DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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60 mV

(+) (–)


15 mV



Principal cell

Principal cell

75 mV

(–) (+)

K + CH




Na + Na + Na +


Na + channel inhibitors

Type A intercalated cell


H + HCO 3


(1) A

H 2 CO 3

Cl –

K + Cl –



H + CA

CO 2 + H 2 O

CO 2 + H 2 O

Principal cell

CH (2)




Figure 25–10. Na + reabsorption in late distal tubule and collecting

duct and mechanism of diuretic action of epithelial Na + -

channel inhibitors. Cl – reabsorption (not shown) occurs both

paracellularly and transcellularly, and the precise mechanism of

Cl – transport appears to be species-specific. Numbers in parentheses

indicate stoichiometry. Designated voltages are the potential

differences across the indicated membrane or cell. A,

antiporter; CH, ion channel; CA, carbonic anhydrase; BL, basolateral

membrane; LM, luminal membrane.

of the luminal membrane and thereby enhances the lumen-negative


, which facilitates K + excretion. In addition to principal cells, the

collecting duct also contains type A intercalated cells that mediate H +

secretion into the tubular lumen. Tubular acidification is driven by a

luminal H + -ATPase (proton pump), and this pump is aided by partial

depolarization of the luminal membrane. The luminal H + -ATPase is

of the vacuolar-type and is distinct from the gastric H + -K + -ATPase

that is inhibited by drugs such as omeprazole. However, increased

distal Na + delivery is not the only mechanism by which diuretics

increase K + and H + excretion. Activation of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone

axis by diuretics also contributes to diuretic-induced K +

and H + excretion, as discussed later in the section on mineralocorticoid


Considerable evidence indicates that amiloride blocks epithelial

Na + channels in the luminal membrane of principal cells in late

distal tubule and collecting duct. The amiloride-sensitive Na + channel

(called ENaC) consists of three subunits (α, β, and γ ) (Kleyman

et al., 1999). Although the α subunit is sufficient for channel activity,

maximal Na + permeability is induced when all three subunits are

coexpressed in the same cell, probably forming a tetrameric structure

consisting of two α subunits, one β subunit, and one γ subunit.




Studies in Xenopus oocytes expressing ENaC suggest that triamterene

and amiloride bind ENaC by similar mechanisms. The K i

of amiloride for ENaC is submicromolar, and molecular studies identified

critical domains in ENaC that participate in amiloride binding

(Kleyman et al., 1999). Liddle syndrome is an autosomal dominant

form of low-renin, volume-expanded hypertension that is due to

mutations in the β or γ subunits, leading to increased basal ENaC


Effects on Urinary Excretion. Since the late distal tubule

and collecting duct have a limited capacity to reabsorb

solutes, Na + channel blockade in this part of the

nephron only mildly increases Na + and Cl – excretion

rates (~2% of filtered load). Blockade of Na + channels

hyperpolarizes the luminal membrane, reducing the

lumen-negative transepithelial voltage. Since the

lumen-negative potential difference normally opposes

cation reabsorption and facilitates cation secretion,

attenuation of the lumen-negative voltage decreases K + ,

H + , Ca 2+ , and Mg 2+ excretion rates. Volume contraction

may increase reabsorption of uric acid in the proximal

tubule; hence chronic administration of amiloride and

triamterene may decrease uric acid excretion.

Effects on Renal Hemodynamics. Amiloride and triamterene

have little or no effect on renal hemodynamics

and do not alter TGF.

Other Actions. Amiloride, at concentrations higher than needed to

elicit therapeutic effects, also blocks the Na + -H + and Na + -Ca 2+

antiporters and inhibits Na + , K + -ATPase.

Absorption and Elimination. Pharmacokinetic data for

amiloride and triamterene are listed in Table 25–6.

Amiloride is eliminated predominantly by urinary excretion

of intact drug. Triamterene is metabolized extensively to an active

metabolite, 4-hydroxytriamterene sulfate, and this metabolite is

excreted in urine. The pharmacological activity of 4-hydroxytriamterene

sulfate is comparable with that of the parent drug.

Therefore, triamterene toxicity may be enhanced in both hepatic disease

(decreased metabolism of triamterene) and renal failure

(decreased urinary excretion of active metabolite).

Toxicity, Adverse Effects, Contraindications, Drug

Interactions. The most dangerous adverse effect of

renal Na + -channel inhibitors is hyperkalemia, which

can be life-threatening. Consequently, amiloride and triamterene

are contraindicated in patients with hyperkalemia,

as well as in patients at increased risk of

developing hyperkalemia (e.g., patients with renal

failure, patients receiving other K + -sparing diuretics,

patients taking angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors,

or patients taking K + supplements). Even NSAIDs can

increase the likelihood of hyperkalemia in patients

receiving Na + -channel inhibitors.




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