DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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played by the organ systems with which the receptors

are associated. Whereas the primary clinical use of

opioids is for their pain-relieving properties, opioids

produce a host of other effects. This is not surprising in

view of the wide distribution of opioid receptors in the

brain and the periphery. Within the nervous systems,

these effects range from analgesia to effects upon motivation

and higher-order affect (euphoria), arousal, and

a number of autonomic, hormonal, and motor

processes. In the periphery, opiates can influence a

variety of visceromotor systems, including those related

to GI motility and smooth muscle tone. The next sections

consider these class actions and their mechanisms.

Analgesia. In humans, morphine-like drugs produce analgesia,

drowsiness, changes in mood, and mental clouding.

When therapeutic doses of morphine are given to

patients with pain, they report the pain to be less intense

or entirely gone. Patients frequently report that the pain,

though still present, is tolerable and that they feel more

comfortable. In addition to relief of distress, some patients

may experience euphoria. A significant feature of the

analgesia is that it often occurs without loss of consciousness,

though drowsiness commonly occurs (see

“Respiration” later in the chapter). Morphine at these

doses does not have anticonvulsant activity and usually

does not cause slurred speech, emotional lability, or significant

motor uncoordination.

When morphine in an analgesic dose is given to

normal, pain-free individuals, the patients may report

the drug experience to be frankly unpleasant. There

may be drowsiness, difficulty in mentation, apathy, and

lessened physical activity. As the dose is increased, the

subjective, analgesic, and toxic effects, including respiratory

depression, become more pronounced.

Specificity of Analgesic Effects. The relief of pain by morphine-like

opioids is selective in that other somatosensory modalities, such as

light touch, proprioception, and the sense of moderate temperatures,

are unaffected. Systematic psychophysical studies have shown that

low doses of morphine produce reductions in the affective but not the

perceived intensity of pain whereas higher (clinically effective) doses

reduced both reported perceived intensity and the affective response

otherwise evoked by acute experimental pain stimuli (Price et al.,

1985). In general, continuous dull pain (as generated by tissue injury

and inflammation) is relieved more effectively than sharp intermittent

(incident) pain, such as that associated with the movement of

an inflamed joint, but with sufficient amounts of opioid it is possible

to relieve even the severe piercing pain associated with acute

renal or biliary colic.

Pain States and Mechanisms Underlying Different Pain States. Any

meaningful discussion of the action of analgesic agents must include

the appreciation that all pain is not the same and that a number of variables

contribute to the patient’s pain report and therefore to the effect

of the analgesic. Heuristically, one may think mechanistically of pain

as several distinct sets of events, described in the next sections.

Acute Nociception. Acute activation of small high-threshold sensory

afferents (Aδ and C fibers) generates transient input into the spinal

cord, which in turn leads to activation of neurons that project contralaterally

to the thalamus and thence to the somatosensory cortex.

A parallel spinofugal projection is to the medial thalamus and from

there to the anterior cingulate cortex, part of the limbic system. The

output produced by acutely activating this ascending system is sufficient

to evoke pain reports. Examples of such stimuli include a hot

coffee cup, a needle stick, or an incision.

Tissue Injury. Following tissue injury or local inflammation (e.g., local

skin burn, toothache, rheumatoid joint), an ongoing pain state arises

that is characterized by burning, throbbing, or aching and an abnormal

pain response (hyperalgesia) and can be evoked by otherwise

innocuous or mildly aversive stimuli (tepid bathwater on a sunburn;

moderate extension of an injured joint). This pain typically reflects

the effects of active factors (such as prostaglandins, bradykinin,

cytokines, and H + ions, among many mediators) released into the

injury site, which have the ability to activate the terminal of small

high-threshold afferents (Aδ and C fibers) and to reduce the stimulus

intensity required to activate these sensory afferents (peripheral

sensitization). In addition, the ongoing afferent traffic initiated by the

injury leads to the activation of spinal facilitatory cascades, yielding

a greater output to the brain for any given input. This facilitation is

thought to underlie the hyperalgesic states. Such tissue injuryevoked

pain is often referred to as “nociceptive” pain (Figure 18–4)

Tissue Injury

Local release of active

factors. (PG, BK, K)

Persistent activation/

sensitization of Aδ/C.

Activity in ascending pathways


spinal facilitation

Exaggerated output for

given stimulus input

Ongoing pain + Hyperalgesia





Figure 18–4. Mechanistic flow diagram of tissue injury–evoked





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