DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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758 increased modestly. After oral administration of nifedipine,

arterial dilation increases peripheral blood flow;

venous tone does not change.

The other dihydropyridines—amlodipine, felodipine,

isradipine, nicardipine, nisoldipine, nimodipine, and

clevidipine— share many of the cardiovascular effects

of nifedipine.



Amlodipine is a dihydropyridine that has a slow absorption

and a prolonged effect. With a plasma t 1/2

of 35-50 hours, plasma

levels and effect increase over 7-10 days of daily administration of

a constant dose. Amlodipine produces both peripheral arterial vasodilation

and coronary dilation, with a hemodynamic profile similar to

that of nifedipine. However, there is less reflex tachycardia with

amlodipine, possibly because the long t 1/2

produces minimal peaks

and troughs in plasma concentrations (van Zwieten and Pfaffendorf,

1993). Felodipine may have even greater vascular specificity than

does nifedipine or amlodipine. At concentrations producing vasodilation,

there is no negative inotropic effect. Like nifedipine, felodipine

indirectly activates the sympathetic nervous system, leading to an

increase in heart rate. Nicardipine has anti-anginal properties similar

to those of nifedipine and may have selectivity for coronary vessels.

Isradipine also produces the typical peripheral vasodilation seen with

other dihydropyridines, but because of its inhibitory effect on the SA

node, little or no rise in heart rate is seen. This inhibitory effect does

not extend to the cardiac myocytes, however, because no cardiodepressant

effect is seen.

Despite the negative chronotropic effect, isradipine appears to

have little effect on the AV node, so it may be used in patients with

AV block or combined with a β adrenergic receptor antagonist. In

general, because of their lack of myocardial depression and, to a

greater or lesser extent, lack of negative chronotropic effect, dihydropyridines

are less effective as monotherapy in stable angina than

are verapamil, diltiazem, or a β adrenergic receptor antagonist.

Nisoldipine is more than 1000 times more potent in preventing contraction

of human vascular smooth muscle than in preventing contraction

of human cardiac muscle in vitro, suggesting a high degree

of vascular selectivity (Godfraind et al., 1992). Although nisoldipine

has a short elimination t 1/2

, a sustained-release preparation that is efficacious

as an anti-anginal agent has been developed. Nimodipine has

high lipid solubility and was developed as an agent to relax the cerebral

vasculature. It is effective in inhibiting cerebral vasospasm and

has been used primarily to treat patients with neurological defects

associated with cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Clevidipine is a novel dihydropyridine L-type Ca 2+ channel

blocker—available for intravenous administration—that has a very

rapid (t 1/2

~2 minutes) onset and offset of action. It is metabolized by

esterases in blood, similar to the fate of esmolol. Clevidipine preferentially

affects arterial smooth muscle compared to targeting veins

or the heart. It may be useful in controlling blood pressure in severe

or perioperative hypertension when oral therapy is not possible or

desirable. Infusions are typically started at a rate of 1-2 μg/kg/min

and titrated to the desired effect on blood pressure. Cumulative experience

with the drug in clinical settings is relatively limited.

Verapamil is a less potent vasodilator in vivo

than are the dihydropyridines. Like dihydropyridines,

verapamil causes little effect on venous resistance vessels

at concentrations that produce arteriolar dilation.

With doses of verapamil sufficient to produce peripheral

arterial vasodilation, there are more direct negative

chronotropic, dromotropic, and inotropic effects than

with the dihydropyridines. Intravenous verapamil

causes a decrease in arterial blood pressure owing to a

decrease in vascular resistance, but the reflex tachycardia

is blunted or abolished by the direct negative

chronotropic effect of the drug. This intrinsic negative

inotropic effect is partially offset by both a decrease in

afterload and the reflex increase in adrenergic tone.

Thus, in patients without congestive heart failure, ventricular

performance is not impaired and actually may

improve, especially if ischemia limits performance. In

contrast, in patients with congestive heart failure,

intravenous verapamil can cause a marked decrease in

contractility and left ventricular function. Oral administration

of verapamil reduces peripheral vascular resistance

and blood pressure, often with minimal changes

in heart rate. The relief of pacing-induced angina seen

with verapamil is due primarily to a reduction in

myocardial oxygen demand.

Intravenous administration of diltiazem can result

initially in a marked decrease in peripheral vascular

resistance and arterial blood pressure, which elicits a

reflex increase in heart rate and cardiac output. Heart

rate then falls below initial levels because of the direct

negative chronotropic effect of the agent. Oral administration

of diltiazem decreases both heart rate and mean

arterial blood pressure. While diltiazem and verapamil

produce similar effects on the SA and AV nodes, the

negative inotropic effect of diltiazem is more modest.

The effects of Ca 2+ channel blockers on diastolic ventricular

relaxation (the lusitropic state of the ventricle) are complex. The

direct effect of several of these agents, especially when given into the

coronary arteries, is to impair relaxation (Walsh and O’Rourke,

1985). Clinical studies suggest an improvement in peak left ventricular

filling rates when verapamil, nifedipine, nisoldipine, or nicardipine

are given systemically, but one must be cautious in extrapolating

this change in filling rates to enhancement of relaxation. Because

ventricular relaxation is so complex, the effect of even a single agent

may be pleiotropic. If reflex stimulation of sympathetic tone

increases cyclic AMP levels in myocytes, increased lusitropy will

result that may outweigh a direct negative lusitropic effect. Likewise,

a reduction in afterload will improve the lusitropic state. In addition,

if ischemia is improved, the negative lusitropic effect of asymmetrical

left ventricular contraction will be reduced. The sum total of

these effects in any given patient cannot be determined a priori.

Thus, caution should be exercised in the use of Ca 2+ channel blockers

for this purpose; the ideal is to determine the end result objectively

before committing the patient to therapy.

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