DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Table 11–1

Clinical Responses and Monitoring of Phase I and Phase II Neuromuscular Blockade

by Succinylcholine Infusion


End-plate membrane potential Depolarized to –55 mV Repolarization toward –80 mV

Onset Immediate Slow transition

Dose-dependence Lower Usually higher or follows

prolonged infusion

Recovery Rapid More prolonged

Train of four and tetanic stimulation No fade Fade a

Acetylcholinesterase inhibition Augments Reverses or antagonizes

Muscle response Fasciculations → flaccid paralysis Flaccid paralysis


Post-tetanic potentiation follows fade.

depolarizing agent, giving rise to stimulation of the motor unit in an

antidromic fashion, the primary site of action of both competitive

and depolarizing blocking agents is the post-junctional membrane.

Presynaptic actions of the competitive agents may become significant

on repetitive high-frequency stimulation because pre-junctional

nicotinic receptors may be involved in the mobilization of ACh for

release from the nerve terminal (Bowman et al., 1990; Van der Kloot

and Molgo, 1994).

Many drugs and toxins block neuromuscular transmission by

other mechanisms, such as interference with the synthesis or release

of ACh (Chapter 8), but most of these agents are not employed clinically

for this purpose. One exception is botulinum toxin, which has

been administered locally into muscles of the orbit in the management

of ocular blepharospasm and strabismus and has been used to

control other muscle spasms and to facilitate facial muscle relaxation

(Chapters 8 and 64). This toxin also has been injected into the

lower esophageal sphincter to treat achalasia (Chapter 47). The sites

of action and interrelationship of several agents that serve as pharmacological

tools are shown in Figure 11–4.

Sequence and Characteristics of Paralysis. When an appropriate dose

of a competitive blocking agent is injected intravenously in human

beings, motor weakness progresses to a total flaccid paralysis. Small,

rapidly moving muscles such as those of the eyes, jaw, and larynx

relax before those of the limbs and trunk. Ultimately, the intercostal

muscles and finally the diaphragm are paralyzed, and respiration

then ceases. Recovery of muscles usually occurs in the reverse order

to that of their paralysis, and thus the diaphragm ordinarily is the

first muscle to regain function (Feldman and Fauvel, 1994; Viby-

Mogensen, 2005).

After a single intravenous dose of 10-30 mg of succinylcholine,

muscle fasciculations, particularly over the chest and

abdomen, occur briefly; then relaxation occurs within 1 minute,

becomes maximal within 2 minutes, and generally disappears within

5 minutes. Transient apnea usually occurs at the time of maximal

effect. Muscle relaxation of longer duration is achieved by continuous

intravenous infusion. After infusion is discontinued, the effects

of the drug usually disappear rapidly because of its efficient hydrolysis

by plasma and hepatic butyrylcholinesterase. Muscle soreness

may follow the administration of succinylcholine. Small prior doses

of competitive blocking agents have been employed to minimize fasciculations

and muscle pain caused by succinylcholine, but this procedure

is controversial because it increases the requirement for the

depolarizing drug.

During prolonged depolarization, muscle cells may lose significant

quantities of K + and gain Na + , Cl – , and Ca 2+ . In patients

with extensive injury to soft tissues, the efflux of K + following continued

administration of succinylcholine can be life-threatening.

The life-threatening complications of succinylcholine-induced

hyperkalemia are discussed later, but it is important to stress that

there are many conditions for which succinylcholine administration

is contraindicated or should be undertaken with great caution. The

change in the nature of the blockade produced by succinylcholine

(from phase I to phase II) presents an additional complication with

long-term infusions.

Central Nervous System. Tubocurarine and other quaternary

neuromuscular blocking agents are virtually

devoid of central effects following ordinary clinical

doses because of their inability to penetrate the bloodbrain

barrier. The most decisive experiment performed

to resolve whether curare significantly affects central

functions in the dose range used clinically was that of

Smith and associates (1947). Smith (an anesthesiologist)

daringly permitted himself to receive, intravenously,

two and one-half times the amount of

tubocurarine necessary for paralysis of all skeletal muscles.

Adequate respiratory exchange was maintained by

artificial respiration. At no time was there any evidence

of lapse of consciousness, clouding of sensorium, analgesia,

or disturbance of special senses. Despite adequate

artificially controlled respiration, Smith

experienced “shortness of breath” and the sensation of

choking due to the accumulation of unswallowed saliva

in the pharynx. The experience was decidedly unpleasant,

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