DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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610 excitotoxic injury, regional variation in capacity for

oxidative metabolism, and the production of toxic free

radicals as by-products of cellular metabolism. New

neuroprotective agents may target the factors that convey

selective vulnerability.



Genetics and Environment. Each of the major neurodegenerative

disorders may be familial in nature. HD is

exclusively familial; it is transmitted by autosomal

dominant inheritance, and the molecular mechanism of

the genetic defect has been defined. Nevertheless, environmental

factors importantly influence the age of onset

and rate of progression of HD symptoms. PD, AD, and

ALS are mostly sporadic without clear pattern of inheritance.

But for each there are well-recognized genetic

forms. For example, there are both dominant (α-synuclein,

LRRK2) and recessive (parkin, DJ-1, PINK1) gene

mutations that may give rise to PD (Farrer, 2006). In

AD, mutations in the genes coding for the amyloid precursor

protein (APP) and proteins known as the presenilins

(involved in APP processing) lead to inherited

forms of the disease (Selkoe and Podlisny, 2002).

Mutations in the gene coding for copper-zinc superoxide

dismutase (SOD1) account for about 2% of the

cases of adult-onset ALS (Boillée et al., 2006). Several

other less common mutations have also been described.

In addition to these monogenic forms of neurodegenerative

disease, there are also genetic risk factors that influence the probability

of disease onset and modify the phenotype. For example,

the apolipoprotein E (apo E) genotype constitutes an important risk

factor for AD. Three distinct isoforms of this protein exist.

Although all isoforms carry out their primary role in lipid metabolism

equally well, individuals who are homozygous for the apoE4

allele (“4/4”) have a much higher lifetime risk of AD than do those

homozygous for the apoE2 allele (“2/2”). The mechanism by

which the apoE4 protein increases the risk of AD is not exactly

known. ApoE4 probably has multiple effects, some of which are

mediated through altering β-amyloid (Aβ) aggregation or processing,

and some of which that are Aβ-independent (Mahley

et al., 2006).

Environmental factors including infectious agents, environmental

toxins, and acquired brain injury have been proposed in the

etiology of neurodegenerative disorders. The role of infection is best

documented in the cases of PD that developed following the epidemic

of encephalitis lethargica (Von Economo’s encephalitis) in

the early part of the 20th century. Most contemporary cases of PD

are not preceded by encephalitis, and there is no convincing evidence

for an infectious contribution to HD, AD, or ALS. Traumatic brain

injury has been suggested as a trigger for neurodegenerative disorders,

and in the case of AD there is some evidence to support this

view (Cummings et al., 1998). At least one toxin, N-methyl-4-

phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), can induce a condition

closely resembling PD (Langston et al., 1983). More recently, evidence

has linked pesticide exposure with PD (Costello et al., 2009).

Exposure of soldiers to neurotoxic chemicals has been implicated

in ALS (as part of “Gulf War syndrome”) (Golomb, 2008). While

these examples illustrate the potential of environmental factors to

influence neurodegenerative disease, it is clear that the causes identified

so far are too few to account for more than a small minority of

the cases. Further progress in understanding the causes of neurodegenerative

disorders will require a deeper understanding of the interactions

between genetic predisposition and environmental factors,

an area that is just beginning to be explored.

Common Cellular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration.

Despite their varied phenotypes, the neurodegenerative

disorders share some common features. For example,

misfolded and aggregated proteins are found in every

major neurodegenerative disorder: alpha-synuclein, in

PD; amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau in AD; huntingtin in HD;

and SOD and TDP-43 in ALS. The accumulation of misfolded

proteins may result from either genetic mutations

producing abnormal structure, or from impaired cellular

clearance. Age-related decline in the ability to clear misfolded

proteins may be an important predisposing factor,

and strategies to augment the clearance of misfolded

proteins are being studied as potential therapies.

The term excitotoxicity describes the neural injury

that results from the presence of excess glutamate in the

brain. Glutamate is used as a neurotransmitter by many

different neural systems and is believed to mediate most

excitatory synaptic transmission in the mammalian brain

(see Table 14–3). Although glutamate is required for

normal brain function, the presence of excessive

amounts of glutamate can lead to excitotoxic cell death

(see Figure 14–13). The destructive effects of glutamate

are mediated by glutamate receptors, particularly those

of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) type. Excitotoxic

injury contributes to the neuronal death that occurs in

acute processes such as stroke and head trauma (Choi

and Rothman, 1990). The role of excitotoxicity is less

certain in the chronic neurodegenerative disorders; nevertheless,

regional and cellular differences in susceptibility

to excitotoxic injury, conveyed, e.g., by differences in

types of glutamate receptors, may contribute to selective

vulnerability. This has led to the development of

glutamate antagonists as neuroprotective therapies, with

two such agents (memantine and riluzole, described

later) currently in clinical use.

Aging is associated with a progressive impairment in the

capacity of neurons for oxidative metabolism, perhaps in part

because of a progressive accumulation of mutations in the mitochondrial

genome. A consequence of impaired oxidative capacities is the

production of reactive compounds such as hydrogen peroxide and

oxygen radicals. Unchecked, these reactive species can lead to DNA

damage, peroxidation of membrane lipids, and neuronal death. This

has led to pursuit of drugs that can enhance cellular metabolism

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