DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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246 The sites of action of anti- ChE agents of therapeutic

importance are the CNS, eye, intestine, and the

neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle; other

actions are of toxicological consequence.



Eye. When applied locally to the conjunctiva, anti- ChE

agents cause conjunctival hyperemia and constriction

of the pupillary sphincter muscle around the pupillary

margin of the iris (miosis) and the ciliary muscle (block

of accommodation reflex with resultant focusing to

near vision). Miosis is apparent in a few minutes and

can last several hours to days. Although the pupil may

be “pinpoint” in size, it generally contracts further

when exposed to light. The block of accommodation is

more transient and generally disappears before termination

of miosis. Intraocular pressure, when elevated, usually

falls as the result of facilitation of outflow of the

aqueous humor (Chapter 64).

GI Tract. In humans, neostigmine enhances gastric contractions

and increases the secretion of gastric acid.

After bilateral vagotomy, the effects of neostigmine on

gastric motility are greatly reduced. The lower portion

of the esophagus is stimulated by neostigmine; in

patients with marked achalasia and dilation of the

esophagus, the drug can cause a salutary increase in

tone and peristalsis.

Neostigmine also augments motor activity of the small and

large bowel; the colon is particularly stimulated. Atony produced by

muscarinic receptor antagonists or prior surgical intervention may

be overcome, propulsive waves are increased in amplitude and frequency,

and movement of intestinal contents is thus promoted. The

total effect of anti- ChE agents on intestinal motility probably represents

a combination of actions at the ganglion cells of Auerbach’s

plexus and at the smooth muscle fibers, as a result of the preservation

of ACh released by the cholinergic preganglionic and postganglionic

fibers, respectively (Chapter 46).

Neuromuscular Junction. Most of the effects of potent

anti- ChE drugs on skeletal muscle can be explained

adequately on the basis of their inhibition of AChE at

neuromuscular junctions. However, there is good evidence

for an accessory direct action of neostigmine and

other quaternary ammonium anti- ChE agents on skeletal

muscle. For example, the intra- arterial injection of

neostigmine into chronically denervated muscle, or

muscle in which AChE has been inactivated by prior

administration of DFP, evokes an immediate contraction,

whereas physostigmine does not.

Normally, a single nerve impulse in a terminal motor- axon

branch liberates enough ACh to produce a localized depolarization

(end- plate potential) of sufficient magnitude to initiate a propagated

muscle action potential. The ACh released is rapidly hydrolyzed by

AChE, such that the lifetime of free ACh within the nerve- muscle

synapse (~200 μsec) is shorter than the decay of the end- plate potential

or the refractory period of the muscle. Therefore, each nerve

impulse gives rise to a single wave of depolarization. After inhibition

of AChE, the residence time of ACh in the synapse increases, allowing

for lateral diffusion and rebinding of the transmitter to multiple

receptors. Successive stimulation of neighboring receptors to the

release site in the end plate results in a prolongation of the decay

time of the end- plate potential. Quanta released by individual nerve

impulses are no longer isolated. This action destroys the synchrony

between end- plate depolarizations and the development of the action

potentials. Consequently, asynchronous excitation and fasciculations

of muscle fibers occur. With sufficient inhibition of AChE, depolarization

of the end plate predominates, and blockade owing to depolarization

ensues (Chapter 11). When ACh persists in the synapse, it

also may depolarize the axon terminal, resulting in antidromic firing

of the motoneuron; this effect contributes to fasciculations that

involve the entire motor unit.

The anti- ChE agents will reverse the antagonism caused by

competitive neuromuscular blocking agents. Neostigmine is not

effective against the skeletal muscle paralysis caused by succinylcholine;

this agent also produces neuromuscular blockade by depolarization,

and depolarization will be enhanced by neostigmine.

Actions at Other Sites. Secretory glands that are innervated

by postganglionic cholinergic fibers include the

bronchial, lacrimal, sweat, salivary, gastric (antral G

cells and parietal cells), intestinal, and pancreatic acinar

glands. Low doses of anti- ChE agents augment secretory

responses to nerve stimulation, and higher doses

actually produce an increase in the resting rate of


Anti- ChE agents increase contraction of smooth muscle

fibers of the bronchioles and ureters, and the ureters may show

increased peristaltic activity.

The cardiovascular actions of anti- ChE agents are complex,

since they reflect both ganglionic and postganglionic effects of accumulated

ACh on the heart and blood vessels and actions in the CNS.

The predominant effect on the heart from the peripheral action of

accumulated ACh is bradycardia, resulting in a fall in cardiac output.

Higher doses usually cause a fall in blood pressure, often as a consequence

of effects of anti- ChE agents on the medullary vasomotor

centers of the CNS.

Anti- ChE agents augment vagal influences on the heart. This

shortens the effective refractory period of atrial muscle fibers and

increases the refractory period and conduction time at the SA and AV

nodes. At the ganglionic level, accumulating ACh initially is excitatory

on nicotinic receptors, but at higher concentrations, ganglionic

blockade ensues as a result of persistent depolarization of the cell

membrane. The excitatory action on the parasympathetic ganglion

cells would tend to reinforce the diminished cardiac output, whereas

the opposite sequence would result from the action of ACh on sympathetic

ganglion cells. Excitation followed by inhibition also is

elicited by ACh at the central medullary vasomotor and cardiac centers.

All of these effects are complicated further by the hypoxemia

resulting from the bronchoconstrictor and secretory actions of

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