DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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intake, malabsorption, blood loss, or an increased

requirement, as with pregnancy. When severe, it results

in a characteristic microcytic, hypochromic anemia.

However, the impact of iron deficiency is not limited to

the erythron (Dallman, 1982). Iron also is an essential

component of myoglobin; heme enzymes such as the

cytochromes, catalase, and peroxidase; and the metalloflavoprotein

enzymes, including xanthine oxidase

and the mitochondrial enzyme α-glycerophosphate oxidase.

Iron deficiency can affect metabolism in muscle

independently of the effect of anemia on oxygen delivery.

This may reflect a reduction in the activity of irondependent

mitochondrial enzymes. Iron deficiency also

has been associated with behavioral and learning problems

in children, abnormalities in catecholamine

metabolism, and possibly, impaired heat production.

Awareness of the ubiquitous role of iron has stimulated

considerable interest in the early and accurate detection

of iron deficiency and in its prevention.

History. The modern understanding of iron metabolism began in

1937 with the work of McCance and Widdowson on iron absorption

and excretion and Heilmeyer and Plotner’s measurement of iron in

plasma (Beutler, 2002). In 1947, Laurell described a plasma iron

transport protein that he called transferrin (Laurell, 1951). Hahn and

coworkers first used radioactive isotopes to measure iron absorption

and define the role of the intestinal mucosa to regulate this function

(Hahn, 1948). In the next decade, Huff and associates initiated isotopic

studies of internal iron metabolism. The subsequent development

of practical clinical measurements of serum iron, transferrin

saturation, plasma ferritin, and red-cell protoporphyrin permitted the

definition and detection of the body’s iron store status and irondeficient

erythropoiesis. In 1994, Feder and colleagues identified the

HFE gene, which is mutated in type 1 hemochromatosis, on the

short arm of chromosome 6 at 6p21.3 (Feder et al., 1996). In 2000,

Ganz and colleagues discovered a peptide produced by the liver,

which was termed hepcidin (Park et al., 2001). Soon thereafter hepcidin

was found to be the master regulator of iron homeostasis and

to play a role in anemia of chronic disease (Ganz, 2003; Ganz and

Nemeth, 2009).

Iron and the Environment. Iron exists in the environment largely as

ferric oxide or hydroxide or as polymers. In this state, its biological

availability is limited unless solubilized by acid or chelating agents.

For example, bacteria and some plants produce high-affinity chelating

agents that extract iron from the surrounding environment. Most

mammals have little difficulty in acquiring iron; this is explained by

an ample iron intake and perhaps also by a greater efficiency in

absorbing iron. Humans, however, appear to be an exception.

Although total dietary intake of elemental iron in humans usually

exceeds requirements, the bioavailability of the iron in the diet is


Metabolism of Iron. The body store of iron is divided

between essential iron-containing compounds and

excess iron, which is held in storage. Quantitatively,

Table 37–2

The Body Content of Iron



Essential iron

Hemoglobin 31 28

Myoglobin and enzymes 6 5

Storage iron 13 4

Total 50 37

hemoglobin dominates the essential fraction (Table 37–2).

This protein, with a molecular weight of 64,500 Da,

contains four atoms of iron per molecule, amounting to

1.1 mg (20 μmol) of iron per milliliter of red blood

cells. Other forms of essential iron include myoglobin

and a variety of heme and nonheme iron-dependent

enzymes. Ferritin is a protein-iron storage complex that

exists as individual molecules or as aggregates. Apoferritin

has a molecular weight of ~450,000 and is composed of

24 polypeptide subunits that form an outer shell, within

which resides a storage cavity for polynuclear hydrous

ferric oxide phosphate. More than 30% of the weight

of ferritin may be iron (4000 atoms of iron per ferritin

molecule). Ferritin aggregates, referred to as hemosiderin

and visible by light microscopy, constitute about

one-third of normal stores, a fraction that increases as

stores enlarge. The two predominant sites of iron storage

are the reticuloendothelial system and the hepatocytes,

although some storage also occurs in muscle.

Internal exchange of iron is accomplished by the

plasma protein transferrin (Garrick and Garrick, 2009).

This 76-kDa β 1

-glycoprotein has two binding sites for

ferric iron. Iron is delivered from transferrin to intracellular

sites by means of specific transferrin receptors

in the plasma membrane. The iron-transferrin complex

binds to the receptor, and the ternary complex is internalized

through clathrin-coated pits by receptormediated

endocytosis. A proton-pumping ATPase

lowers the pH of the intracellular vesicular compartment

(the endosomes) to ~5.5. Iron subsequently dissociates

and the receptor returns the apotransferrin to the

cell surface, where it is released into the extracellular


Cells regulate their expression of transferrin receptors and

intracellular ferritin in response to the iron supply (De Domenico et al.,

2008). The synthesis of apoferritin and transferrin receptors is regulated

post-transcriptionally by two iron-regulatory proteins 1 and 2




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