia, abdominal pain, chills, hemoglobinuria, bilirubinemia,

and anuria. Jaundice appears after 24 hours. Arsine induces renal

toxicities that can progress to kidney failure. Approximately 25% of

cases of arsine exposure result in death.

Treatment. Following acute exposure to arsenic, stabilize the patient

and prevent further absorption of the poison. Close monitoring of fluid

levels is important because arsenic can cause fatal hypovolemic shock.

Chelation therapy is effective following short-term exposure to arsenic

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