DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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200 by activation of β 2

adrenergic receptors, angiotensin

AT 2

receptors, and nACh receptors. All of these receptors

can be targets for agonists and antagonists (Kubista

and Boehm, 2006).

Termination of the Actions of Catecholamines. The

actions of NE and epinephrine are terminated by:



• reuptake into nerve terminals by NET

• dilution by diffusion out of the junctional cleft and

uptake at extraneuronal sites by ENT, OCT 1, and


Following uptake, catecholamines can be metabolized

(in neuronal and non-neuronal cells) or re-stored

in vesicles (in neurons). Two enzymes are important

in the initial steps of metabolic transformation of

catecholamines—monoamine oxidase (MAO) and

catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT). In addition,

catecholamines are metabolized by sulfotransferases

(Dooley, 1998) (Chapter 6). However, termination of

action by a powerful degradative enzymatic pathway,

such as that provided by AChE at sites of cholinergic

transmission, is absent from the adrenergic nervous system.

The importance of neuronal reuptake of catecholamines

is shown by observations that inhibitors of

this process (e.g., cocaine and imipramine) potentiate

the effects of the neurotransmitter; inhibitors of MAO

and COMT have relatively little effect. However, MAO

metabolizes transmitter that is released within the nerve

terminal. COMT, particularly in the liver, plays a major

role in the metabolism of endogenous circulating and

administered catecholamines.

Both MAO and COMT are distributed widely throughout the

body, including the brain; the highest concentrations of each are in the

liver and the kidney. However, little or no COMT is found in sympathetic

neurons. In the brain, there is also no significant COMT in presynaptic

terminals, but it is found in some postsynaptic neurons and glial

cells. In the kidney, COMT is localized in proximal tubular epithelial

cells, where DA is synthesized, and is thought to exert local diuretic

and natriuretic effects. The physiological substrates for COMT include

L-dopa, all three endogenous catecholamines (DA, NE, and epinephrine),

their hydroxylated metabolites, catecholestrogens, ascorbic acid,

and dihydroxyindolic intermediates of melanin (Männistö and

Kaakkola, 1999). There are distinct differences in the cytological locations

of the two enzymes; MAO is associated chiefly with the outer

surface of mitochondria, including those within the terminals of sympathetic

or central noradrenergic neuronal fibers, whereas COMT is

largely cytoplasmic except in the chromaffin cells of the adrenal

medulla, where COMT is present as a membrane-bound form. These

factors are of importance both in determining the primary metabolic

pathways followed by catecholamines in various circumstances and

in explaining the effects of certain drugs. Two different isozymes of

MAO (MAO-A and MAO-B) are found in widely varying proportions

in different cells in the CNS and in peripheral tissues. In the periphery,

MAO-A is located in the syncytiotrophoblast layer of term placenta

and liver, whereas MAO-B is located in platelets, lymphocytes,

and liver. In the brain, MAO-A is located in all regions containing catecholamines,

with the highest abundance in the locus ceruleus. MAO-B,

on the other hand, is found primarily in regions that are known to synthesize

and store 5-HT. MAO-B is most prominent in the nucleus

raphe dorsalis but also in the posterior hypothalamus and in glial cells

in regions known to contain nerve terminals. MAO-B is also present

in osteocytes around blood vessels (Abell and Kwan, 2001). Selective

inhibitors of these two isozymes are available (Chapter 15).

Irreversible antagonists of MAO-A (e.g., phenelzine, tranylcypromine,

and isocarboxazid) enhance the bioavailability of tyramine contained

in many foods; tyramine-induced NE release from sympathetic neurons

may lead to markedly increased blood pressure (hypertensive crisis).

Selective MAO-B inhibitors (e.g., selegiline) or reversible

MAO-A–selective inhibitors (e.g., moclobemide) are less likely to

cause this potential interaction (Volz and Geiter, 1998; Wouters, 1998).

MAO inhibitors are useful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and

mental depression (Chapters 15 and 22).

Inhibitors of MAO (e.g., pargyline and nialamide) can cause

an increase in the concentration of NE, DA, and 5-HT in the brain

and other tissues accompanied by a variety of pharmacological

effects. No striking pharmacological action in the periphery can be

attributed to the inhibition of COMT. However, the COMT inhibitors

entacapone and tocapone have been found to be efficacious in the

therapy of Parkinson’s disease (Chong and Mersfelder, 2000)

(Chapter 22).

There is ongoing passive leakage of catecholamines from

vesicular storage granules of sympathetric neurons and adrenal

medullary chromaffin cells. As a consequence, most metabolism of

catecholamines takes place in the same cells where the amines are

synthesized and stored. VMAT2 effectively sequesters ~90% of the

amines leaking into the cytoplasm back into storage vesicles; ~10%

escapes sequestration and is metabolized (Eisenhofer et al., 2004).

Sympathetic nerves contain MAO but not COMT, and this

MAO catalyzes only the first step of a two-step reaction. MAO converts

NE or epinephrine into a short-lived intermediate, DOPGAL,

which undergoes further metabolism in a second step catalyzed by

another group of enzymes forming more stable alcohol- or acid-deaminated

metabolites. Aldehyde dehydrogenase metabolizes DOPGAL to

3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid (DOMA), while aldehyde reductase

metabolized DOPGAL to 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl glycol (DOPEG). In

addition to aldehyde reductase, a related enzyme, aldose reductase,

can also reduce a catecholamine to its corresponding alcohol. This latter

enzyme is present in sympathetic neurons and adrenal chromaffin

cells. Under normal circumstances, DOMA is an insignificant metabolite

of NE and epinephrine, with DOPEG being the main metabolite

produced by deamination in sympathetic neurons and adrenal

medullary chromaffin cells.

Once it leaves the sites of formation (sympathetic neurons,

adrenal medulla), DOPEG is converted to 3-methyl, 4-hydroxy

phenylglycol (MOPEG) by COMT. Therefore most MOPEG comes

from the extraneuronal O-methylation of DOPEG produced in and

diffusing rapidly from sympathetic neurons into the extracellular

fluid. MOPEG is then converted to vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) by

the sequential action of alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase.

MOPEG is first converted to the unstable aldehyde metabolite

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