DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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554 effects on different organ systems (Nunn, 2005b).

Responses of individual organ systems to hypoxia are

summarized next.



Respiratory System. Hypoxia stimulates the carotid and aortic

baroreceptors to cause increases in both the rate and depth of ventilation.

Minute volume almost doubles when normal individuals

inspire gas with a PO 2

of 6.6 kPa (50 mm Hg). Dyspnea is not always

experienced with simple hypoxia but occurs when the respiratory

minute volume approaches half the maximal breathing capacity; this

may occur with minimum exertion in patients in whom maximal

breathing capacity is reduced by lung disease. In general, little warning

precedes the loss of consciousness resulting from hypoxia.

Cardiovascular System. Hypoxia causes reflex activation of the sympathetic

nervous system by both autonomic and humoral mechanisms,

resulting in tachycardia and increased cardiac output. Peripheral vascular

resistance, however, decreases primarily through local autoregulatory

mechanisms, with the net result that blood pressure generally

is maintained unless hypoxia is prolonged or severe. In contrast to the

systemic circulation, hypoxia causes pulmonary vasoconstriction and

hypertension, an extension of the normal regional vascular response

that matches perfusion with ventilation to optimize gas exchange in the

lung (hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction).

CNS. The CNS is least able to tolerate hypoxia. Hypoxia is manifest

initially by decreased intellectual capacity and impaired judgment

and psychomotor ability. This state progresses to confusion and restlessness

and ultimately to stupor, coma, and death as the arterial PO 2

decreases below 4-5.3 kPa (30-40 mm Hg). Victims often are

unaware of this progression.

Cellular and Metabolic Effects. When the mitochondrial PO 2


below ~ 0.13 kPa (1 mm Hg), aerobic metabolism stops, and the less

efficient anaerobic pathways of glycolysis become responsible for

the production of cellular energy. End products of anaerobic metabolism,

such as lactic acid, are released into the circulation in measurable

quantities. Energy-dependent ion pumps slow, and

transmembrane ion gradients dissipate. Intracellular concentrations

of Na + , Ca 2+ , and H + increase, finally leading to cell death. The time

course of cellular demise depends on the relative metabolic demands,

oxygen storage capacity, and anaerobic capacity of the individual

organs. Restoration of perfusion and oxygenation prior to hypoxic

cell death paradoxically can result in an accelerated form of cell

injury (ischemia–reperfusion syndrome), which is thought to result

from the generation of highly reactive oxygen free radicals.

Adaptation to Hypoxia. Long-term hypoxia results in adaptive

physiological changes; these have been studied most thoroughly in

persons exposed to high altitude. Adaptations include increased

numbers of pulmonary alveoli, increased concentrations of hemoglobin

in blood and myoglobin in muscle, and a decreased ventilatory

response to hypoxia. Short-term exposure to high altitude

produces similar adaptive changes. In susceptible individuals, however,

acute exposure to high altitude may produce acute mountain

sickness, a syndrome characterized by headache, nausea, dyspnea,

sleep disturbances, and impaired judgment progressing to pulmonary

and cerebral edema. Mountain sickness is treated with rest and analgesics

when mild or supplemental oxygen, descent to lower altitude,

or an increase in ambient pressure when more severe. Acetazolamide

(a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) and dexamethasone also may be

helpful. The syndrome usually can be avoided by a slow ascent to

altitude, adequate hydration, and prophylactic use of acetazolamide

or dexamethasone.

Certain aspects of fetal and newborn physiology are strongly

reminiscent of adaptation mechanisms found in hypoxia-tolerant animals

(Mortola, 1999), including shifts in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation

curve (fetal hemoglobin), reductions in metabolic rate and

body temperature (hibernation-like mode), reductions in heart rate

and circulatory redistribution (as in diving mammals), and redirection

of energy utilization from growth to maintenance metabolism.

These adaptations probably account for the relative tolerance of the

fetus and neonate to both chronic (uterine insufficiency) and shortterm


Oxygen Inhalation

Physiological Effects of Oxygen Inhalation. Oxygen

inhalation is used primarily to reverse or prevent the

development of hypoxia; other consequences usually

are minor. However, when O 2

is breathed in excessive

amounts or for prolonged periods, secondary physiological

changes and toxic effects can occur.

Respiratory System. Inhalation of O 2

at 1 atm or above causes a

small degree of respiratory depression in normal subjects, presumably

as a result of loss of tonic chemoreceptor activity. However,

ventilation typically increases within a few minutes of O 2


because of a paradoxical increase in the tension of CO 2

in tissues.

This increase results from the increased concentration of oxyhemoglobin

in venous blood, which causes less efficient removal of carbon

dioxide from the tissues.

In a small number of patients whose respiratory center is

depressed by long-term retention of CO 2

, injury, or drugs, ventilation

is maintained largely by stimulation of carotid and aortic chemoreceptors,

commonly referred to as the hypoxic drive. The provision of

too much oxygen can depress this drive, resulting in respiratory acidosis.

In these cases, supplemental oxygen should be titrated carefully

to ensure adequate arterial saturation. If hypoventilation results,

then mechanical ventilatory support with or without tracheal intubation

should be provided.

Expansion of poorly ventilated alveoli is maintained in part

by the nitrogen content of alveolar gas; nitrogen is poorly soluble

and thus remains in the airspaces while oxygen is absorbed. High

oxygen concentrations delivered to poorly ventilated lung regions

dilute the nitrogen content and can promote absorption atelectasis,

occasionally resulting in an increase in shunt and a paradoxical worsening

of hypoxemia after a period of oxygen administration.

Cardiovascular System. Aside from reversing the effects of hypoxia,

the physiological consequences of oxygen inhalation on the cardiovascular

system are of little significance. Heart rate and cardiac output

are slightly reduced when 100% O 2

is breathed; blood pressure

changes little. While pulmonary arterial pressure changes little in

normal subjects with oxygen inhalation, elevated pulmonary artery

pressures in patients living at high altitude who have chronic hypoxic

pulmonary hypertension may reverse with oxygen therapy or return

to sea level. In particular, in neonates with congenital heart disease

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