DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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228 parasympathetic postganglionic nerve terminals in the

SA node, which normally inhibit ACh release

(Wellstein and Pitschner, 1988).

Larger doses of atropine cause progressive tachycardia

by blocking M 2

receptors on the SA nodal pacemaker

cells, thereby antagonizing parasympathetic

(vagal) tone to the heart. The resting heart rate is

increased by ~35-40 beats per minute in young men

given 2 mg of atropine intramuscularly. The maximal

heart rate (e.g., in response to exercise) is not altered

by atropine. The influence of atropine is most noticeable

in healthy young adults, in whom vagal tone is

considerable. In infancy and old age, even large doses

of atropine may fail to accelerate the heart. Atropine

often produces cardiac arrhythmias, but without significant

cardiovascular symptoms.



Atropine can abolish many types of reflex vagal cardiac slowing

or asystole, such as from inhalation of irritant vapors, stimulation

of the carotid sinus, pressure on the eyeballs, peritoneal stimulation,

or injection of contrast dye during cardiac catheterization. Atropine

also prevents or abruptly abolishes bradycardia or asystole caused by

choline esters, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, or other parasympathomimetic

drugs, as well as cardiac arrest from electrical stimulation

of the vagus.

The removal of vagal tone to the heart by atropine also may

facilitate AV conduction. Atropine shortens the functional refractory

period of the AV node and can increase ventricular rate in patients

who have atrial fibrillation or flutter. In certain cases of seconddegree

AV block (e.g., Wenckebach AV block), in which vagal

activity is an etiological factor (as with digitalis toxicity), atropine

may lessen the degree of block. In some patients with complete AV

block, the idioventricular rate may be accelerated by atropine; in others

it is stabilized. Atropine may improve the clinical condition of

patients with inferior or posterior wall myocardial infarction by

relieving severe sinus or nodal bradycardia or AV block.

Circulation. Atropine, in clinical doses, completely

counteracts the peripheral vasodilation and sharp fall in

blood pressure caused by choline esters. In contrast,

when given alone, its effect on blood vessels and blood

pressure is neither striking nor constant. This result is

expected because most vascular beds lack significant

cholinergic innervation. In toxic and occasionally in

therapeutic doses, atropine can dilate cutaneous blood

vessels, especially those in the blush area (atropine

flush). This may be a compensatory reaction permitting

the radiation of heat to offset the atropine-induced rise

in temperature that can accompany inhibition of


Respiratory System. Although atropine can cause some

bronchodilation and decrease in tracheobronchial

secretion in normal individuals by blocking parasympathetic

(vagal) tone to the lungs, its effects on the

respiratory system are most significant in patients with

respiratory disease. Atropine can inhibit the bronchoconstriction

caused by histamine, bradykinin, and

the eicosanoids, which presumably reflects the participation

of reflex parasympathetic (vagal) activity in the

bronchoconstriction elicited by these agents. The ability

to block the indirect bronchoconstrictive effects of these

mediators forms the basis for the use of muscarinic

receptor antagonists, along with β adrenergic receptor

agonists, in the treatment of asthma (Chapter 36).

Muscarinic antagonists also have an important role in

the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

(Chapter 36).

Atropine inhibits the secretions of the nose, mouth, pharynx,

and bronchi, and thus dries the mucous membranes of the respiratory

tract. This action is especially marked if secretion is excessive and

formed the basis for the use of atropine and other muscarinic antagonists

to prevent irritating inhalational anesthetics such as diethyl

ether from increasing bronchial secretion. While the newer inhalational

anesthetics are less irritating, muscarinic antagonists are similarly

used to decrease the rhinorrhea associated with the common

cold or with allergic and nonallergic rhinitis. Reduction of mucous

secretion and mucociliary clearance can, however, result in mucus

plugs, a potentially undesirable side effect of muscarinic antagonists

in patients with airway disease.

Eye. Muscarinic receptor antagonists block the cholinergic

responses of the pupillary sphincter muscle of the

iris and the ciliary muscle controlling lens curvature

(Chapter 64). Thus, they dilate the pupil (mydriasis)

and paralyze accommodation (cycloplegia). The wide

pupillary dilation results in photophobia; the lens is

fixed for far vision, near objects are blurred, and objects

may appear smaller than they are. The normal pupillary

reflex constriction to light or upon convergence of the

eyes is abolished. These effects can occur after either

local or systemic administration of the alkaloids.

However, conventional systemic doses of atropine (0.6 mg)

have little ocular effect, in contrast to equal doses of scopolamine,

which cause evident mydriasis and loss of accommodation. Locally

applied atropine produces ocular effects of considerable duration;

accommodation and pupillary reflexes may not fully recover for

7-12 days. Other muscarinic receptor antagonists with shorter durations

of action are therefore preferred as mydriatics in ophthalmologic

practice (Chapter 64). Pilocarpine and choline esters (e.g.,

carbachol) in sufficient concentrations can reverse the ocular effects

of atropine.

Muscarinic receptor antagonists administered systemically

have little effect on intraocular pressure except in patients predisposed

to angle-closure glaucoma, in whom the pressure may occasionally

rise dangerously. The rise in pressure occurs when the

anterior chamber is narrow and the iris obstructs outflow of aqueous

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