DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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of the Epilepsies

James O. McNamara

The epilepsies are common and frequently devastating

disorders, affecting ~2.5 million people in the U.S. alone.

More than 40 distinct forms of epilepsy have been identified.

Epileptic seizures often cause transient impairment

of consciousness, leaving the individual at risk of bodily

harm and often interfering with education and employment.

Therapy is symptomatic in that available drugs

inhibit seizures, but neither effective prophylaxis nor cure

is available. Compliance with medication is a major

problem because of the need for long-term therapy

together with unwanted effects of many drugs.

The mechanisms of action of anti-seizure drugs

fall into three major categories.

1. The first mechanism is to limit the sustained,

repetitive firing of neurons, an effect mediated

by promoting the inactivated state of voltageactivated

Na + channels.

2. A second mechanism appears to involve

enhanced γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)–mediated

synaptic inhibition, an effect mediated

either by a presynaptic or postsynaptic action.

Drugs effective against the most common forms

of epileptic seizures, partial and secondarily generalized

tonic-clonic seizures, appear to work by

one of these two mechanisms.

3. Drugs effective against absence seizure, a less common

form of epileptic seizure, work by a third

mechanism, inhibition of voltage-activated Ca 2+

channels responsible for T-type Ca 2+ currents.

Although many treatments are available, much

effort is being devoted to elucidating the genetic causes

and the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which

a normal brain becomes epileptic, insights that promise

to provide molecular targets for both symptomatic

and preventive therapies.



The term seizure refers to a transient alteration of

behavior due to the disordered, synchronous, and rhythmic

firing of populations of brain neurons. The term

epilepsy refers to a disorder of brain function characterized

by the periodic and unpredictable occurrence of

seizures. Seizures can be “non-epileptic” when evoked

in a normal brain by treatments such as electroshock or

chemical convulsants, or “epileptic” when occurring

without evident provocation. Pharmacological agents

in current clinical use inhibit seizures, and thus are

referred to as anti-seizure drugs. Whether any of these

prevent the development of epilepsy (epileptogenesis)

is uncertain.

Seizures are thought to arise from the cerebral

cortex, and not from other central nervous system

(CNS) structures such as the thalamus, brainstem, or

cerebellum. Epileptic seizures have been classified into

partial seizures, those beginning focally in a cortical

site, and generalized seizures, those that involve both

hemispheres widely from the outset (Commission on

Classification and Terminology, 1981). The behavioral

manifestations of a seizure are determined by the functions

normally served by the cortical site at which the

seizure arises. For example, a seizure involving motor

cortex is associated with clonic jerking of the body part

controlled by this region of cortex. A simple partial

seizure is associated with preservation of consciousness.

A complex partial seizure is associated with

impairment of consciousness. The majority of complex

partial seizures originate from the temporal lobe.

Examples of generalized seizures include absence,

myoclonic, and tonic-clonic. The type of epileptic

seizure is one determinant of the drug selected for

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