DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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884 Tangier disease, a genetic disorder characterized by

extremely low levels of HDL and cholesterol accumulation

in the liver, spleen, tonsils, and neurons of peripheral

nerves. Transgenic animals overexpressing ABCA1

in the liver and macrophages have elevated plasma levels

of HDL and apoA-I and reduced susceptibility to

atherosclerosis (Van Eck et al., 2006).

After free cholesterol is acquired by the pre-β1

HDL, it is esterified by lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase.

The newly esterified and nonpolar cholesterol

moves into the core of the discoidal HDL. As the cholesteryl

ester content increases, the HDL particle

becomes spherical and less dense. These newly formed

spherical HDL particles (HDL 3

) further enlarge by

accepting more free cholesterol, which is in turn esterified

by lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase. In this way,


are converted to HDL 2

, which are larger and less

dense than HDL 3


As the cholesteryl ester content of the HDL 2

increases, the cholesteryl esters of these particles begin

to be exchanged for triglycerides derived from any of

the triglyceride-containing lipoproteins (chylomicrons,

VLDL, remnant lipoproteins, and LDL). This exchange

is mediated by the cholesteryl ester transfer protein

(CETP), and in humans accounts for the removal of

about two-thirds of the cholesterol associated with

HDL. The transferred cholesterol subsequently is

metabolized as part of the lipoprotein into which it was

transferred. Treatments that target CETP and the ABC

transporters have yielded equivocal results in humans.

While CETP inhibitors effectively reduce LDL, they

also appear to paradoxically increase the frequency of

adverse cardiovascular events (angina, revascularization,

myocardial infarction, heart failure, and death)

(Tall, 2007; Tall et al, 2008).

The triglyceride that is transferred into HDL 2


hydrolyzed in the liver by HL, a process that regenerates

smaller, spherical HDL 3

particles that recirculate and

acquire additional free cholesterol from tissues containing

excess free cholesterol. HL activity is regulated and

modulates HDL-C levels. Both androgens and estrogens

affect HL gene expression, but with opposite effects.

Androgens increase HL activity, which accounts for the

lower HDL-C values observed in men than in women.

Estrogens reduce HL activity, but their impact on HDL-C

levels in women is substantially less than that of androgens

on HDL-C levels in men. HL appears to have a

pivotal role in regulating HDLC levels, as HL activity is

increased in many patients with low HDL-C levels.

HDL are protective lipoproteins that decrease the

risk of CHD; thus, high levels of HDL are desirable.

This protective effect may result from the participation



of HDL in reverse cholesterol transport, the process by

which excess cholesterol is acquired from cells and

transferred to the liver for excretion. HDL also may

protect against atherogenesis by mechanisms not

directly related to reverse cholesterol transport. These

functions include putative anti-inflammatory, antioxidative,

platelet anti-aggregatory, anticoagulant, and

profibrinolytic activities (deGoma et al., 2008).

Lipoprotein(a). Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is composed of

an LDL particle that has a second apoprotein in addition

to apoB-100 (Mahley et al., 2008). The second

apoprotein, apo(a), is attached to apoB-100 by at least

one disulfide bond and does not function as a lipidbinding

apoprotein. Apo(a) of Lp(a) is structurally

related to plasminogen and appears to be atherogenic

by interfering with fibrinolysis of thrombi on the surfaces

of plaques.



Despite a 59% decline in the death rate from CHD

between 1950 and 1999, deaths from CVD accounted

for 36.3% of the 2.4 million deaths in the U.S. during

2004. Most of these deaths were caused by atherosclerosis,

which is responsible for more deaths than cancer,

accidents, chronic lung disease, and diabetes combined.

Two-thirds of atherosclerosis deaths were due to CHD.

About 82% of CHD deaths occurred in individuals >65

years of age. Among the 18% dying prematurely (<65

years), 80% died during their first CHD event. Among

those dying of sudden cardiac death, 50% of the men

and 64% of the women had previously been asymptomatic

(American Heart Association, 2003).

These statistics illustrate the importance of identifying

and managing risk factors for CHD. The major

conventional risk factors are elevated LDL-C, reduced

HDL-C, cigarette smoking, hypertension, type 2 diabetes

mellitus, advancing age, and a family history of premature

CHD events (men <55 years; women <65 years) in

a first-degree relative. Control of the modifiable risk

factors is especially important in preventing premature

CHD. Observational studies suggest that modifiable

risk factors account for 85% of excess risk (risk over

and above that of individuals with optimal risk-factor

profiles) for premature CHD. The presence of one or

more conventional risk factors in 90% of patients with

CHD belies claims that a large percentage of CHD is

not attributable to conventional risk factors. When total

cholesterol levels are below 160 mg/dL, CHD risk is

markedly attenuated, even in the presence of additional

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