DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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heterogeneous. Some of these drugs have markedly different

affinities for α 1

and α 2

receptors. For example,

prazosin is much more potent in blocking α 1

than α 2

receptors (i.e., α 1

selective), whereas yohimbine is α 2

selective; phentolamine has similar affinities for both of

these receptor subtypes. More recently, agents that discriminate

among the various subtypes of a particular

receptor have become available; e.g., tamsulosin has

higher potency at α 1A

than at α 1B

receptors. Figure 12–6

shows the structural formulas of many of these agents.

Prior editions of this textbook contain information about

the chemistry of α receptor antagonists.

Some of the most important effects of α receptor

antagonists observed clinically are on the cardiovascular

system. Actions in both the CNS and the periphery

are involved; the outcome depends on the cardiovascular

status of the patient at the time of drug administration

and the relative selectivity of the agent for α 1


α 2


Catecholamines increase the output of glucose

from the liver; in humans this effect is mediated predominantly

by β receptors, although α receptors may

contribute. α Receptor antagonists therefore may

reduce glucose release. Receptors of the α 2A


facilitate platelet aggregation; the effect of blockade of

platelet α 2

receptors in vivo is not clear. Activation of α 2

receptors in the pancreatic islets suppresses insulin

secretion; conversely, blockade of pancreatic α 2


may facilitate insulin release (Chapter 43).

α 1

Receptor Antagonists

General Pharmacological Properties. Blockade of α 1

adrenergic receptors inhibits vasoconstriction induced

by endogenous catecholamines; vasodilation may

occur in both arteriolar resistance vessels and veins.

The result is a fall in blood pressure due to decreased

peripheral resistance. The magnitude of such effects

depends on the activity of the sympathetic nervous

system at the time the antagonist is administered, and

thus is less in supine than in upright subjects and is

particularly marked if there is hypovolemia. For most

α receptor antagonists, the fall in blood pressure is

opposed by baroreceptor reflexes that cause increases

in heart rate and cardiac output, as well as fluid retention.

These reflexes are exaggerated if the antagonist

also blocks α 2

receptors on peripheral sympathetic

nerve endings, leading to enhanced release of NE and

increased stimulation of postsynaptic β 1

receptors in

the heart and on juxtaglomerular cells (Chapter 8)

(Starke et al., 1989). Although stimulation of α 1

receptors in the heart may cause an increased force

of contraction, the importance of blockade at this site

in humans is uncertain.

Blockade of α 1

receptors also inhibits vasoconstriction

and the increase in blood pressure produced

by the administration of a sympathomimetic amine. The

pattern of effects depends on the adrenergic agonist that

is administered: pressor responses to phenylephrine can

be completely suppressed; those to NE are only incompletely

blocked because of residual stimulation of cardiac

β 1

receptors; and pressor responses to epinephrine

may be transformed to vasodepressor effects because

of residual stimulation of β 2

receptors in the vasculature

with resultant vasodilation.

Blockade of α 1

receptors can alleviate some of

the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

The symptoms of BPH include a resistance to urine outflow.

This results from mechanical pressure on the urethra

due to an increase in smooth muscle mass and an

α adrenergic receptor mediated increase in smooth

muscle tone in the prostate and neck of the bladder.

Antagonism of α 1

receptors permits relaxation of the

smooth muscle and decreases the resistance to the outflow

of urine. The prostate and lower urinary tract tissues

exhibit a high proportion of α 1A

receptors (Michel

and Vrydag, 2006).

Available Agents

Prazosin and Related Drugs. Due in part to its greater α 1

receptor selectivity, this class of α receptor antagonists

exhibits greater clinical utility and has largely replaced

the non-selective haloalkylamine (e.g., phenoxybenzamine)

and imidazoline (e.g., phentolamine) α receptor


Prazosin is the prototypical α 1

-selective antagonist.

The affinity of prazosin for α 1

adrenergic receptors

is ~1000-fold greater than that for α 2


receptors. Prazosin has similar potencies at α 1A

, α 1B


and α 1D

subtypes. Interestingly, the drug also is a relatively

potent inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases,

and it originally was synthesized for this

purpose. The pharmacological properties of prazosin

have been characterized extensively. Prazosin and the

related α receptor antagonists, doxazosin and tamsulosin,

frequently are used for the treatment of hypertension

(Chapter 27).

Pharmacological Properties. The major effects of prazosin result from

its blockade of α 1

receptors in arterioles and veins. This leads to a fall

in peripheral vascular resistance and in venous return to the heart.

Unlike other vasodilating drugs, administration of prazosin usually

does not increase heart rate. Since prazosin has little or no α 2


blocking effect at concentrations achieved clinically, it probably does




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