DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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reservoir. Relatively low doses of morphine result in an increase in

tonic contracture of the antral musculature (secondary to an inhibition

of local inhibitory neurons) and upper duodenum and reduced

resting tone in the musculature of the gastric reservoir (secondary to

inhibition of the motor neurons to the reservoir musculature), thereby

prolonging gastric emptying time and increasing the likelihood of

esophageal reflux. Passage of the gastric contents through the duodenum

may be delayed by as much as 12 hours, and the absorption

of orally administered drugs is retarded. Morphine and other agonists

usually decrease secretion of hydrochloric acid, although stimulation

sometimes is evident. Activation of opioid receptors on

parietal cells enhances secretion, but indirect effects, including

increased secretion of somatostatin from the pancreas and reduced

release of acetylcholine, appear to be dominant in most circumstances

(Kromer, 1988).

Intestine. Morphine reduces propulsatile activity in the small and

large intestine and diminishes intestinal secretions.

Propulsatile Activity. Opiate agonists suppress local neurogenic

networks that provide a rhythmic inhibition of muscle tone leading

to concurrent increases in basal tone in the circular muscle of the

small and large intestine. This results in enhanced high-amplitude

phasic contractions, which are nonpropulsatile. The upper part of

the small intestine, particularly the duodenum, is affected more than

the ileum. A period of relative atony may follow the hypertonicity.

The reduced rate of passage of the intestinal contents, along with

reduced intestinal secretion, leads to increased water absorption,

increasing viscosity of the bowel contents, and constipation. The

tone of the anal sphincter is augmented greatly, and reflex relaxation

in response to rectal distension is reduced. These actions, combined

with inattention to the normal sensory stimuli for defecation reflex

owing to the central actions of the drug, contribute to morphineinduced

constipation (Wood and Galligan, 2004).

The clinical relevance of the role of the peripheral opioid

receptors in regulating GI motility after systemic opioids is supported


• The efficacy of peripherally limited opiate agonists such as loperamide

as anti-diarrheals

• The ability of peripherally limited opiate antagonists such as

methylnaltrexone to reverse the constipatory actions of systemic

opiate agonists

Direct delivery of opioids into the cerebral ventricles or into

the spinal intrathecal space could also inhibit GI propulsive activity

as long as the extrinsic innervation to the bowel is intact. Although

some tolerance develops to the effects of opioids on GI motility,

patients who take opioids chronically remain constipated.

Intestinal Secretions. In the presence of intestinal hypersecretion

that may be associated with diarrhea, morphine-like drugs inhibit the

transfer of fluid and electrolytes into the lumen by naloxone-sensitive

actions on the intestinal mucosa and within the CNS (Kromer, 1988).

Intestinal secretion arises from activation of enterocytes by local

cholinergic submucosal plexus secretomotor neurons. Opioids act

though μ/δ receptors on these secretomotor neurons to inhibit their

excitatory output to the enterocytes and thereby reduce intestinal


Biliary Tract. Bile flow is regulated by the periodic contractions of

the sphincter of Oddi, which is relaxed by inhibitory innervation. This

inhibitory innervation is suppressed by opiates. After the subcutaneous

injection of 10 mg morphine sulfate, the sphincter of Oddi constricts,

and the pressure in the common bile duct may rise >10-fold

within 15 minutes; this effect may persist for 2 hours or more. Fluid

pressure also may increase in the gallbladder and produce symptoms

that may vary from epigastric distress to typical biliary colic.

Some patients with biliary colic experience exacerbation rather

than relief of pain when given opioids. Spasm of the sphincter of

Oddi probably is responsible for elevations of plasma amylase and

lipase that occur sometimes after morphine administration. All

opioids can cause biliary spasm. Atropine only partially prevents

morphine-induced biliary spasm, but opioid antagonists prevent or

relieve it. Papaverine, another alkaloid of the poppy that lacks opioid

activity, produces smooth muscle relaxation and is used therapeutically

for GI, urethral, and biliary colic and for other nonvisceral

conditions (e.g., embolism and angina pectoris) accompanied by

smooth muscle spasm.

Other Smooth Muscle

Ureter and Urinary Bladder. Voiding is a highly organized response

initiated by afferents activated by bladder filling and spinobulbospinal

reflex arcs, which lead to contraction of the bladder and a

reflex relaxation of the external urinary sphincter (Fowler et al.,

2008). Morphine inhibits the urinary voiding reflex and increases

the tone of the external sphincter with a resultant increase in the volume

of the bladder. In animal models, this effect is mediated by

MOR and DOR agonists. Stimulation of either receptor type in the

brain or in the spinal cord exerts similar actions on bladder motility

(Dray and Nunan, 1987). Tolerance develops to these effects of opioids

on the bladder. Clinically, opiate-mediated inhibition of micturition

can be of such clinical severity that catheterization

sometimes is required after therapeutic doses of morphine, particularly

with spinal drug administration. Importantly, in humans, the

inhibition of systemic opiate effects on micturition is reversed by

peripherally restricted antagonists (Rosow et al., 2007).

Uterus. If the uterus has been made hyperactive by oxytocics, morphine

tends to restore the tone, frequency, and amplitude of contractions

to normal.

Skin. Therapeutic doses of morphine cause dilation of cutaneous

blood vessels. The skin of the face, neck, and upper thorax frequently

becomes flushed. These changes may be due in part to the release of

histamine and may be responsible for the sweating and some of the

pruritus that commonly follow the systemic administration of morphine

(described later). Histamine release probably accounts for the

urticaria commonly seen at the site of injection. Though controversial,

it is not blocked by naloxone and thought not to be mediated by

opioid receptors. Itching is readily seen with morphine and meperidine

but to a much lesser extent with oxymorphone, methadone, fentanyl,

or sufentanil. This pruritus is a common and potentially

disabling complication of opioid use. It can be caused by systemic

as well as intraspinal injections of therapeutic doses of opioids, but

it appears to be more intense after epidural or intrathecal administration

(Ballantyne et al., 1988). The spinal effect, which is reversible

by naloxone, may reflect a disinhibition of itch-specific neurons that

have been identified in the spinal dorsal horn (Schmelz, 2002).

Immune System. The effects of opioids on the immune system are

complex. Opioids modulate immune function by direct effects on

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