DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Abuse and Dependence. Like other CNS depressant drugs, barbiturates

are abused, and some individuals develop a dependence on

them (Chapter 24). Moreover, the barbiturates may have euphoriant


Peripheral Nervous Structures. Barbiturates selectively depress transmission

in autonomic ganglia and reduce nicotinic excitation by

choline esters. This effect may account, at least in part, for the fall

in blood pressure produced by intravenous oxybarbiturates and by

severe barbiturate intoxication. At skeletal neuromuscular junctions,

the blocking effects of both tubocurarine and decamethonium are

enhanced during barbiturate anesthesia. These actions probably

result from the capacity of barbiturates at hypnotic or anesthetic concentrations

to inhibit the passage of current through nicotinic cholinergic

receptors. Several distinct mechanisms appear to be involved,

and little stereoselectivity is evident.

Respiration. Barbiturates depress both the respiratory

drive and the mechanisms responsible for the rhythmic

character of respiration. The neurogenic drive is diminished

by hypnotic doses but usually no more so than

during natural sleep. However, neurogenic drive is

essentially eliminated by a dose three times greater than

that used normally to induce sleep. Such doses also suppress

the hypoxic drive and, to a lesser extent, the

chemoreceptor drive. At still higher doses, the powerful

hypoxic drive fails. However, the margin between

the lighter planes of surgical anesthesia and dangerous

respiratory depression is sufficient to permit the ultrashort-acting

barbiturates to be used, with suitable precautions,

as anesthetic agents.

The barbiturates only slightly depress protective reflexes until

the degree of intoxication is sufficient to produce severe respiratory

depression. Coughing, sneezing, hiccoughing, and laryngospasm

may occur when barbiturates are employed as intravenous anesthetic

agents. Indeed, laryngospasm is one of the chief complications of

barbiturate anesthesia.

Cardiovascular System. When given orally in sedative or

hypnotic doses, barbiturates do not produce significant

overt cardiovascular effects except for a slight decrease

in blood pressure and heart rate such as occurs in normal

sleep. In general, the effects of thiopental anesthesia on

the cardiovascular system are benign in comparison with

those of the volatile anesthetic agents; there usually is

either no change or a fall in mean arterial pressure

(Chapter 19).

Apparently, a decrease in cardiac output usually is sufficient

to offset an increase in peripheral resistance, which sometimes is

accompanied by an increase in heart rate. Cardiovascular reflexes are

obtunded by partial inhibition of ganglionic transmission. This is most

evident in patients with congestive heart failure or hypovolemic shock,

whose reflexes already are operating maximally and in whom barbiturates

can cause an exaggerated fall in blood pressure. Because barbiturates

also impair reflex cardiovascular adjustments to inflation of

the lung, positive-pressure respiration should be used cautiously and

only when necessary to maintain adequate pulmonary ventilation in

patients who are anesthetized or intoxicated with a barbiturate.

Other cardiovascular changes often noted when thiopental and

other intravenous thiobarbiturates are administered after conventional

preanesthetic medication include decreased renal and cerebral blood

flow with a marked fall in CSF pressure. Although cardiac arrhythmias

are observed only infrequently, intravenous anesthesia with barbiturates

can increase the incidence of ventricular arrhythmias,

especially when epinephrine and halothane also are present. Anesthetic

concentrations of barbiturates have direct electrophysiological effects

on the heart; in addition to depressing Na + channels, they reduce the

function of at least two types of K + channels (Nattel et al., 1990;

Pancrazio et al., 1993). However, direct depression of cardiac contractility

occurs only when doses several times those required to cause

anesthesia are administered, which probably contributes to the cardiovascular

depression that accompanies acute barbiturate poisoning.

GI Tract. The oxybarbiturates tend to decrease the tone of the GI

musculature and the amplitude of rhythmic contractions. The locus

of action is partly peripheral and partly central, depending on the

dose. A hypnotic dose does not significantly delay gastric emptying

in humans. The relief of various GI symptoms by sedative doses is

probably largely due to the central-depressant action.

Liver. The best-known effects of barbiturates on the

liver are those on the microsomal drug-metabolizing

system (Chapter 6), a site at which significant drug-drug

interactions can occur. These effects vary with the duration

of exposure to the barbiturate.

Acutely, the barbiturates combine with several CYPs and

inhibit the biotransformation of a number of other drugs and endogenous

substrates, such as steroids; other substrates may reciprocally

inhibit barbiturate biotransformations. Drug interactions may result

even when the other substances and barbiturates are oxidized by different

microsomal enzyme systems.

Chronic administration of barbiturates markedly increases

the protein and lipid content of the hepatic smooth endoplasmic

reticulum, as well as the activities of glucuronyl transferase and

CYPs 1A2, 2C9, 2C19, and 3A4. The induction of these enzymes

increases the metabolism of a number of drugs and endogenous substances,

including steroid hormones, cholesterol, bile salts, and vitamins

K and D. This also results in an increased rate of barbiturate

metabolism, which partly accounts for tolerance to barbiturates.

Many sedative-hypnotics, various anesthetics, and ethanol also are

metabolized by and/or induce the microsomal enzymes, and some

degree of cross-tolerance therefore can occur. Not all microsomal

biotransformations of drugs and endogenous substrates are affected

equally, but a convenient rule of thumb is that at maximal induction

in humans, the rates are approximately doubled. The inducing effect

is not limited to the microsomal enzymes; for example, there are

increases in δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthetase, a mitochondrial

enzyme, and aldehyde dehydrogenase, a cytosolic enzyme. The

effect of barbiturates on ALA synthetase can cause dangerous disease

exacerbations in persons with intermittent porphyria.

Kidney. Severe oliguria or anuria may occur in acute barbiturate poisoning

largely as a result of the marked hypotension.

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