DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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66 upon binding ligand. Other members of the family such

as the LXR and FXR receptors reside in the nucleus

and are activated by changes in the concentration of

hydrophobic lipid molecules.



Nuclear hormone receptors contain four major domains in a

single polypeptide chain. The N-terminal domain can contain an activation

region (AF-1) essential for transcriptional regulation followed

by a very conserved region with two zinc fingers that bind to DNA

(the DNA-binding domain). The N-terminal activation region (AF-1)

is subject to regulation by phosphorylation and other mechanisms

that stimulate or inhibit the overall ability of the nuclear receptor to

activate transcription. The C terminal half of the molecule contains a

hinge region (which can be involved in binding DNA), the domain

responsible for binding the hormone or ligand (the ligand-binding

domain or LBD), and specific sets of amino acid residues for binding

co-activators and co-repressors in a second activation region (AF-

2). The x-ray structures of nuclear hormone receptors show that the

LBD is formed from a bundle of 12 helices and that ligand binding

induces a major conformational change in helix 12 (Privalsky, 2004;

Tontonoz and Spiegelman, 2008). This conformational change also

affects the binding of the co-regulatory proteins essential for activation

of the receptor-DNA complex (Figure 3–12).

When bound to DNA, most of the nuclear hormone receptors

act as dimers—some as homodimers, others as heterodimers. Steroid

hormone receptors such as the glucocorticoid receptor are commonly

homodimers, whereas those for lipids are heterodimers with the

RXR receptor. The receptor dimers bind to repetitive DNA

sequences, either direct repeat sequences or an inverted repeat

termed hormone response elements (HRE) that are specific for each

type of receptor (e.g., AGGTCA half-sites oriented as an inverted

repeat with a three-base spacer for the estrogen receptor). The hormone

response elements in DNA are found upstream of the regulated

genes or in some cases within the regulated genes. An

agonist-bound nuclear hormone receptor often activates a large number

of genes to carry out a program of cellular differentiation or

metabolic regulation. For example, stimulation of the LXR receptor

in hepatocytes activates 29 genes and inhibits 14 others (Kalaany

and Mangelsdorf, 2006).












Figure 3–12. Diagram of nuclear hormone receptor activation.

A nuclear hormone receptor (OR) is shown in complex with the

retinoic acid receptor (RXR). When an agonist (yellow triangle)

and co-activator bind, a conformational change occurs in helix 12

(black bar) and gene transcription is stimulated. If co-repressors

are bound, activation does not occur. See text for details; see also

Figure 6–13.

An important property of these receptors is that they must

bind their ligand, the appropriate HRE, and a co-regulator (from a

family of over 100 proteins co-regulators) to regulate their target

genes. There are co-activators such as the steroid receptor co-activator

(SRC) family, the p160 family proteins, CARM and CBP/p300 or

PCG-1α, and co-repressors such as the silencing mediator of retinoid

hormone receptor (SMRT) and nuclear hormone receptor co-repressor

(NCor) (Privalsky, 2004). The activity of the nuclear hormone

receptors in a given cell depends not only on the ligand, but the ratio

of co-activators and co-repressors recruited to the complex. Co-activators

recruit enzymes to the transcription complex that modify

chromatin, such as histone acetylase, which serves to unravel

DNA for transcription. Co-repressors recruit proteins such as histone

deacetylase, which keeps DNA tightly packed and inhibits


Depending on the chemical nature of the bound ligand and

the combination of co-activatiors and co-repressors recruited to the

complex, nuclear hormone receptors may differentially regulate their

target genes. This property explains the ability of certain drugs to

act as selective modulators of the receptor and gene expression. For

example, compounds such as 17β-estradiol are estrogen receptor

agonists in all tissues, whereas tamoxifen and raloxifene are termed

selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). Tamoxifen and

raloxifene are partial agonists at the estrogen receptor; upon binding,

these agents elicit unique confomations of the ligand-binding

domain. Thus, depending on the specific tissue, different combinations

of co-activators and co-repressors are bound to the receptor-

DNA complex, yielding gene-selective functions. For example,

tamoxifen is an antagonist in breast tissue by virtue of recruiting corepressors

to the transcription factor complex but is an agonist in the

endometrium because it recruits co-activators (Riggs and Hartmann,

2003) (Chapter 40).


The maintenance of many organs requires the continuous

renewal of cells. Examples include mucosal cells

lining the intestine and a variety of cells in the immune

system including T-cells and neutrophils. Cell renewal

requires a balance between survival and expansion of

the cell population, or cell death and removal. The

process by which cells are genetically programmed for

death is termed apoptosis. Apoptosis is a highly regulated

program of biochemical reactions that leads to cell

rounding, shrinking of the cytoplasm, condensation of

the nucleus and nuclear material, and changes in the

cell membrane that eventually lead to presentation of

phosphatidylserine on the outer surface of the cell.

Phosphatidylserine is recognized as a sign of apoptosis

by macrophages, which engulf and phagocytize the

dying cell. Notably, during this process the membrane

of the apoptotic cell remains intact and the cell does not

release its cytoplasm or nuclear material. Thus, unlike

necrotic cell death, the apoptotic process does not initiate

an inflammatory response. Understanding the

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