DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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272 and its metabolites are eliminated rapidly by the kidney. The rate of

urinary excretion of nicotine diminishes when the urine is alkaline.

Nicotine also is excreted in the milk of lactating women who smoke;

the milk of heavy smokers may contain 0.5 mg/L.



Acute Nicotine Poisoning. Poisoning from nicotine may occur from

accidental ingestion of nicotine-containing insecticide sprays or in

children from ingestion of tobacco products. The acutely fatal dose

of nicotine for an adult is probably ~ 60 mg. Smoking tobacco usually

contains 1-2% nicotine. Apparently, the gastric absorption of

nicotine from tobacco taken by mouth is delayed because of slowed

gastric emptying, so vomiting caused by the central effect of the initially

absorbed fraction may remove much of the tobacco remaining

in the GI tract.

The onset of symptoms of acute, severe nicotine poisoning

is rapid; they include nausea, salivation, abdominal pain, vomiting,

diarrhea, cold sweat, headache, dizziness, disturbed hearing and

vision, mental confusion, and marked weakness. Faintness and prostration

ensue; the blood pressure falls; breathing is difficult; the pulse

is weak, rapid, and irregular; and collapse may be followed by terminal

convulsions. Death may result within a few minutes from respiratory


Therapy. Vomiting may be induced, or gastric lavage should be performed.

Alkaline solutions should be avoided. A slurry of activated

charcoal is then passed through the tube and left in the stomach.

Respiratory assistance and treatment of shock may be necessary.

Smoking Cessation. Two goals of the pharmacotherapy of smoking

cessation are the reduction of the craving for nicotine and inhibition

of the reinforcing effects of nicotine. Myriad approaches and

drug regimens are used, including nicotine replacement, bupropion

(Chapter 15), and nicotinic ACh receptor agonists (Chapters 15 and

24 and the review by Frishman, 2009). Nicotine dependence is likely

mediated, at least in part, by subtypes of the neuronal nicotinic

acetylcholine receptor (N n

). The mesolimbic α 4

β 2

subtype of N n


α 4

β 2

-stimulated release of dopamine seem to play major roles in

nicotine dependence. Thus, one aim of drug development in this area

is discovery of an agent that will stimulate α 4

β 2

-mediated DA release

sufficiently to reduce craving during periods of abstinence from

smoking yet occupy the α 4

β 2

N n

receptor sufficiently to inhibit nicotine

reinforcement during smoking (Rollema et al., 2007).

Varenicline (CHANTIX) has been recently introduced as an aid

to smoking cessation. The drug interacts with nicotinic ACh receptors.

In model systems, varenicline is a partial agonist at α 4

β 2


and a full agonist at the α 7

subtype, with weak activity toward

α 3

β 2

- and α 6

-containing receptors (Mihalak et al., 2006). The drug

is effective clinically; however, it is not benign: Based on postmarketing

studies, the FDA has issued a warning about mood and

behavioral changes associated with its use (Frishman, 2009).

Nicotine itself is available in several dosage forms to help

achieve abstinence from tobacco use. Efficacy results primarily from

preventing a withdrawal or abstinence syndrome. Nicotine is marketed

for over-the-counter use as a gum or lozenge (NICOTINE

POLACRILEX, NICORETTE, COMMIT, THRIVE, others), transdermal patch

(NICODERM, HABITROL, others), a nasal spray (NICOTROL), or a vapor

inhaler (NICOTROL). The gum and transdermal systems are used most

widely, and the objective is to obtain a sustained plasma nicotine

concentration lower than venous blood concentrations after smoking.

Arterial blood concentrations immediately following inhalation can

be as much as 10-fold higher than venous concentrations. The efficacy

of these dosage forms in producing abstinence from smoking

is enhanced when linked to counseling and motivational therapy

(Benowitz, 1999; Fant et al., 1999; Frishman, 2009).


There are two categories of agents that block ganglionic

nicotinic receptors. The prototype of the first group,

nicotine, initially stimulates the ganglia by an ACh-like

action and then blocks them by causing a persistent

depolarization (Volle, 1980). Compounds in the second

category (e.g., trimethaphan and hexamethonium)

impair transmission either by competing with ACh for

ganglionic nicotinic receptor sites or by blocking the

channel. Trimethaphan acts by competition with ACh,

analogous to the mechanism of action of curare at the

neuromuscular junction. Hexamethonium appears to

block the channel after it opens; this action shortens the

duration of current flow because the open channel

either becomes occluded or closes (Gurney and Rang,

1984). Regardless of the mechanism, the initial EPSP is

blocked, and ganglionic transmission is inhibited. The

chemical diversity of compounds that block autonomic

ganglia without causing prior stimulation is shown in

Figure 11–7.

Ganglionic blocking agents such as mecamylamine

(INVERSINE) and trimethaphan were the first

effective therapy for the treatment of hypertension and

were used extensively during the 1950s and 1960s, as

described in earlier editions of this text. However, due

to the role of ganglionic transmission in both sympathetic

and parasympathetic neurotransmission, the antihypertensive

action of ganglionic blocking agents was

accompanied by numerous undesirable side effects.

History and Structure-Activity Relationship. Although Marshall

first described the “nicotine-paralyzing” action of tetraethylammonium

(TEA) on ganglia in 1913, TEA was largely overlooked until

the effects of the ion on the cardiovascular system and autonomic

ganglia were analyzed. The prototypical ganglionic blocking drug

in this series, hexamethonium (C6), has a bridge of six methylene

groups between the two quaternary nitrogen atoms (Figure 11–7). It

has minimal neuromuscular and muscarinic blocking activities.

Triethylsulfoniums (e.g., trimethaphan), like the quaternary and bisquaternary

ammonium ions, possess ganglionic blocking actions

(Figure 11–7). Mecamylamine, a secondary amine, is currently

licensed as an orphan drug for Tourette’s syndrome.

Pharmacological Properties. Nearly all the physiological alterations

observed after the administration of ganglionic blocking agents can

be anticipated with reasonable accuracy by a careful inspection of

Figure 8–1 and Table 8–1, and by knowing which division of the

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