DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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CAPOTEN (captopril), 732–733, 797

Capreomycin, 1563

CAPROGEL (aminocaproic acid), 1792


FDA-approved indications for,


formulations, 1830

mechanism of action of, 1830

for pruritus, 1828t

structure of, 1830

CAPSIN (capsaicin), 1830

Captopril, 732–733

as antihypertensive agent, 774t,


for heart failure, 797

history of, 731

in renal failure, 735

structure of, 732f

therapeutic uses of, 738–745

CAR. See Constitutive androstane

receptor (CAR)

CARAC (5-fluorouracil), 1821


acetylcholine vs., 222

in ocular surgery, 1788

for ophthalmic use, 1788

pharmacological properties of, 223t

structure of, 222f

therapeutic use of, 224

Carbamate inhibitors, reversible, 242.

See also Anticholinesterase

agents; specific agent

Carbamazepine, 594–595

metabolism of, 128t, 130, 131f

pharmacokinetics of, 1819t

polymorphisms and response to,


for pruritus, 1828t

and vasopressin secretion, 704

Carbapenems, 1499–1501


activity of, 1484

chemistry of, 1479t

properties of, 1479t

Carbenicillin indanyl

chemistry of, 1479t

properties of, 1479t

Carbetocin, 1850

Carbidopa, pharmacokinetics of, 1819t


dosage of, 614t

therapeutic uses of, for

parkinsonism, dosage of,


Carbinoxamine maleate, 921t

Carbohydrate plasma expanders,

histamine and, 914

Carbon dioxide, 561–562

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors,


absorption and elimination of, 680

chemistry, 679t

drug interactions with, 680

excretory and renal hemodynamic

effects of, 678t

mechanism of action of, 678–679,


pharmacology of, 679t

and renal hemodynamics, 680

site of action of, 678–679

structure of, 679t

toxicity, adverse effects, and

contraindications to, 680

and urinary excretion, 679–680

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs),

for glaucoma, 1787

Carbon monoxide, in central nervous

system, 390

Carbon monoxide antidote, 86t

Carboplatin, 1668t–1670t, 1689

extramedullary toxicity of, 1682t

pharmacokinetics of, 1820t

Carboxylestrases, 131

Carboxypeptidase M, 929–930

Carboxypeptidase N, 929

Carcinogen(s), 1855–1860

Carcinogensis, 1855–1857

Carcinoid, malignant, drugs for,


CARDENE (nicardipine), 762t

Cardiac action potentials. See Action

potential(s), cardiac

Cardiac arrhythmias

ethanol and, 636

sympathomimetic drugs for, 302

Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial

(CAST), 832

Cardiac cell, 815–816, 816f

sodium and calcium exchange in,


Cardiac conduction

decremental, 819

factors affecting, 819

failure, 819

Cardiac electrophysiology, 815–819

action potentials in, 816–817

heterogeneity of, 817–818

conduction failure and, 819, 819f

impulse propagation, 818–819

impulse propagation and ECG, 818f

Cardiac electrophysiology (Cont.):

maintenance of intracellular ion

homeostasis in, 818

as “moving target” for therapy, 833

refractoriness, 819, 819f, 826f

sodium and calcium exchange in,


Cardiac glycoside antidote, 86t

Cardiac glycosides, 801–804, 837–839

electrophysiologic actions, 803

for heart failure, 801–804

inhibition of Na,K-ATPase, 801

mechanism of action of, 801–803

pharmacokinetics of, 803

positive inotropic effect, 802–803

regulation of sympathetic nervous

system activity, 803

toxicity of, 803–804


ethanol and, 636

hypertrophic, angina pectoris with,

recommended treatment for,


Cardioprotection, NSAIDs for,


Cardiovascular disease (CVD), risk


for men, 888t

for women, 889t

Cardiovascular system

acetylcholine and, 220–221

adrenocorticosteroids and,


atropine and, 233

beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists

and, 313–314, 316

choline esters and, 223t

dobutamine and, 290

dopamine and, 288

drug effects on

prostaglandin, 946–947

thromboxane, 946–947

eicosanoids and, 948–949

ethanol and, 635–636

fentanyl and, 507

ganglionic blocking drugs and, 273

halothane and, 546–547

histamine and, 916

isoflurane and, 548

kinins and, 931

meperidine and, 506

muscarinic antagonists and,

227–228, 233

nicotine and, 271

norepinephrine and, 287

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