DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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factors, however, are insufficient to limit the destructive

actions of oxygen when patients are exposed to

high concentrations over an extended time period.

Tissues show differential sensitivity to oxygen toxicity,

which is likely the result of differences in both their

production of reactive compounds and their protective


Respiratory Tract. The pulmonary system is usually the first to

exhibit toxicity, a function of its continuous exposure to the highest

oxygen tensions in the body. Subtle changes in pulmonary function

can occur within 8-12 hours of exposure to 100% O 2

. Increases in

capillary permeability, which will increase the alveolar/arterial oxygen

gradient and ultimately lead to further hypoxemia, and decreased

pulmonary function can be seen after only 18 hours of exposure

(Clark, 1988). Serious injury and death, however, require much

longer exposures. Pulmonary damage is directly related to the

inspired oxygen tension, and concentrations of < 0.5 atm appear to

be safe over long time periods. The capillary endothelium is the most

sensitive tissue of the lung. Endothelial injury results in loss of surface

area from interstitial edema and leaks into the alveoli.

Decreases of inspired oxygen concentrations remain the cornerstone

of therapy for oxygen toxicity. Tolerance also may play a role

in protection from oxygen toxicity; animals exposed briefly to high

O 2

tensions are subsequently more resistant to toxicity. Sensitivity in

humans also can be altered by preexposure to both high and low O 2

concentrations (Clark, 1988). These studies strongly suggest that

changes in alveolar surfactant and cellular levels of antioxidant

enzymes play a role in protection from oxygen toxicity.

Nervous System. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is an eye disease

in premature infants involving abnormal vascularization of the

developing retina that can result from oxygen toxicity or relative

hypoxia (Lutty et al., 2006). Retinal changes can progress to blindness

and are likely caused by fibrovascular proliferation. Central

nervous system problems are rare, and toxicity occurs only under

hyperbaric conditions where exposure exceeds 200 kPa (2 atm).

Symptoms include seizures and visual changes, which resolve when

oxygen tension is returned to normal. Increased inspired oxygen concentrations

are often administered to patients who have sustained

acute ischemic central nervous system injury. In premature neonates

and those who have sustained in utero asphyxia, hyperoxia and

hypocapnia are associated with worse neurologic outcomes (Klinger

et al., 2005). Similarly, in preclinical studies, resuscitation from cardiac

arrest with high inspired oxygen concentrations leads to worse

outcomes (Balan et al., 2006). These data indicate that oxygen therapy

should be titrated to maintain an acceptable Po 2

and that hyperoxemia

should be avoided (Sola, 2008).


Transfer and Elimination of CO 2

Carbon dioxide is produced by metabolism at approximately

the same rate as O 2

is consumed. At rest, this

value is ~3 mL/kg per minute, but it may increase dramatically

with exercise. CO 2

diffuses readily from the

cells into the blood, where it is carried partly as bicarbonate

ion (HCO 3–

), partly in chemical combination

with hemoglobin and plasma proteins, and partly in

solution at a partial pressure of ~6 kPa (46 mm Hg) in

mixed venous blood. CO 2

is transported to the lung,

where it is normally exhaled at the rate it is produced,

leaving a partial pressure of ~5.2 kPa (40 mm Hg) in

the alveoli and in arterial blood. An increase in PCO 2

results in a respiratory acidosis and may be due to

decreased ventilation or the inhalation of CO 2

, whereas

an increase in ventilation results in decreased PCO 2


a respiratory alkalosis. Since CO 2

is freely diffusible,

the changes in blood PCO 2

and pH soon are reflected by

intracellular changes in PCO 2

and pH.

Effects of Carbon Dioxide

Alterations in PCO 2

and pH have widespread effects in

the body, particularly on respiration, circulation, and

the CNS. Complete discussions of these and other

effects are found in textbooks of respiratory physiology

(Nunn, 2005a).

Respiration. CO 2

is a rapid, potent stimulus to ventilation in direct

proportion to the inspired CO 2

. Inhalation of 10% carbon dioxide

can produce minute volumes of 75 L/min in normal individuals. CO 2

stimulates breathing by acidifying central chemoreceptors and the

peripheral carotid bodies (Guyenet, 2008). Elevated Pco 2


bronchodilation, whereas hypocarbia causes constriction of airway

smooth muscle; these responses may play a role in matching pulmonary

ventilation and perfusion (Duane et al., 1979).

Circulation. The circulatory effects of CO 2

result from the combination

of its direct local effects and its centrally mediated effects on

the autonomic nervous system. The direct effect of CO 2

on the heart,

diminished contractility, results from pH changes and a decreased

myofilament Ca 2+ responsiveness (van den Bos et al., 1979). The

direct effect on systemic blood vessels results in vasodilation. CO 2

causes widespread activation of the sympathetic nervous system and

an increase in the plasma concentrations of epinephrine, norepinephrine,

angiotensin, and other vasoactive peptides. The results of sympathetic

nervous system activation generally are opposite to the local

effects of carbon dioxide. The sympathetic effects consist of

increases in cardiac contractility, heart rate, and vasoconstriction

(Chapter 12).

The balance of opposing local and sympathetic effects, therefore,

determines the total circulatory response to CO 2

. The net effect

of CO 2

inhalation is an increase in cardiac output, heart rate, and

blood pressure. In blood vessels, however, the direct vasodilating

actions of CO 2

appear more important, and total peripheral resistance

decreases when the PCO 2

is increased. CO 2

also is a potent coronary

vasodilator. Cardiac arrhythmias associated with increased PCO 2

are due to the release of catecholamines.

Hypocarbia results in opposite effects: decreased blood pressure

and vasoconstriction in skin, intestine, brain, kidney, and heart.

These actions are exploited clinically in the use of hyperventilation

to diminish intracranial hypertension.




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