DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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344 suppressant in the management of obesity. The drug is

converted to two active metabolites that contribute to

its therapeutic effects. The relative importance of

effects on single or multiple neurotransmitters in sibutramine’s

anti-obesity action is unclear. Sibutramine is

classified as a selective serotonin/ norepinephrine

reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). Other SNRIs include duloxetine

(CYMBALTA; approved for depression, anxiety,

peripheral neuropathy, and fibromyalgia), venlafaxine

(EFFEXOR; approved for the treatment of depression,

anxiety, and panic disorders), desvenlafaxine (PRISTIQ;

approved for depression), and milnacipran (SAVELLA;

approved for fibromyalgia).

Nonselective treatments that alter 5-HT levels

include MAO inhibitors (e.g., phenelzine [NARDIL],

tranylcypromine [PARNATE, others], and isocarboxazid

[MARPLAN]) and reserpine. MAO inhibitors block the

principal route of degradation, thereby increasing levels

of 5-HT, whereas reserpine, a VMAT2 inhibitor,

depletes intraneuronal stores of 5-HT. These treatments

profoundly alter levels of 5-HT throughout the body.

Because reserpine and MAO inhibitors also cause comparable

changes in the levels of catecholamines, the

drugs are of limited utility as research tools. Both

agents have been used in the treatment of mental diseases:

reserpine as an antipsychotic drug (Chapter 16)

and MAO inhibitors as antidepressants (Chapter 15).



Experimental strategies for evaluating the role of 5-HT

depend on techniques that manipulate tissue levels of 5-HT or block

5-HT receptors. Until recently, manipulation of the levels of endogenous

5-HT was the more commonly used strategy, because the

actions of 5-HT receptor antagonists were poorly understood.

Tryptophan hydroxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme in 5-HT

synthesis, and manipulation of its catalytic flux provides useful ways

to alter 5-HT levels. A diet low in tryptophan reduces the concentration

of brain 5-HT; conversely, ingestion of a tryptophan load

increases levels of 5-HT in the brain. An acute decrease in brain 5-HT

can be achieved by oral administration of an amino acid mixture

devoid of tryptophan, a valuable tool for human studies of the role

of 5-HT. In addition, administration of a tryptophan hydroxylase

inhibitor causes a profound depletion of 5-HT. The most widely used

selective tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitor is p-chlorophenylalanine,

which acts irreversibly to produce long-lasting depletion of 5-HT

levels with no change in levels of catecholamines.

p-Chloroamphetamine and other halogenated amphetamines

promote the release of 5-HT from platelets and neurons. A rapid

release of 5-HT is followed by a prolonged and selective depletion of

5-HT in brain. The mechanism of 5-HT release involves reversal of

5-HT transporter, analogous to the mechanism of the catecholaminereleasing

action of amphetamine. The halogenated amphetamines are

valuable experimental tools and two of them, fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine,

were used clinically to reduce appetite; the once popular

diet drug regimen, “fen-phen,” combined fenfluramine and phentermine.

Fenfluramine (PONDIMIN) and dexfenfluramine (REDUX) were

withdrawn from the U.S. market in the late 1990s after reports of lifethreatening

heart valve disease and pulmonary hypertension associated

with their use. This toxicity may be secondary to 5-HT 2B

receptor activation

(Roth, 2007). The mechanism for long-term depletion of brain

5-HT by the halogenated amphetamines remains controversial. A profound

reduction in levels of 5-HT in the brain lasts for weeks and is

accompanied by an equivalent loss of proteins (5-HT transporter and

tryptophan hydroxylase) selectively localized in 5-HT neurons, suggesting

that the halogenated amphetamines have a neurotoxic action.

Despite these long-lasting biochemical deficits, neuroanatomical signs

of neuronal death are not readily apparent. Another class of compounds,

ring-substituted tryptamine derivatives such as 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine

(Figure 13–1) produces unequivocal degeneration of 5-HT neurons.

In adult animals, 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine selectively destroys

serotonergic axon terminals; the remaining intact cell bodies allow

eventual regeneration of axon terminals. In newborn animals, degeneration

is permanent because 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine destroys serotonergic

cell bodies as well as axon terminals.



5-HT Receptor Agonists

Direct-acting 5-HT receptor agonists have widely different

chemical structures, as well as diverse pharmacological

properties (Table 13–5), as might be predicted

from the multiplicity of 5-HT receptor subtypes. 5-HT 1A

receptor–selective agonists have helped elucidate the

functions of this receptor in the brain and have resulted

in a new class of antianxiety drugs including buspirone

(BUSPAR, others) and the investigational agents, gepirone

and ipsapirone (Chapter 15). 5-HT 1B/1D


agonists, such as sumatriptan, have unique properties

that result in constriction of intracranial blood vessels

that are effective in the treatment of acute migraine

attacks. A number of 5-HT 4

receptor–selective agonists

have been developed or are being developed for the

treatment of disorders of the GI tract (Chapter 46).

These classes of selective 5-HT receptor agonists are

discussed in more detail in the chapters that deal directly

with treatment of the relevant pathological conditions.

5-HT Receptor Agonists and Migraine. Migraine

headache afflicts 10-20% of the population. Although

migraine is a specific neurological syndrome, the manifestations

vary widely. The principal types are

migraine without aura (common migraine); migraine

with aura (classic migraine, which includes subclasses

of migraine with typical aura, migraine with prolonged

aura, migraine aura without headache, and migraine

with acute-onset aura), and several rarer types.

Premonitory aura may begin as long as 24 hours

before the onset of pain and often is accompanied by

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