DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1328 undigested food into the small bowel. This potential disadvantage

can be exploited clinically to clear the stomach of undigestible

residue such as plastic tubes or bezoars. Anecdotally, erythromycin

also has been of benefit in patients with small-bowel dysmotility

such as that seen in scleroderma, ileus, or pseudo-obstruction. Rapid

development of tolerance to erythromycin, possibly by downregulation

of the motilin receptor, and undesirable (in this context) antibiotic

effects have limited the use of this drug as a prokinetic agent.

Several non-antibiotic synthetic analogs of erythromycin and peptide

analogs of motilin have been developed; to date, the clinical results

have been disappointing.

A standard dose of erythromycin for gastric stimulation is

3 mg/kg intravenously or 200-250 mg orally every 8 hours. For

small-bowel stimulation, a smaller dose (e.g., 40 mg intravenously)

may be more useful, as higher doses may actually retard motility of

this organ. Concerns about toxicity, pseudomembranous colitis, and

the induction of resistant strains of bacteria, among other things,

limit the use of erythromycin to acute situations or in circumstances

where patients are resistant to other medications.

Motilin Receptor Agonists. A number of these drugs have been developed

for the treatment of diabetic gastroparesis. Currently, mitemcinal

(GM-611), a macrolide nonantibiotic, shows promise for the

treatment of gastroparesis (Gale, 2009).



Miscellaneous Agents for Stimulating Motility

The GI hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) is released from the intestine

in response to meals and delays gastric emptying, causes contraction

of the gallbladder, stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion,

increases intestinal motility, promotes satiety, and has a host of other

actions. The C-terminal octapeptide of CCK, sincalide (KINEVAC), is

useful for stimulating the gallbladder and/or pancreas and may also

be used for accelerating barium transit through the small bowel for

diagnostic testing of these organs. This drug is administered intravenously

0.02-0.04 μg/kg over 30-60 seconds or up to 30-45 minutes

depending on the test. Administration of this agent is frequently

accompanied by nausea and abdominal pain, and much less frequently

dizziness. Concerns that should be noted using this agent are related

to the expulsion of small gallstones into the common bile duct or cystic

duct. Dexloxiglumide is a CCK 1

(or CCK-A)–receptor antagonist

that can improve gastric emptying and was investigated as a

treatment for gastroparesis and for constipation-dominant IBS, but

may also have uses in feeding intolerance in critically ill individuals.

Clonidine also has been reported to be of benefit in patients with gastroparesis.

Octreotide acetate (SANDOSTATIN, others), a somatostatin

analogue, also is used in some patients with intestinal dysmotility.

In some disorders of motility, effective treatment does not

necessarily require a “neuroenteric” approach. One such example is

gastroesophageal reflux disease. Acid reflux is associated with transient

lower esophageal sphincter relaxations that occur in the

absence of a swallow. Because the damage to the esophagus ultimately

is inflicted by acid, the most effective therapy for gastroesophageal

reflux disease still is the suppression of acid production by

the stomach (Chapter 45). Neither metoclopramide nor cisapride by

itself is particularly effective in gastroesophageal reflux disease.

However, a new approach under investigation relies on suppression

of the transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations, as achieved

by CCK 1

-receptor antagonists (such as dexloxiglumide), GABA

agonists (such as baclofen), and inhibitors of NO synthesis.

Agents that Suppress Motility

Smooth muscle relaxants such as organic nitrates and Ca 2+ channel

antagonists (Chapters 27 and 28) often produce temporary, if partial,

relief of symptoms in motility disorders such as achalasia, in which

the lower esophageal sphincter fails to relax, resulting in a functional

obstruction to the passage of food and severe difficulty in swallowing.

A more recent approach relies on the use of preparations of botulinum

toxin (BOTOX, DYSPORT, MYOBLOC), injected directly into the

lower esophageal sphincter via an endoscope, in doses of 80-100 units

(Zhao and Pasricha, 2003). This potent agent inhibits ACh release

from nerve endings (Chapter 11) and can produce partial paralysis

of the sphincter muscle, with significant improvements in symptoms

and esophageal clearance. However, its effects dissipate over a

period of several months, requiring repeated injections; there is also

some potential for post-administration “spread” of the toxin that can

result in life-threatening consequences. Botulinum toxin preparations

likely will be more widely used especially in the elderly and in

those with other risks for pneumatic dilation. Other GI conditions in

which botulinum toxin A has been used include gastroparesis,

sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, and anal fissures, although currently

there are not strong trial data to support its efficacy.



Overview of GI Water and Electrolyte Flux. Fluid content

is the principal determinant of stool volume and

consistency; water normally accounts for 70-85% of

total stool weight. Net stool fluid content reflects a balance

between luminal input (ingestion and secretion of

water and electrolytes) and output (absorption) along

the length of the GI tract. The daily challenge for the

gut is to extract water, minerals, and nutrients from the

luminal contents, leaving behind a manageable pool of

fluid for proper expulsion of waste material via the

process of defecation. Normally ~8-9 L of fluid enter

the small intestine daily from exogenous and endogenous

sources (Figure 46–3). Net absorption of the water

occurs in the small intestine in response to osmotic gradients

that result from the uptake and secretion of ions

and the absorption of nutrients (mainly sugars and

amino acids), with only ~1-1.5 L crossing the ileocecal

valve. The colon then extracts most of the remaining

fluid, leaving ~100 mL of fecal water daily.

Under normal circumstances, these quantities are

well within the range of the total absorptive capacity of

the small bowel (~16 L) and colon (4-5 L). Neurohumoral

mechanisms, pathogens, and drugs can alter these

processes, resulting in changes in either secretion or

absorption of fluid by the intestinal epithelium. Altered

motility also contributes in a general way to this

process, as the extent of absorption parallels transit

time. With decreased motility and excess fluid removal,

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