DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Alendronate, pharmacokinetics of,


ALESSE (ethinyl estradiol/

levonorgestrel), 1835t

Alfentanil hydrochloride

dosage of, 500t

pharmacokinetics of, 1811t

polymorphisms and response to,


structure of, 504f

ALFERON N (interferon), 1596t

Alfuzosin, 306f, 307

pharmacokinetics of, 1811t

Aliphatic hydroxylation, 128t

Aliskiren, 745–747, 799, 1811t

Alitretinoin, 1809–1812, 1810t

Alkalinization, urinary, 85

Alkylamines, 924

Alkylated androgens, 1200–1201

Alkylating agents, 1668t–1670t

clinical pharmacology of,


cytotoxic actions of, 1680–1681

in dermatology, 1821

pharmacological actions of,


resistance to, 1681

structure-activity relationship,


toxicities of, 1681–1682, 1682t

Alkyl sulfonates, 1668t–1670t,


ALLEGRA (fexofenadine hydrochloride),

922t, 1816

Allergic contact dermatitis

glucocorticoids for, 1809

tacrolimus for, 1822

Allergic dermatoses, H 1


antagonists for, 922

Allergic reactions, as toxicity

type, 76

Allergic reactions/allergies

autocoid release and, 914

to heparin, 859

histamine in, 914

H 1

receptor antagonists for, 919,


kinins and, 931

platelet-activating factor and, 954

sympathomimetic drugs for,



absorption, 996

adverse effects and side effects of,


Allopurinol (Cont.):

chemistry of, 996

distribution of, 996

drug interactions with, 997

elimination, 996

history of, 996

mechanism of action of, 996

pharmacokinetics of, 996, 1812t

structure of, 996

therapeutic uses of, 997

Allosteric modulators, 220

Allylamines, 1817–1818

for cutaneous fungal infection, 1818

indications for, 1816t

Almitrine, 1058

ALOCRIL (nedocromil), 1789


androgenetic, drugs for, 1829–1830

warfarin-induced, 864

Alopecia areata

cyclosporine for, 1821

photochemotherapy for, 1814

ALOPRIM (allopurinol), 997

ALORA (estradiol), 1839t


for irritable bowel syndrome, 1340

pharmacokinetics of, 1812t

Alpha-adrenergic agonists, 294–297

as anesthetic adjunct, 553

for diarrhea, 1338

local vascular effects of, 302

for nasal congestion, 302

Alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists,


adverse effects of, 307–308

alfuzosin, 307

as antihypertensive agents, 774t,


available agents, 305–307

for benign prostatic hyperplasia, 308

bunazosin, 310

doxazosin, 307

ergot alkaloids, 310

for heart failure, 308

hemodynamic effects of, with longterm

administration, 774t

for hypertension, 308

indoramin, 310

ketanserin, 310

non-selective, 309

pharmacological properties of, 305

phenoxybenzamine, 309

phentolamine, 309

prazosin, 305–307

silodosin, 307

Alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists


tamsulosin, 307

terazosin, 307

therapeutic uses of, 308, 309–310

toxicity of, 310

urapidil, 310

yohimbine, 309

Alpha 1

-adrenergic receptor antagonists

adverse effects and side effects of, 780

as antihypertensive agents, 779–780

first-dose phenomenon with, 780

pharmacology of, 780

therapeutic uses of, 780

Alpha adrenergic receptors, 201, 203t,


Alpha-adrenergic receptors

α 1

, antidepressant potencies at, 410t

physiological basis of function of,


Alpha glucosidase inhibitors, 1265

Alpha-methyldopa. See Methyldopa

Alpha methyltyrosine, 206t


pharmacokinetics of, 1812t

for pruritus, 1828t

structure of, 459t

therapeutic uses of, 466t


for impotence, 952

for maintenance of patent ductus

arteriosus, 952

ALS. See Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


ALTABAX (retapamulin), 1817

ALTACE (ramipril), 733, 797

Altretamine, 1685

Alzheimer’s disease (AD)

anticholinesterase agents for,


clinical overview of, 619–620

donezepil for, 253

genetics, 620

muscarinic receptors and, 223

pathophysiology of, 620–621

prevention of, NSAIDs in, 973

rivastigmine for, 253

treatment of, 621–622

Amanita muscaria, 223, 225

Amanita phalloides, 225

Amantadine, 619, 1596t, 1605–1607

dosage of, 614t

side effects of, 138t

therapeutic uses of, for Parkinson

disease, dosage of, 614t

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