DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Enzyme Inhibitors


Angiotensin I (1-10)


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Angiotensin II (1-8)

AT 1

Figure 26-8. Inhibitors of the RAS. ACE-I, angiotensinconverting

enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker;

DRI, direct renin inhibitor.

History. In the 1960s, Ferreira and colleagues found that the venoms

of pit vipers contain factors that intensify vasodilator responses to

bradykinin. These bradykinin- potentiating factors are a family of

peptides that inhibit kininase II, an enzyme that inactivates

bradykinin. Erdös and coworkers established that ACE and kininase

II are the same enzyme, which catalyzes both the synthesis

of AngII and the destruction of bradykinin. Based on these findings,

the nonapeptide teprotide (snake venom peptide that inhibits

kininase II and ACE) was later synthesized and tested in human

subjects. It lowered blood pressure in many patients with essential

hypertension and exerted beneficial effects in patients with heart


The orally effective ACE inhibitor captopril was developed by

a rational approach that involved analysis of the inhibitory action of

teprotide, inference about the action of ACE on its substrates, and analogy

with carboxypeptidase A, which was known to be inhibited by

D- benzylsuccinic acid. Ondetti, Cushman, and colleagues argued that

inhibition of ACE might be produced by succinyl amino acids that

corresponded in length to the dipeptide cleaved by ACE. This led to the

synthesis of a series of carboxy alkanoyl and mercapto alkanoyl derivatives

that are potent competitive inhibitors of ACE. Most active was

captopril (Vane, 1999).

Pharmacological Effects in Normal Laboratory Animals

and Humans. The effect of ACE inhibitors on the RAS

is to inhibit the conversion of AngI to the active AngII.

Inhibition of AngII production will lower blood pressure

and enhance natriuresis. ACE is an enzyme with

many substrates, and inhibition of ACE may also

induce effects unrelated to reducing the levels of AngII.

ACE inhibitors increase bradykinin levels and

bradykinin stimulates prostaglandin biosynthesis; both

may contribute to the pharmacological effects of ACE

inhibitors. ACE inhibitors increase by 5-fold the circulating

levels of the natural stem cell regulator N-

acetyl-seryl-aspartyl-lysyl-proline, which may contribute

to the cardioprotective effects of ACE inhibitors

(Rhaleb et al., 2001). In addition, ACE inhibitors will

increase renin release and the rate of formation of AngI

by interfering with both short- and long- loop negative

feedbacks on renin release (Figure 26–2A).

Accumulating AngI is directed down alternative metabolic

routes, resulting in the increased production of

vasodilator peptides such as Ang(1–7). In healthy, Na + -

replete animals and humans, a single oral dose of an

ACE inhibitor has little effect on systemic blood pressure,

but repeated doses over several days cause a small

reduction in blood pressure. By contrast, even a single

dose of these inhibitors lowers blood pressure substantially

in normal subjects depleted of Na + (Figure 26-7).

Clinical Pharmacology. ACE inhibitors can be classified

into three broad groups based on chemical structure: (1)

sulfhydryl- containing ACE inhibitors structurally

related to captopril; (2) dicarboxyl- containing ACE

inhibitors structurally related to enalapril (e.g., lisinopril,

benazepril, quinapril, moexipril, ramipril, trandolapril,

perindopril); and (3) phosphorus- containing ACE

inhibitors structurally related to fosinopril. Many ACE

inhibitors are ester- containing prodrugs that are 100-

1000 times less potent but have a better oral bioavailability

than the active molecules. Currently, 11 ACE

inhibitors are available for clinical use in the U.S.

(Figure 26–9). They differ with regard to potency,

whether ACE inhibition is primarily a direct effect of

the drug itself or the effect of an active metabolite, and


With the exceptions of fosinopril and spirapril

(which display balanced elimination by the liver and

kidneys), ACE inhibitors are cleared predominantly by

the kidneys. Impaired renal function significantly

diminishes the plasma clearance of most ACE

inhibitors, and dosages of these drugs should be

reduced in patients with renal impairment. Elevated

plasma renin activity renders patients hyperresponsive

to ACE inhibitor–induced hypotension, and initial

dosages of all ACE inhibitors should be reduced in

patients with high plasma levels of renin (e.g., patients

with heart failure and salt- depleted patients).




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