DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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levels. In different clinical situations, one or the other measure of

anesthesia duration may be more relevant, and this must be kept in

mind when deciding whether to add epinephrine to spinal local

anesthetics. The mechanism of action of vasoconstrictors in prolonging

spinal anesthesia is uncertain. It has been hypothesized that

these agents decrease spinal cord blood flow, decreasing clearance

of local anesthetic from the CSF, but this has not been convincingly

demonstrated. Epinephrine and other α-adrenergic agonists have

been shown to decrease nociceptive transmission in the spinal cord,

and studies in genetically modified mice suggest that α 2A


receptors play a principal role in this response (Stone et al., 1997).

Such actions may contribute to the beneficial effects of epinephrine,

clonidine, and dexmedetomidine when these agents are added

to spinal local anesthetics.

Drug Baricity and Patient Position. The baricity of the local anesthetic

injected will determine the direction of migration within the

dural sac. Hyperbaric solutions will tend to settle in the dependent

portions of the sac, while hypobaric solutions will tend to migrate in

the opposite direction. Isobaric solutions usually will stay in the

vicinity where they were injected, diffusing slowly in all directions.

Consideration of the patient position during and after the performance

of the block and the choice of a local anesthetic of the appropriate

baricity is crucial for a successful block during some surgical

procedures. Lidocaine and bupivacaine are marketed in both isobaric

and hyperbaric preparations, and if desired, can be diluted with sterile,

preservative-free water to make them hypobaric.

Complications of Spinal Anesthesia. Persistent neurological

deficits following spinal anesthesia are extremely rare. Thorough

evaluation of a suspected deficit should be performed in collaboration

with a neurologist. Neurological sequelae can be both immediate

and late. Possible causes include introduction of foreign

substances (such as disinfectants or talc) into the subarachnoid

space, infection, hematoma, or direct mechanical trauma. Aside

from drainage of an abscess or hematoma, treatment usually is

ineffective; thus, avoidance and careful attention to detail while

performing spinal anesthesia are necessary.

High concentrations of local anesthetic can cause irreversible

block. After administration, local anesthetic solutions are

diluted rapidly, quickly reaching nontoxic concentrations.

However, there are several reports of transient or longer-lasting

neurological deficits following lidocaine spinal anesthesia, particularly

with 5% lidocaine (i.e., 180 mmol) in 7.5% glucose (Zaric

and Pace, 2009). Spinal anesthesia sometimes is regarded as contraindicated

in patients with pre-existing disease of the spinal cord.

No experimental evidence exists to support this hypothesis.

Nonetheless, it is prudent to avoid spinal anesthesia in patients with

progressive diseases of the spinal cord. However, spinal anesthesia

may be very useful in patients with fixed, chronic spinal cord


A more common sequela following any lumbar puncture,

including spinal anesthesia, is a postural headache with classic

features. The incidence of headache decreases with increasing age of

the patient and decreasing needle diameter. Headache following lumbar

puncture must be thoroughly evaluated to exclude serious complications

such as meningitis. Treatment usually is conservative, with

bed rest and analgesics. If this approach fails, an epidural blood

patch with the injection of autologous blood can be performed; this

procedure usually is successful in alleviating postdural puncture

headaches, although a second blood patch may be necessary. If two

epidural blood patches are ineffective in relieving the headache, the

diagnosis of postdural puncture headache should be reconsidered.

Intravenous caffeine (500 mg as the benzoate salt administered over

4 hours) also has been advocated for the treatment of postdural puncture

headache; however, the efficacy of caffeine is less than that of

a blood patch, and relief usually is transient.

Evaluation of Spinal Anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia is a safe and

effective technique, especially during surgery involving the lower

abdomen, the lower extremities, and the perineum. It often is combined

with intravenous medication to provide sedation and amnesia.

The physiological perturbations associated with low spinal anesthesia

often have less potential harm than those associated with general

anesthesia. The same does not apply for high spinal anesthesia. The

sympathetic blockade that accompanies levels of spinal anesthesia

adequate for mid- or upper-abdominal surgery, coupled with the difficulty

in achieving visceral analgesia, is such that equally satisfactory

and safer operating conditions can be realized by combining the

spinal anesthetic with a “light” general anesthetic or by the administration

of a general anesthetic and a neuromuscular blocking agent.

Epidural Anesthesia

Epidural anesthesia is administered by injecting local anesthetic into

the epidural space—the space bounded by the ligamentum flavum

posteriorly, the spinal periosteum laterally, and the dura anteriorly.

Epidural anesthesia can be performed in the sacral hiatus (caudal

anesthesia) or in the lumbar, thoracic, or cervical regions of the

spine. Its current popularity arises from the development of catheters

that can be placed into the epidural space, allowing either continuous

infusions or repeated bolus administration of local anesthetics.

The primary site of action of epidurally administered local anesthetics

is on the spinal nerve roots. However, epidurally administered

local anesthetics also may act on the spinal cord and on the paravertebral


The selection of drugs available for epidural anesthesia is

similar to that for major nerve blocks. As for spinal anesthesia, the

choice of drugs to be used during epidural anesthesia is dictated primarily

by the duration of anesthesia desired. However, when an

epidural catheter is placed, short-acting drugs can be administered

repeatedly, providing more control over the duration of block.

Bupivacaine, 0.5-0.75%, is used when a long duration of surgical

block is desired. Due to enhanced cardiotoxicity in pregnant

patients, the 0.75% solution is not approved for obstetrical use.

Lower concentrations—0.25%, 0.125%, or 0.0625%—of bupivacaine,

often with 2 μg/mL of fentanyl added, frequently are used to

provide analgesia during labor. They also are useful preparations for

providing postoperative analgesia in certain clinical situations.

Lidocaine 2% is the most frequently used intermediate-acting

epidural local anesthetic. Chloroprocaine, 2% or 3%, provides rapid

onset and a very short duration of anesthetic action. However, its use

in epidural anesthesia has been clouded by controversy regarding its

potential ability to cause neurological complications if the drug is

accidentally injected into the subarachnoid space (discussed earlier).

The duration of action of epidurally administered local anesthetics

frequently is prolonged, and systemic toxicity decreased, by addition

of epinephrine. Addition of epinephrine also makes inadvertent




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