DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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(ACE) inhibitors (see Chapter 26) also reduce mortality

in patients with coronary disease (Yusuf et al., 2000) and

are particularly recommended for patients when there is

concomitant impairment of cardiac systolic function

(Gibbons et al., 2003).

Coronary artery bypass surgery and percutaneous coronary

interventions such as angioplasty and coronary artery stent deployment

can complement pharmacological treatment. In some subsets

of patients, percutaneous or surgical revascularization may have a

survival advantage over medical treatment alone. Intracoronary drug

delivery using drug-eluting coronary stents represents an intersection

of mechanical and pharmacological approaches in the treatment

of coronary artery disease. Novel therapies that modify the

expression of vascular or myocardial cell genes eventually may

become an important part of the therapy of ischemic heart disease.


These agents are prodrugs that are sources of nitric oxide

(NO). NO activates the soluble isoform of guanylyl

cyclase, thereby increasing intracellular levels of cyclic

GMP. In turn, cyclic GMP promotes the dephosphorylation

of the myosin light chain and the reduction of cystolic

Ca 2+ and leads to the relaxation of smooth muscle

cells in a broad range of tissues. The NO-dependent

relaxation of vascular smooth muscle leads to vasodilation;

NO-mediated guanylyl cyclase activation inhibits

platelet aggregation and relaxes smooth muscle in the

bronchi and GI tract (Murad, 1996).

The broad biological response to nitrovasodilators

reflects the existence of endogenous NO-modulated

regulatory pathways. The endogenous synthesis of NO

in humans is catalyzed by a family of NO synthases that

oxidize the amino acid L-arginine to form NO, plus

L-citrulline as a co-product. There are three distinct

mammalian NO synthase isoforms termed nNOS,

eNOS, and iNOS (see Chapter 3), and they are involved

in processes as diverse as neurotransmission, vasomotion,

and immunomodulation. In several vascular disease

states, pathways of endogenous NO-dependent

regulation appear to be deranged (reviewed in Dudzinski

et al., 2006).

History. Nitroglycerin was first synthesized in 1846 by Sobrero, who

observed that a small quantity placed on the tongue elicited a severe

headache. The explosive properties of nitroglycerin also were soon

noted, and control of this unstable compound for military and industrial

use was not realized until Alfred Nobel devised a process to stabilize

the nitroglycerin and patented a specialized detonator in 1863.

The vast fortune that Nobel accrued from the nitroglycerin detonator

patent provided the funds later used to establish the Nobel prizes.

In 1857, T. Lauder Brunton of Edinburgh administered amyl nitrite,

a known vasodepressor, by inhalation and noted that anginal pain was

relieved within 30- 60 seconds. The action of amyl nitrite was transitory,

however, and the dosage was difficult to adjust. Subsequently,

William Murrell surmised that the action of nitroglycerin mimicked

that of amyl nitrite and established the use of sublingual nitroglycerin

for relief of the acute anginal attack and as a prophylactic agent to be

taken prior to exertion. The empirical observation that organic nitrates

could dramatically and safely alleviate the symptoms of angina pectoris

led to their widespread acceptance by the medical profession.

Indeed, Alfred Nobel himself was prescribed nitroglycerin by his

physicians when he developed angina in 1890. Basic investigations

defined the role of NO in both the vasodilation produced by nitrates

and endogenous vasodilation. The importance of NO as a signaling

molecule in the cardiovascular system and elsewhere was recognized

by the awarding of the 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine/physiology to

the pharmacologists Robert Furchgott, Louis Ignarro, and Ferid


Chemistry. Organic nitrates are polyol esters of nitric acid, whereas

organic nitrites are esters of nitrous acid (Table 27–1). Nitrate esters

(—C—O—NO 2

) and nitrite esters (—C—O—NO) are characterized

by a sequence of carbon–oxygen–nitrogen, whereas nitro compounds

possess carbon–nitrogen bonds (C—NO 2

). Thus glyceryl

trinitrate is not a nitro compound, and it is erroneously called nitroglycerin;

however, this nomenclature is both widespread and official.

Amyl nitrite is a highly volatile liquid that must be administered

by inhalation and is of limited therapeutic utility. Organic nitrates of

low molecular mass (such as nitroglycerin) are moderately volatile,

oily liquids, whereas the high-molecular-mass nitrate esters (e.g.,

erythrityl tetranitrate, isosorbide dinitrate, and isosorbide mononitrate)

are solids. In the pure form (without an inert carrier such as lactose),

nitroglycerin is explosive. The organic nitrates and nitrites,

collectively termed nitrovasodilators, must be metabolized (reduced)

to produce gaseous NO, which appears to be the active principle of

this class of compounds. Nitric oxide gas also can be directly administered

by inhalation (Bloch et al., 2007).

Pharmacological Properties

Mechanism of Action. Nitrites, organic nitrates, nitroso

compounds, and a variety of other nitrogen

oxide–containing substances (including nitroprusside;

see later in the chapter) lead to the formation of the reactive

gaseous free radical NO and related NO-containing

compounds. Nitric oxide gas also may be administered

by inhalation. The exact mechanism(s) of denitration of

the organic nitrates to liberate NO remains an active area

of investigation (Chen et al., 2002).

Phosphorylation of the myosin light chain regulates

the maintenance of the contractile state in smooth

muscle. NO can activate guanylyl cyclase, increase the

cellular level of cyclic GMP, activate PKG, and modulate

the activities of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases

(PDEs 2, 3, and 5) in a variety of cell types.

In smooth muscle, the net result is reduced phosphorylation

of myosin light chain, reduced Ca 2+ concentration

in the cytosol, and relaxation. One important




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