DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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596 Oxcarbazepine is a prodrug that is almost immediately

converted to its main active metabolite, a 10-monohydroxy

derivative, which is inactivated by glucuronide conjugation

and eliminated by renal excretion.



Its mechanism of action is similar to that of carbamazepine.

Oxcarbazepine is a less potent enzyme inducer than carbamazepine.

Substitution of oxcarbazepine for carbamazepine is associated with

increased levels of phenytoin and valproic acid, presumably because

of reduced induction of hepatic enzymes. Oxcarbazepine does not

induce the hepatic enzymes involved in its own degradation.

Although oxcarbazepine does not appear to reduce the anticoagulant

effect of warfarin, it does induce CYP3A and thus reduces

plasma levels of steroid oral contraceptives. It has been approved for

monotherapy or adjunct therapy for partial seizures in adults, as

monotherapy for partial seizures in children ages 4-16, and as

adjunctive therapy in children 2 years of age and older with epilepsy.



Ethosuximide (ZARONTIN, others) is a primary agent for

the treatment of absence seizures.

Structure-Activity Relationship. The structure-activity relationship

of the succinimides is in accord with that for other anti-seizure

classes. Methsuximide (CELONTIN) has phenyl substituents and is

more active against maximal electroshock seizures. It is no longer in

common use. Discussion of its properties can be found in previous

editions of this book. Ethosuximide, with alkyl substituents, is the

most active of the succinimides against seizures induced by

pentylenetetrazol and is the most selective for absence seizures.

Pharmacological Effects. The most prominent characteristic of

ethosuximide at nontoxic doses is protection against clonic motor

seizures induced by pentylenetetrazol. By contrast, at nontoxic doses

ethosuximide does not inhibit tonic hind limb extension of electroshock

seizures or kindled seizures. This profile correlates with

efficacy against absence seizures in humans.

Mechanism of Action. Ethosuximide reduces low threshold Ca 2+

currents (T-type currents) in thalamic neurons (Coulter et al., 1989).

The thalamus plays an important role in generation of 3-Hz spikeand-wave

rhythms typical of absence seizures (Huguenard and

McCormick, 2007). Neurons in the thalamus exhibit large-amplitude

T-type currents that underlie bursts of action potentials and likely

play an important role in thalamic oscillatory activity such as 3-Hz

spike-and-wave activity. At clinically relevant concentrations, ethosuximide

inhibits the T-type current, as is evident in voltage-clamp

recordings of acutely isolated, ventrobasal thalamic neurons from

rats and guinea pigs. Ethosuximide reduces this current without

modifying the voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation or the

time course of recovery from inactivation. By contrast, succinimide

derivatives with convulsant properties do not inhibit this current.

Ethosuximide does not inhibit sustained repetitive firing or enhance

GABA responses at clinically relevant concentrations. Inhibition of

T-type currents likely is the mechanism by which ethosuximide

inhibits absence seizures.

Pharmacokinetic Properties. Absorption of ethosuximide appears

to be complete, with peak concentrations in plasma within ~3 hours

after a single oral dose. Ethosuximide is not significantly bound to

plasma proteins; during long-term therapy, its concentration in the

CSF is similar to that in plasma. The apparent volume of distribution

averages 0.7 L/kg.

Approximately 25% of the drug is excreted unchanged in the

urine. The remainder is metabolized by hepatic microsomal

enzymes, but whether CYPs are responsible is unknown. The major

metabolite, the hydroxyethyl derivative, accounts for ~40% of

administered drug, is inactive, and is excreted as such and as the glucuronide

in the urine. The plasma t 1/2

of ethosuximide averages

between 40 and 50 hours in adults and ~30 hours in children.

Toxicity. The most common dose-related side effects are gastrointestinal

complaints (nausea, vomiting, and anorexia) and CNS effects

(drowsiness, lethargy, euphoria, dizziness, headache, and hiccough).

Some tolerance to these effects develops. Parkinson-like symptoms

and photophobia also have been reported. Restlessness, agitation,

anxiety, aggressiveness, inability to concentrate, and other behavioral

effects have occurred primarily in patients with a prior history

of psychiatric disturbance.

Urticaria and other skin reactions, including Stevens-Johnson

syndrome, as well as systemic lupus erythematosus, eosinophilia,

leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, and aplastic anemia

also have been attributed to the drug. The leukopenia may be transient

despite continuation of the drug, but several deaths have

resulted from bone marrow depression. Renal or hepatic toxicity has

not been reported.

Plasma Drug Concentrations. During long-term therapy, the plasma

concentration of ethosuximide averages ~2 μg/mL per daily dose of

1 mg/kg. A plasma concentration of 40-100 μg/mL usually is

required for satisfactory control of absence seizures.

Therapeutic Uses. Ethosuximide is effective against absence

seizures but not tonic-clonic seizures.

An initial daily dose of 250 mg in children (3-6 years old)

and 500 mg in older children and adults is increased by 250-mg

increments at weekly intervals until seizures are adequately controlled

or toxicity intervenes. Divided dosage is required occasionally

to prevent nausea or drowsiness associated with once-daily

dosing. The usual maintenance dose is 20 mg/kg per day. Increased

caution is required if the daily dose exceeds 1500 mg in adults or

750-1000 mg in children. The therapeutic use of ethosuximide is discussed

further at the end of the chapter.


The anti-seizure properties of valproic acid (DEPAKENE,

others) were discovered serendipitously when it was

employed as a vehicle for other compounds that were

being screened for anti-seizure activity.

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