DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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392 (e.g., ethanol) can exert relatively specific effects on certain groups

of neurons, which may account for differences in their behavioral

effects, especially the propensity to produce dependence.



General (Nonspecific) CNS Stimulants

The drugs in this category include pentylenetetrazol and related

agents that are capable of powerful excitation of the CNS, and the

methylxanthines, which have a much weaker stimulant action.

Stimulation may be accomplished by one of two general mechanisms:

(1) blockade of inhibition or (2) direct neuronal excitation

that may involve increased transmitter release or more prolonged

transmitter action, as occurs when the reuptake of a released transmitter

is inhibited.

Drugs That Selectively Modify CNS Function

The agents in this group may cause either depression or excitation.

In some instances, a drug may produce both effects simultaneously

on different systems. Some agents in this category have little effect

on the level of excitability in doses that are used therapeutically. The

principal classes of these CNS drugs are anticonvulsants, drugs used

in treating Parkinson disease, opioid and non- opioid analgesics,

appetite suppressants, anti- emetics, analgesic- antipyretics, certain

stimulants, antidepressants, anti- manic and anti- psychotic agents,

tranquilizers, sedatives and hypnotics, and medications employed in

the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (cholinesterase inhibitors and

anti- glutamate neuroprotectants). Although selectivity of action may

be remarkable, a drug usually affects several CNS functions to varying

degrees. When only one constellation of effects is wanted in a

therapeutic situation, the remaining effects of the drug are regarded

as limitations in selectivity (i.e., unwanted side effects or off- target

effects). The specificity of a drug’s action is frequently overestimated.

This is partly due to the fact that drugs are often identified

with the effect that is implied by the class name.

General Characteristics of CNS Drugs

Combinations of centrally acting drugs frequently are administered to

therapeutic advantage (e.g., an anticholinergic drug and levodopa for

Parkinson disease). However, other combinations of drugs may be

detrimental because of potentially dangerous additive or mutually

antagonistic effects. The effects of a CNS drug may be additive with

the physiological state and the effects of other depressant and stimulant

drugs. For example, anesthetics are less effective in a hyperexcitable

subject than in a normal patient; the converse is true for

stimulants. In general, the depressant effects of drugs from different

categories are additive (e.g., the potentially fatal combination of

barbiturates or benzodiazepines with ethanol), as are the effects of

stimulants. Therefore, respiration depressed by morphine is further

impaired by depressant drugs, while stimulant drugs can augment the

excitatory effects of morphine to produce vomiting and convulsions.

Antagonism between depressants and stimulants is variable.

Some instances of true pharmacological antagonism among CNS

drugs are known; for example, opioid antagonists can selectively

antagonize the effects of opioid analgesics. However, the antagonism

exhibited between two CNS drugs is most often physiological

in nature. For example, an individual whose CNS is depressed by an

opiate cannot be returned entirely to normal by stimulation with


The selective effects of drugs on specific neurotransmitter systems

may be additive or competitive. The potential for drug interactions

must be considered whenever such drugs are concurrently

administered. To minimize such interactions, a drug- free period may be

required when modifying therapy; in fact, development of desensitized

and supersensitive states with prolonged therapy may limit the speed

with which one drug may be halted and another started. An excitatory

effect is commonly observed with low concentrations of certain depressant

drugs due either to depression of inhibitory systems or to a transient

increase in the release of excitatory transmitters. Examples include

the stage of excitement seen during induction of general anesthesia.

The excitatory phase typically occurs with low concentrations of the

depressant; uniform depression ensues with increasing drug concentration.

The excitatory effects can be minimized, when appropriate, by

pretreatment with a depressant drug that is devoid of such effects (e.g.,

benzodiazepines in preanesthetic medication). Acute, excessive stimulation

of the cerebrospinal axis normally is followed by depression,

which is in part a consequence of neuronal fatigue and exhaustion of

stores of transmitters. Postictal depression is additive with the effects

of depressant drugs. Acute, drug- induced depression generally is not

followed by stimulation. However, chronic drug- induced sedation or

depression may be followed by prolonged hyperexcitability upon

abrupt withdrawal of the medication (barbiturates or alcohol). This type

of hyperexcitability can be controlled effectively by the same or another

depressant drug (Chapters 17, 23, and 24).

Organization of CNS-Drug Interactions. The structural and functional

properties of neurons provide a means to specify the possible

sites at which drugs could interact, specifically or generally, in the

CNS. In this scheme, drugs that affect neuronal energy metabolism,

membrane integrity, or transmembrane ionic equilibria would be

generally acting compounds. Similarly general in action would be

drugs that affect molecular motors and thereby affect the transport of

materials from cell bodies to nerve terminals and back. These general

effects may exhibit different dose- response or time- response

relationships based, e.g., on neuronal properties such as rate of firing,

dependence of discharge on external stimuli or internal pacemakers,

resting ionic fluxes, or axon length. In contrast, when the

actions of a drug can be related to specific aspects of the metabolism,

release, or function of a neurotransmitter, then the site, specificity,

and mechanism of action of the drug can be defined by systematic

studies of dose- response and time- response relationships.

Transmitter- dependent actions of drugs can be grouped into

presynaptic and postsynaptic categories. The presynaptic category

includes the events in the perikaryon and nerve terminal that regulate

transmitter synthesis (including the acquisition of adequate substrates

and co- factors), storage, release, and metabolism. Transmitter

concentrations can be lowered by blockade of synthesis, inhibition

of storage, or both. The amount of transmitter released per impulse

generally is stable but may be subject to regulation. The effective

concentration of transmitter may be increased by inhibition of

metabolic enzymes or by blockade of re- uptake transporters. The

transmitter that is released at a synapse also can exert actions on the

terminal from which it was released by interacting with receptors at

these sites (autoreceptors). Activation of presynaptic autoreceptors

can inhibit or stimulate the rate of release of transmitter and thereby

provide a feedback mechanism that controls the concentration of

transmitter in the synaptic cleft.

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