DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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176 ganglia, the ratio of preganglionic axons to ganglion

cells may be 1:20 or more. This organization permits a

diffuse discharge of the sympathetic system. In addition,

synaptic innervation overlaps, so one ganglion cell

may be supplied by several preganglionic fibers.

The parasympathetic system, in contrast, has

terminal ganglia very near or within the organs innervated

and thus is more circumscribed in its influences.

In some organs, a 1:1 relationship between the number

of preganglionic and postganglionic fibers has been

suggested, but the ratio of preganglionic vagal fibers to

ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus has been

estimated as 1:8000. Hence this distinction between the

two systems does not apply to all sites.

The cell bodies of somatic motor neurons reside in

the ventral horn of the spinal cord; the axon divides into

many branches, each of which innervates a single muscle

fiber, so more than 100 muscle fibers may be supplied by

one motor neuron to form a motor unit. At each neuromuscular

junction, the axonal terminal loses its myelin

sheath and forms a terminal arborization that lies in apposition

to a specialized surface of the muscle membrane,

termed the motor end plate. Mitochondria and a collection

of synaptic vesicles are concentrated at the nerve terminal.

Through trophic influences of the nerve, those cell

nuclei in the multinucleated skeletal muscle cell lying in

close apposition to the synapse acquire the capacity to

activate specific genes that express synapse-localized proteins

(Sanes and Lichtman, 1999). Differences among

somatic motor, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves

are shown schematically in Figure 8–2.



Details of Innervation. The terminations of the postganglionic autonomic

fibers in smooth muscle and glands form a rich plexus, or terminal

reticulum. The terminal reticulum (sometimes called the autonomic

ground plexus) consists of the final ramifications of the postganglionic

sympathetic, parasympathetic, and visceral afferent fibers, all of which

are enclosed within a frequently interrupted sheath of satellite or

Schwann cells. At these interruptions, varicosities packed with vesicles

are seen in the efferent fibers. Such varicosities occur repeatedly but at

variable distances along the course of the ramifications of the axon.

“Protoplasmic bridges” occur between the smooth muscle fibers

themselves at points of contact between their plasma membranes. They

are believed to permit the direct conduction of impulses from cell to cell

without the need for chemical transmission. These structures have been

termed nexuses, or tight junctions, and they enable the smooth muscle

fibers to function as a syncytial unit.

Sympathetic ganglia are extremely complex anatomically and

pharmacologically (see Chapter 11). The preganglionic fibers lose

their myelin sheaths and divide repeatedly into a vast number of end

fibers with diameters ranging from 0.1-0.3 μm; except at points of

synaptic contact, they retain their satellite cell sheaths. The vast

majority of synapses are axodendritic. Apparently, a given axonal

terminal may synapse with one or more dendritic processes.

Responses of Effector Organs to Autonomic Nerve

Impulses. From the responses of the various effector

organs to autonomic nerve impulses and the knowledge

of the intrinsic autonomic tone, one can predict the

actions of drugs that mimic or inhibit the actions of

these nerves. In most instances, the sympathetic and

parasympathetic neurotransmitters can be viewed as

physiological or functional antagonists. If one

neurotransmitter inhibits a certain function, the other

usually augments that function. Most viscera are innervated

by both divisions of the autonomic nervous system,

and the level of activity at any moment represents

the integration of influences of the two components.

Despite the conventional concept of antagonism

between the two portions of the autonomic nervous

system, their activities on specific structures may be

either discrete and independent or integrated and interdependent.

For example, the effects of sympathetic and

parasympathetic stimulation of the heart and the iris

show a pattern of functional antagonism in controlling

heart rate and pupillary aperture, respectively, whereas

their actions on male sexual organs are complementary

and are integrated to promote sexual function. The control

of peripheral vascular resistance is primarily, but

not exclusively, due to sympathetic control of arteriolar

resistance. The effects of stimulating the sympathetic

and parasympathetic nerves to various organs,

visceral structures, and effector cells are summarized

in Table 8–1.

General Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System.

The integrating action of the autonomic nervous system

(ANS) is of vital importance for the well-being of the

organism. In general, the ANS regulates the activities of

structures that are not under voluntary control and that

function below the level of consciousness. Thus, respiration,

circulation, digestion, body temperature, metabolism,

sweating, and the secretions of certain endocrine glands

are regulated, in part or entirely, by the autonomic nervous

system, making the ANS the primary regulator of the

constancy of the internal environment of the organism.

The sympathetic system and its associated adrenal

medulla are not essential to life in a controlled environment,

but the lack of sympatho-adrenal functions

becomes evident under circumstances of stress. Body

temperature cannot be regulated when environmental

temperature varies; the concentration of glucose in

blood does not rise in response to urgent need;

compensatory vascular responses to hemorrhage,

oxygen deprivation, excitement, and exercise are lacking;

resistance to fatigue is lessened; sympathetic

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