DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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462 a model in which benzodiazepines exert their major actions by

increasing the gain of inhibitory neurotransmission mediated by




receptor subunits also may play roles in the targeting

of assembled receptors to their proper locations in synapses. In

knockout mice lacking the γ2 subunit, GABA A

receptors did not

localize to synapses, although they were formed and translocated to

the cell surface (Essrich et al., 1998). The synaptic clustering molecule

gephyrin also plays a role in receptor localization.




Receptor-Mediated Electrical Events: in vivo Properties. The

remarkable safety of the benzodiazepines is likely related to the fact

that their effects in vivo depend on the presynaptic release of GABA;

in the absence of GABA, benzodiazepines have no effects on GABA A

receptor function. Although barbiturates also enhance the effects of

GABA at low concentrations, they directly activate GABA receptors

at higher concentrations, which can lead to profound CNS depression

(discussed later). Further, the behavioral and sedative effects of

benzodiazepines can be ascribed in part to potentiation of GABAergic

pathways that serve to regulate the firing of neurons containing

various monoamines (Chapter 14). These neurons are known to promote

behavioral arousal and are important mediators of the inhibitory

effects of fear and punishment on behavior. Finally, inhibitory effects

on muscular hypertonia or the spread of seizure activity can be rationalized

by potentiation of inhibitory GABA-ergic circuits at various

levels of the neuraxis. In most studies conducted in vivo or in situ,

the local or systemic administration of benzodiazepines reduces the

spontaneous or evoked electrical activity of major (large) neurons in

all regions of the brain and spinal cord. The activity of these neurons

is regulated in part by small inhibitory interneurons (predominantly

GABA-ergic) arranged in feedback and feedforward types of circuits.

The magnitude of the effects produced by benzodiazepines varies

widely depending on such factors as the types of inhibitory circuits

that are operating, the sources and intensity of excitatory input, and

the manner in which experimental manipulations are performed and

assessed. For example, feedback circuits often involve powerful

inhibitory synapses on the neuronal soma near the axon hillock,

which are supplied predominantly by recurrent pathways. The synaptic

or exogenous application of GABA to this region increases chloride

conductance and can prevent neuronal discharge by shunting

currents that otherwise would depolarize the membrane of the initial

segment. Accordingly, benzodiazepines markedly prolong the period

after brief activation of recurrent GABA-ergic pathways during which

neither spontaneous nor applied excitatory stimuli can evoke neuronal

discharge; this effect is reversed by the GABA A

receptor antagonist

bicuculline (see Figure 14–10).

The macromolecular complex containing GABA-regulated

chloride channels also may be a site of action of general anesthetics,

ethanol, inhaled drugs of abuse, and certain metabolites of endogenous

steroids (Whiting, 2003). Among the latter, allopregnanolone

(3α-hydroxy, 5α-dihydroprogesterone) is of particular interest. This

compound, a metabolite of progesterone that can be formed in the

brain from precursors in the circulation and also synthesized by glial

cells, produces barbiturate-like effects, including promotion of

GABA-induced chloride currents and enhanced binding of benzodiazepines

and GABA-receptor agonists. As with the barbiturates,

higher concentrations of the steroid activate chloride currents in the

absence of GABA, and its effects do not require the presence of a

γ subunit in GABA A

receptors expressed in transfected cells. Unlike

the barbiturates, however, the steroid cannot reduce excitatory

responses to glutamate (discussed later). These effects are produced

very rapidly and apparently are mediated by interactions at sites on

the cell surface. A congener of allopregnanolone (alfaxalone) was

used previously outside the U.S. for the induction of anesthesia.

Respiration. Hypnotic doses of benzodiazepines are without effect on

respiration in normal subjects, but special care must be taken in the

treatment of children (Kriel et al., 2000) and individuals with

impaired hepatic function, such as alcoholics (Guglielminotti et al.,

1999). At higher doses, such as those used for preanesthetic medication

or for endoscopy, benzodiazepines slightly depress alveolar

ventilation and cause respiratory acidosis as the result of a decrease

in hypoxic rather than hypercapnic drive; these effects are exaggerated

in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),

and alveolar hypoxia and CO 2

narcosis may result. These drugs can

cause apnea during anesthesia or when given with opioids. Patients

severely intoxicated with benzodiazepines only require respiratory

assistance when they also have ingested another CNS-depressant

drug, most commonly ethanol.

In contrast, hypnotic doses of benzodiazepines may worsen

sleep-related breathing disorders by adversely affecting control of

the upper airway muscles or by decreasing the ventilatory response

to CO 2

. The latter effect may cause hypoventilation and hypoxemia

in some patients with severe COPD, although benzodiazepines may

improve sleep and sleep structure in some instances. In patients with

obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), hypnotic doses of benzodiazepines

may decrease muscle tone in the upper airway and exaggerate the

impact of apneic episodes on alveolar hypoxia, pulmonary hypertension,

and cardiac ventricular load. Many clinicians consider the

presence of OSA to be a contraindication to the use of alcohol or

any sedative-hypnotic agent, including a benzodiazepine; caution

also should be exercised with patients who snore regularly, because

partial airway obstruction may be converted to OSA under the influence

of these drugs. In addition, benzodiazepines may promote the

appearance of episodes of apnea during REM sleep (associated with

decreases in oxygen saturation) in patients recovering from a

myocardial infarction; however, no impact of these drugs on survival

of patients with cardiac disease has been reported.

Cardiovascular System. The cardiovascular effects of benzodiazepines

are minor in normal subjects except in severe intoxication; the adverse

effects in patients with obstructive sleep disorders or cardiac disease

were noted above. In preanesthetic doses, all benzodiazepines

decrease blood pressure and increase heart rate. With midazolam, the

effects appear to be secondary to a decrease in peripheral resistance,

but with diazepam, they are secondary to a decrease in left ventricular

work and cardiac output. Diazepam increases coronary flow, possibly

by an action to increase interstitial concentrations of

adenosine, and the accumulation of this cardiodepressant metabolite

also may explain the negative inotropic effects of the drug. In

large doses, midazolam decreases cerebral blood flow and oxygen

assimilation considerably (Nugent et al., 1982).

GI Tract. Benzodiazepines are thought by some gastroenterologists

to improve a variety of “anxiety related” gastrointestinal disorders.

There is a paucity of evidence for direct actions. Benzodiazepines

partially protect against stress ulcers in rats, and diazepam

markedly decreases nocturnal gastric secretion in humans. Other

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