DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Lewis, 1999). The following species are also susceptible: M. gordonae,

M. marinum, M. scrofulaceum, M. szulgai. However, the majority

of M. xenopi, M. fortuitum, and M. chelonae have been reported

as resistant (Lewis, 1999).

Mechanisms of Resistance. In vitro, mycobacterial resistance to the

drug develops via mutations in the embB gene. In 30-70% of clinical

isolates that are resistant to ethambutol, mutations are encountered

at codon 306 of the embB gene. However, mutations in this

codon are also encountered in ethambutol-susceptible mycobacteria,

as though this mutation is necessary, but not sufficient, to confer

ethambutol resistance (Safi et al., 2008). In addition, enhanced

efflux pump activity may induce resistance to both isoniazid and

ethambutol in the laboratory.

Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion. The oral

bioavailability of ethambutol is ~80%. Approximately 10-40% of

the drug is bound to plasma protein. Ethambutol drug concentrations

have been modeled using a two-compartment open model, with firstorder

absorption and elimination (Peloquin et al., 1999; Zhu et al.,

2004). The decline in ethambutol is biexponential, with a t 1/2


3 hours in the first 12 hours, and a t 1/2

of 9 hours between 12 and

24 hours, due to redistribution of drug. Clearance and V d

are greater

in children than in adults on a per kilogram basis. Slow and incomplete

absorption is common in children, so that good peak concentrations

of drug are often not achieved with standard dosing (Zhu

et al., 2004). In addition, these C max

values are not very impressive

given the typical MIC values for most clinical isolates of mycobacteria.

See Table 56–2 for PK data on this drug.

Alcohol dehydrogenase oxidizes ethambutol to an aldehyde,

which is then oxidized by aldehyde dehydrogenase to dicarboxylic

acid. However, 80% of the drug is not metabolized at all and is

renally excreted. Therefore, in renal failure ethambutol should be

dosed at 15-25 mg/kg, three times a week instead of daily, even in

patients receiving hemodialysis.

Microbial pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics. Ethambutol’s

microbial kill of M. tuberculosis is optimized by AUC/MIC, while

that against disseminated MAC is optimized by C max


(Srivastava et al., 2010; Deshpande et al., 2010). Thus, to optimize

microbial kill, high intermittent doses such as 25 mg/kg

every other day to 50 mg/kg twice a week may be superior to daily

doses of 15 mg/kg.

Therapeutic Uses. Ethambutol is available for oral administration

in tablets containing the D-isomer. It is used for the treatment

of TB, disseminated MAC, and in M. kansasii infection.

Ethambutol is administered at 15-25 mg/kg per day for both adults

and children.

Untoward Effects. Ethambutol produces very few serious untoward

reactions. Fewer than 2% of patients who receive daily doses of

15 mg/kg of ethambutol have adverse reactions: ~1% experience

diminished visual acuity, 0.5% a rash, and 0.3% drug fever. Other

side effects that have been observed are pruritus, joint pain, GI upset,

abdominal pain, malaise, headache, dizziness, mental confusion, disorientation,

and possible hallucinations. Numbness and tingling of

the fingers owing to peripheral neuritis are infrequent. Anaphylaxis

and leukopenia are rare. Therapy with ethambutol results in an

increased concentration of urate in the blood in ~50% of patients,

owing to decreased renal excretion of uric acid.

The most important side effect is optic neuritis, resulting in

decreased visual acuity and loss of ability to differentiate red from

green. The incidence of this reaction is proportional to the dose of

ethambutol and is observed in 15% of patients receiving 50

mg/kg/day, in 5% of patients receiving 25 mg/kg/day, and in <1%

of patients receiving daily doses of 15 mg/kg. The intensity of the

visual difficulty is related to the duration of therapy after the

decreased visual acuity first becomes apparent and may be unilateral

or bilateral. Tests of visual acuity and red-green discrimination

prior to the start of therapy and periodically thereafter are thus recommended.

Recovery usually occurs when ethambutol is withdrawn;

the time required is a function of the degree of visual


Cases of ethambutol overdose are rare; drug interactions

involving ethambutol are not significant.

Aminoglycosides: Streptomycin,

Amikacin, and Kanamycin

The aminoglycosides streptomycin, amikacin, and

kanamycin are used for the treatment of mycobacterial

diseases. The MICs for M. tuberculosis in Middlebrook

broth are 0.25-3.0 mg/L for all three aminoglycosides

(Heifets, 1991). For M. avium streptomycin and

amikacin, MICs are 1-8 mg/L; those of kanamycin are

3-12 mg/L. M. kansasii is frequently susceptible to

these agents, but other nontuberculous mycobacteria

are only occasionally susceptible. The pharmacological

properties and therapeutic uses of aminoglycosides

are discussed in full in Chapter 54.

Bacterial Resistance. Primary resistance to streptomycin is found in

2-3% of M. tuberculosis clinical isolates. Streptomycin and the two

other aminoglycosides inhibit protein synthesis by binding to the

30S ribosomal subunit and causing misreading of the genetic code

during translation. The 30s ribosomal unit is made of the 16S mRNA

(encoded by rpsL), which binds to the ribosomal protein S12

(encoded by rrs) to optimize tRNA binding and mRNA decoding.

Mutations in rpsL and rrs are associated with high-level aminoglycoside

resistance in mycobacteria. However, mutations in these

genes are only encountered in half of clinical isolates with aminoglycoside

resistance. GidB is an rRNA methyltransferase for 16S rRNA,

and mutations in gidB gene are associated with low-level streptomycin

resistance (Okamoto et al., 2007). The gidB mutations lead to

high-level streptomycin resistant mutants at a rate 2000 times that in

wild type. Mutations in gidB are encountered in 33% of streptomycin-resistant

clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis. Finally, efflux

pump–mediated resistance was recently demonstrated in clinical isolates

with low-level streptomycin-resistant M. tuberculosis and interacted

with chromosomal mutations in gidB (Spies et al., 2008). Thus

resistance to aminoglycosides involves several genetic loci, as well

as efflux pumps.

Therapeutic Uses. Therapeutic uses of aminoglycosides in treatment

of mycobacterial infections are discussed later.




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