DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1708 prior to therapy is required to prevent progressive fluid retention and

minimize the severity of hypersensitivity reactions.

Mechanism of Action. Interest in paclitaxel was stimulated by the

drug’s unique ability to promote microtubule formation at cold temperatures

and in the absence of GTP. It binds specifically to the

β-tubulin subunit of microtubules and antagonizes the disassembly

of this key cytoskeletal protein, with the result that bundles of microtubules

and aberrant structures derived from microtubules appear in

the mitotic phase of the cell cycle. Arrest in mitosis follows. Cell

killing is dependent on both drug concentration and duration of cell

exposure. Drugs that block cell-cycle progression prior to mitosis

antagonize the toxic effects of taxanes.

Drug interactions have been noted; the sequence of cisplatin

preceding paclitaxel decreases paclitaxel clearance and produces

greater toxicity than the opposite schedule (Rowinsky and

Donehower, 1995). Paclitaxel decreases doxorubicin clearance and

enhances cardiotoxicity, while docetaxel has no apparent effect on

anthracycline pharmacokinetics.

In cultured tumor cells, resistance to taxanes is associated in

some lines with increased expression of the mdr-1 gene and its product,

P-glycoprotein; other resistant cells have β-tubulin mutations,

and these latter cells may display heightened sensitivity to vinca alkaloids

(Cabral, 1983). Other resistant cell lines display an increase in

survivin, an anti-apoptotic factor, α aurora kinase, an enzyme that

promotes completion of mitosis. The taxanes preferentially bind to

the βII-tubulin subunit of microtubules; therefore, cells may become

resistant by upregulating the βIII-isoform of tubulin (Ranganathan

et al., 1998). The basis of clinical drug resistance is not known. Cell

death occurs by apoptosis, but the effectiveness of paclitaxel against

experimental tumors does not depend on an intact p53 gene product.

Preclinical studies have suggested that nab-paclitaxel has an

increased antitumor effect in breast cancer and a higher intratumoral

drug concentration compared to cremophor-delivered paclitaxel. The

reasons are not clear but may relate to maintenance of the drug in the

nanoparticle micellar system or to increased expression of SPARC

[Secreted Protein, Acidic and Rich in Cysteine; aka osteonectin, a

matri-cellular linkage protein expressed in pro-fibrotic states and

linked to myriad pathologies [Kos and Wilding, 2010; Chlenski and

Cohn, 2010]) on tumor cells, leading to an increased drug uptake.



Absorption, Fate, and Excretion. Paclitaxel is administered as a 3-hour

infusion of 135-175 mg/m 2 every 3 weeks or as a weekly 1-hour

infusion of 80-100 mg/m 2 . Prolonged infusions (96 hours) also have

been evaluated in different tumor histologies and are active. The drug

undergoes extensive metabolism by hepatic CYPs (primarily

CYP2C8 with a contribution of CYP3A4); <10% of a dose is

excreted in the urine intact. The primary metabolite identified thus

far is 6-OH paclitaxel, which is inactive, but multiple additional

hydroxylation products are found in plasma (Cresteil et al., 1994).

Paclitaxel clearance is nonlinear and decreases with increasing

dose or dose rate. In studies of 96-hour infusions of 140 mg/m 2

(35 mg/m 2 /day), the presence of hepatic metastases >2 cm in diameter

decreased clearance and led to high drug concentrations in

plasma and greater myelosuppression. Paclitaxel disappears from

the plasma compartment with a t 1/2

of 10-14 hours and a clearance

of 15-18 L/hr/m 2 . The critical plasma concentration for inhibiting

bone marrow elements depends on duration of exposure but likely

lies at ~50-100 nM (Huizing et al., 1993).

Nab-paclitaxel achieves a higher serum concentration of

paclitaxel compared to CREMOPHOR-solubilized paclitaxel, but the

increased clearance of nab-paclitaxel results in a similar drug exposure

(Gardner et al., 2008). Nab-paclitaxel is most often administered

intravenously over 30 minutes at 260 mg/m 2 every 3 weeks;

however, alternate dosing regimens are being evaluated. Like the

other taxanes, nab-paclitaxel should not be given to patients with an

absolute neutrophil count <1500 cells/mm 3 . Docetaxel pharmacokinetics

are similar to those of paclitaxel, with an elimination t 1/2


~12 hours. Clearance is primarily through CYP3A4- and CYP3A5-

mediated hydroxylation, leading to inactive metabolites (Clarke and

Rivory, 1999). In contrast to paclitaxel, the pharmacokinetics of docetaxel

are linear for doses ≤115 mg/m 2 .

Dose reductions in patients with abnormal hepatic function

have been suggested, and 50-75% doses of taxanes should be used

in the presence of hepatic metastases >2 cm in size or in patients

with abnormal serum bilirubin. Drugs that induce CYP2C8 or

CYP3A4, such as phenytoin and phenobarbital, or those that inhibit

the same cytochromes, such as antifungal imidazoles, significantly

alter drug clearance and toxicity.

Paclitaxel clearance is markedly delayed by cyclosporine A

and a number of other drugs employed experimentally as inhibitors

of the P-glycoprotein. This inhibition may be due to a block of CYPmediated

metabolism or effects on biliary excretion of the parent

drug or metabolites.

Therapeutic Uses. The taxanes have become central components of

regimens for treating metastatic ovarian, breast, lung, GI, genitourinary,

and head and neck cancers. In current regimens, these drugs are

administered once weekly or once every 3 weeks. The appropriate

use of the steroid-sparing nab-paclitaxel still is being evaluated in

clinical trials; in a randomized phase III study comparing 175 mg/m 2

of paclitaxel to 260 mg/m 2 of nab-paclitaxel in women with metastatic

breast cancer, the nab-paclitaxel arm had a higher response rate

and longer time to progression compared to the paclitaxel arm

(Gradishar et al., 2005).

Clinical Toxicities. Paclitaxel exerts its primary toxic effects on the

bone marrow. Neutropenia usually occurs 8-11 days after a dose and

reverses rapidly by days 15-21. Used with filgrastim [granulocytecolony

stimulating factor (G-CSF)], doses as high as 250 mg/m 2 over

24 hours are well tolerated, and peripheral neuropathy becomes dose

limiting. Many patients experience myalgias for several days after

receiving paclitaxel. In high-dose schedules, or with prolonged use,

a stocking-glove sensory neuropathy can be disabling, particularly in

patients with underlying diabetic neuropathy or concurrent cisplatin

therapy. Mucositis is prominent in 72- or 96-hour infusions and in

the weekly schedule.

Hypersensitivity reactions occurred in patients receiving

paclitaxel infusions of short duration (1-6 hours) but have largely

been averted by pretreatment with dexamethasone, diphenhydramine,

and histamine H 2

-receptor antagonists, as noted above.

Premedication is not necessary with 96-hour infusions. Many

patients experience asymptomatic bradycardia, and occasional

episodes of silent ventricular tachycardia also occur and resolve

spontaneously during 3- or 24-hour infusions.

Nab-paclitaxel produces increased rates of peripheral neuropathy

compared to CREMOPHOR-delivered paclitaxel but rarely

causes hypersensitivity reactions.

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