DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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590 The cellular electrophysiological consequences of these

mutations can inform on the mechanisms of seizures and anti-seizure

drugs. For example, generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures

(GEFS+) is caused by a point mutation in the β subunit of a voltage-gated

Na + channel (SCN1B). As described previously, several

anti-seizure drugs act on Na + channels to promote their inactivation;

the phenotype of the mutated Na + channel appears to involve defective

inactivation (Wallace et al., 1998).

Spontaneous mutations in SCN1A (encoding the α subunit of

the major voltage-gated Na + channel in neurons) that result in truncations

and presumed loss of Na + channel function have been identified

in a subset of infants with a catastrophic severe myoclonic

epilepsy of infancy. An intriguing clue as to how this genotype may

lead to an epileptic phenotype has emerged from the study of SCN1A

knock-out mice (Yu et al., 2006). Heterozygote mice have only one

functional allele and provide a mouse model of this epileptic syndrome.

Because activation of voltage-gated Na + channels depolarizes

and activates a neuron, it seemed odd that a loss of function mutation

of SCN1A would result in increased excitability of networks of

neurons and epilepsy. This led to the discovery of impaired firing of

inhibitory interneurons, but not excitatory principal neurons, in

SCN1A heterozygous mice (Yu et al., 2006). These findings suggest

that loss of function mutations of SCN1A may cause epilepsy as a

consequence of reduced firing of inhibitory interneurons. Because

interneurons effect inhibition by releasing GABA, this suggests that

drugs acting to enhance GABA-mediated inhibition may be effective

anticonvulsants in SCN1A mutant mice and infants with these mutations.

Consistent with this hypothesis, preliminary findings reveal

that an experimental anti-seizure drug that increases the duration of


receptor channel open times (Quilichini et al., 2006) was

beneficial in children with severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy

(Chiron, 2007). If confirmed, this would provide the first instance

of rational use of anti-seizure drugs in that insight into the cellular

mechanism of the epilepsy would guide selection of drugs acting by

a given mechanism.





History. The first anti-epileptic drug was bromide, which was used

in the late 19th century. Phenobarbital was the first synthetic organic

agent recognized as having anti-seizure activity. Its usefulness, however,

was limited to generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and to a lesser

degree, simple and complex partial seizures. It had no effect on

absence seizures. Merritt and Putnam developed the electroshock

seizure test in experimental animals to screen chemical agents for

anti-seizure effectiveness; in the course of screening a variety of

drugs, they discovered that diphenylhydantoin (later renamed phenytoin)

suppressed seizures in the absence of sedative effects. The electroshock

seizure test is extremely valuable, because drugs that are

effective against tonic hind limb extension induced by electroshock

generally have proven to be effective against partial and tonic-clonic

seizures in humans. Another screening test, seizures induced by the

chemoconvulsant pentylenetetrazol, is most useful in identifying

drugs that are effective against myoclonic seizures in humans. These

screening tests are still used. The chemical structures of most of the

drugs introduced before 1965 were closely related to phenobarbital.

These included the hydantoins and the succinimides. Between 1965

and 1990, the chemically distinct structures of the benzodiazepines,

an iminostilbene (carbamazepine), and a branched-chain carboxylic

acid (valproic acid) were introduced, followed in the 1990s by a

phenyltriazine (lamotrigine), a cyclic analog of GABA (gabapentin),

a sulfamate-substituted monosaccharide (topiramate), a nipecotic acid

derivative (tiagabine), and a pyrrolidine derivative (levetiracetam).

Therapeutic Aspects. The ideal anti-seizure drug would

suppress all seizures without causing any unwanted

effects. Unfortunately, the drugs used currently not only

fail to control seizure activity in some patients, but frequently

cause unwanted effects that range in severity

from minimal impairment of the CNS to death from

aplastic anemia or hepatic failure. In 2009, all manufacturers

of anti-seizure drugs were required to update

their product labeling to include a warning about an

increased risk of suicidal thoughts or actions and to

develop information targeted at helping patients understand

this risk. The risk applies to all anti-seizure drugs

used for any indication. Details are online at the FDA


The clinician who treats patients with epilepsy is

faced with the task of selecting the appropriate drug or

combination of drugs that best controls seizures in an

individual patient at an acceptable level of untoward

effects. As a general rule, complete control of seizures

can be achieved in up to 50% of patients, while another

25% can be improved significantly. The degree of success

varies as a function of seizure type, cause, and

other factors.

To minimize toxicity, treatment with a single drug

is preferred. If seizures are not controlled with the initial

agent at adequate plasma concentrations, substitution

of a second drug is preferred to the concurrent

administration of another agent. However, multipledrug

therapy may be required, especially when two or

more types of seizure occur in the same patient.

Measurement of drug concentrations in plasma

facilitates optimizing anti-seizure medication, especially

when therapy is initiated, after dosage adjustments, in

the event of therapeutic failure, when toxic effects

appear, or when multiple-drug therapy is instituted.

However, clinical effects of some drugs do not correlate

well with their concentrations in plasma, and recommended

concentrations are only guidelines for therapy.

The ultimate therapeutic regimen must be determined

by clinical assessment of effect and toxicity.

The individual agents are introduced in the next

sections, followed by a discussion of some general principles

of the drug therapy of the epilepsies.

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