DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1628 Failure of an antiretroviral regimen is defined as a

persistent increase in plasma HIV RNA concentrations

in a patient with previously undetectable virus, despite

continued treatment with that regimen (Department of

Health and Human Services, 2010). This indicates

resistance to one or more drugs in the regimen and

necessitates a change in treatment. Once resistance

occurs, resistant strains remain in cells (mainly T-lymphocytes)

indefinitely, even though the resistant virus

may not be detectable in the plasma. For example,

women who received a single dose of nevirapine to

prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV (and thus

were more likely to harbor nevirapine-resistant virus)

had a higher treatment failure rate if initiating therapy

with nevirapine within 6 months, compared to treated

women who had never received nevirapine (Lockman

et al., 2007). The selection of new agents is therefore

informed by the patient’s treatment history, as well as

viral resistance testing, preferably obtained while the

patient is still taking a failing regimen to facilitate

proper recovery and characterization of the patient’s

virus (Kuritzkes, 2004). Treatment failure generally

requires implementation of a completely new combination

of drugs. Adding a single active agent to a failing

regimen is functional monotherapy if the patient is

resistant to all drugs in the regimen and is likely to

produce resistance to the new agent.

Treatment failure is usually the consequence of

non-adherence. The risk of failing a regimen depends

on the percentage of prescribed doses taken during any

given period of treatment, but it also depends on the

drugs in the regimen. Efavirenz-based regimens may

be more forgiving of occasional skipped doses, and thus

more useful because of the long t 1/2

of that drug; ritonavir-boosted

PI regimens may be relatively more forgiving

because of their higher genetic barrier to

resistance (Gardner et al., 2009).



As antiretroviral therapy becomes more effective and easier

to take, long-term toxicity of these drugs is of greater concern. An

important consequence of long-term therapy is the development of

a metabolic syndrome characterized by insulin resistance, fat redistribution,

and hyperlipidemia and known as the HIV lipodystrophy

syndrome. Lipodystrophy occurs in 10-40% of treated patients and

has been seen with most drug combinations used in clinical trials.

Symptomatic manifestations have been most strongly linked to the

older generation of NRTIs, especially stavudine, which had more

substantial mitochondrial toxicities; these drugs are now less commonly

used in the developed world. The pathogenesis is still somewhat

mysterious but involves phenotypic and metabolic changes

similar to those seen with other human lipodystrophy syndromes

(Garg, 2004). Clinical features include peripheral fat wasting (lipoatrophy),

central fat accumulation including enlarged breasts and

buffalo hump, insulin resistance and hyperglycemia, and elevations

in serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Switching from one drug regimen

to another may not reverse the symptoms, emphasizing its

ubiquitous nature and possible role of HIV infection per se.

Treatment is symptom directed and should include management of

hyperlipidemias as recommended by the American Heart Association

(Chapter 31). Lipodystrophy has been associated with an increased

risk of myocardial infarction in virologically controlled patients,

emphasizing the importance of cardiovascular risk factor reduction.

There is evidence that chronic HIV infection per se increases

long-term cardiovascular risks, but the quantitative contribution of

drug therapy to this risk is not well defined. Metabolic abnormalities

associated with chronic HIV infection and possibly exacerbated by

some drugs include insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, and increased

risk of diabetes mellitus, as well as osteopenia and its attendant complications

(Calmy et al., 2009).

A potential concern that applies to all protease inhibitors and

NNRTIs is clinically significant pharmacokinetic drug interactions

(Piscitelli and Gallicano, 2001). All agents in these two drug classes

can act as inhibitors and/or inducers of hepatic CYPs and other drug

metabolizing enzymes, as well as drug transport proteins.

Prescribing practices should be guided by up-to-date knowledge of

these potential effects. Internet-based educational resources are

updated frequently (see, e.g., Flexner and Pham, 2009) and are an

excellent way to track evolving knowledge about the undesired

effects of drugs used in combination with antiretrovirals.

An increasingly recognized complication of initiating antiretroviral

therapy is accelerated inflammatory reaction to overt or

subclinical opportunistic infections or malignancies. This is

thought to reflect reversal of immunodeficiency, resulting in new

antimicrobial host defenses. This immune reconstitution inflammatory

syndrome (IRIS) is most commonly seen when initiating

therapy in individuals with low CD4 counts and/or advanced HIV

disease, and it is associated with a better virologic response to therapy

(Manabe et al., 2007). Not surprisingly, this is now most prevalent

in resource-poor countries, where it may occur in >10% of

newly treated patients. Infections most commonly associated with

IRIS include tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases, cryptococcosis,

hepatitis virus infections, and Pneumocystis pneumonia.

Duration of symptoms ranges from a few days to more than a year.

Symptomatic relief can be obtained with anti-inflammatory drugs,

but systemic corticosteroids do not appear to shorten the course of

symptoms (Manabe et al., 2007).


Drugs Used to Treat HIV




The HIV-encoded, RNA-dependent DNA polymerase,

also called reverse transcriptase, converts viral RNA

into proviral DNA that is then incorporated into a host

cell chromosome. Available inhibitors of this enzyme

are either nucleoside/nucleotide analogs or non-nucleoside

inhibitors (Figure 59–2 and Table 59–2).

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