DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1798 and reduce the synthesis of others (e.g., collagenase, certain species

of keratin), and molecular evidence suggests that these actions can

be entirely accounted for by changes in nuclear transcription

(Mangelsdorf et al., 1994). Retinoic acid appears to be considerably

more potent than retinol in mediating these effects.

Retinoic acid influences gene expression by combining with

nuclear receptors. Multiple retinoid receptors have been described.

These are grouped into two families. One family, the retinoic acid

receptors (RARs), designated , , and , are derived from genes

localized to human chromosomes 17, 3, and 12, respectively. The

second family, the retinoid X receptors (RXRs), also is composed

of , , and receptor isoforms (Chambon, 1995). The retinoid

receptors show extensive sequence homology to each other in both

their DNA and hormone-binding domains and belong to a receptor

superfamily that includes receptors for steroid and thyroid hormones

and calcitriol (Mangelsdorf et al., 1994). Cellular responses

to thyroid hormones, calcitriol, and retinoic acid are enhanced by

the presence of RXR. Gene activation involves binding of the

hormone-receptor complex to promoter elements in target genes,

followed by dimerization with an RXR-ligand complex. The

endogenous RXR ligand is 9-cis-retinoic acid (Heyman et al., 1992;

Levin et al., 1992). No comparable receptor for retinol has been

identified; retinol may need to be oxidized to retinoic acid to produce

its effects within target cells.

Retinoids can influence the expression of receptors for certain

hormones and growth factors and thus can influence the growth,

differentiation, and function of target cells by both direct and indirect

actions (Love and Gudas, 1994).

Therapeutic Uses. Nutritional vitamin A deficiency causes xerophthalmia,

a progressive disease characterized by nyctalopia (night

blindness), xerosis (dryness), and keratomalacia (corneal thinning),

which may lead to corneal perforation; xerophthalmia may be

reversed with vitamin A therapy (WHO/UNICEF/IVAGG Task

Force, 1988). However, rapid, irreversible blindness ensues once the

cornea perforates. Vitamin A also is involved in epithelial differentiation

and may have some role in corneal epithelial wound healing.

Currently, there is no evidence to support using topical vitamin A

for keratoconjunctivitis sicca in the absence of a nutritional deficiency.

The current recommendation for retinitis pigmentosa is to

administer 15,000 IU of vitamin A palmitate daily under the supervision

of an ophthalmologist and to avoid high-dose vitamin E.

The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) found a reduction

in the risk of progression of some types of ARMD for those randomized

to receive high doses of vitamins C (500 mg), E (400 IU),

-carotene (15 mg), cupric oxide (2 mg), and zinc (80 mg) (Age-

Related Eye Disease Study Research Group, 2001). Interestingly, zinc

has been found to be neuroprotective in a rat model of glaucoma. The

mechanism appears to be mediated by heat shock proteins and may

represent a novel treatment strategy for glaucoma (Park et al., 2001).



Wetting Agents and Tear Substitutes

General Considerations. The current management of dry eyes usually

includes instilling artificial tears and ophthalmic lubricants. In general,

tear substitutes are hypotonic or isotonic solutions composed of

electrolytes, surfactants, preservatives, and some viscosity-increasing

agent that prolongs the residence time in the cul-de-sac and precorneal

tear film. Common viscosity agents include cellulose polymers (e.g.,

carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl

cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose [hypromellose], and methylcellulose),

polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, polysorbate, mineral

oil, glycerin, and dextran. The tear substitutes are available as

preservative-containing or preservative-free preparations. The viscosity

of the tear substitute depends on its exact formulation and can range

from watery to gel like. Some tear formulations also are combined

with a vasoconstrictor, such as naphazoline, phenylephrine, or tetrahydrozoline.

Tyloxapol (ENUCLENE) is marketed as an over-the-counter

ophthalmic preparation used to facilitate the wearing comfort of artificial


The lubricating ointments are composed of a mixture of white

petrolatum, mineral oil, liquid or alcohol lanolin, and sometimes a

preservative. These highly viscous formulations cause considerable

blurring of vision, and consequently, they are used primarily at bedtime,

in critically ill patients, or in very severe dry eye conditions.

A hydroxypropyl cellulose ophthalmic insert (LACRISERT) that is

placed in the inferior cul-de-sac and dissolves during the day is available

to treat dry eyes.

Such aqueous, ointment, and insert formulations are only fair

substitutes for the precorneal tear film, which truly is a poorly understood

lipid, aqueous, and mucin trilaminar barrier (see “Absorption”).

Therapeutic Uses. Many local eye conditions and systemic diseases

may affect the precorneal tear film. Local eye disease, such as blepharitis,

ocular rosacea, ocular pemphigoid, chemical burns, or

corneal dystrophies, may alter the ocular surface and change the tear

composition. Appropriate treatment of the symptomatic dry eye

includes treating the accompanying disease and possibly the addition

of tear substitutes, punctal plugs (see “Absorption”), or ophthalmic

cyclosporine (see “Immunomodulatory Agent”). There also are a

number of systemic conditions that may manifest themselves with

symptomatic dry eyes, including Sjögren’s syndrome, rheumatoid

arthritis, vitamin A deficiency, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and trachoma.

Treating the systemic disease may not eliminate the symptomatic

dry eye complaints; chronic therapy with tear substitutes,

ophthalmic cyclosporine, insertion of punctal plugs, placement of

dissolvable collagen implants, or surgical occlusion of the lacrimal

drainage system may be indicated. Ophthalmic cyclosporine (RESTA-

SIS) can be used to increase tear production in patients with ocular

inflammation associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

Osmotic Agents

General Considerations. The main osmotic drugs for ocular use

include glycerin, mannitol, and hypertonic saline. With the availability

of these agents, the use of urea for management of acutely elevated

IOP is nearly obsolete.

Therapeutic Uses. Ophthalmologists occasionally use glycerin and

mannitol for short-term management of acute rises in IOP.

Sporadically, these agents are used intraoperatively to dehydrate the

vitreous prior to anterior segment surgical procedures. Many patients

with acute glaucoma do not tolerate oral medications because of nausea;

therefore, intravenous administration of mannitol and/or acetazolamide

may be preferred over oral administration of glycerin.

These agents should be used with caution in patients with congestive

heart failure or renal failure.

Corneal edema is a clinical sign of corneal endothelial dysfunction,

and topical osmotic agents may effectively dehydrate the

cornea. Identifying the cause of corneal edema will guide therapy,

and topical osmotic agents, such as hypertonic saline, may temporize

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