DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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(Serotonin) and Dopamine

Elaine Sanders-Bush and

Lisa Hazelwood

5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin) and dopamine

(DA) are neurotransmitters in the central nervous system

(CNS) and also have prominent peripheral actions.

5-HT is found in high concentrations in enterochromaffin

cells throughout the GI tract, in storage granules in

platelets, and broadly throughout the CNS. 5-HT regulates

smooth muscle in the cardiovascular system and

the GI tract and enhances platelet aggregation. The

highest concentrations of DA are found in the brain;

dopamine stores are also present peripherally in the

adrenal medulla and the transmitter is detectable in the

plexuses of the GI tract and in enteric nervous system.

DA modulates peripheral vascular tone to modulate

renal perfusion, heart rate, and vasoconstriction/dilation.

Fourteen 5-HT receptor subtypes and five DA-receptor

subtypes have been delineated by pharmacological

analyses and cDNA cloning. The availability of cloned

receptors has allowed the development of subtypeselective

drugs and the elucidation of actions of these

neurotransmitters at a molecular level. Increasingly,

therapeutic goals are being achieved by drugs that target

selectively one or more of the subtypes of 5-HT

or DA receptors, or that act on a combination of both

5-HT and DA receptors.

5-HT and DA are widely distributed in the animal

and plant kingdoms. Several important laboratory

invertebrate models have serotonergic and dopaminergic

systems, including the fruit fly and nematode. 5-HT

and DA are considered below in separate sections.


History. In the 1930s, Erspamer began to study the distribution of

enterochromaffin cells, which stained with a reagent for indoles.

The highest concentrations were found in GI mucosa, followed

by platelets and the CNS. Soon thereafter, Page and colleagues

isolated and chemically characterized a vasoconstrictor substance

released from platelets in clotting blood. This substance, named

serotonin, was shown to be identical to the indole isolated by

Erspamer. Subsequent discovery of biosynthetic and degradative

pathways for 5-HT and clinical presentation of patients with carcinoid

tumors of intestinal enterochromaffin cells spurred interest

in 5-HT. The gross effects of 5-HT, produced in excess in malignant

carcinoid, gave some indication of the physiologic and pharmacologic

actions of 5-HT, as did the identification of several

naturally occurring and semi-synthetic tryptamine-like substances

that were hallucinogenic and induced behavioral effects similar to

those observed in carcinoid patients. In the mid-1950s, the discovery

that the pronounced behavioral effects of reserpine are accompanied

by a profound decrease in brain 5-HT led to the proposal

that serotonin may function as a neurotransmitter in the mammalian


Sources and Chemistry. 5-HT [3-(β-aminoethyl)-5-hydroxyindole]

is present in vertebrates, tunicates, mollusks, arthropods, coelenterates,

fruits, and nuts. It is also a component of venoms, including

those of the common stinging nettle and of wasps and scorpions.

Numerous synthetic or naturally occurring congeners of 5-HT have

pharmacological activity (see Figure 13–1 for chemical structures).

Many of the N- and O-methylated indoleamines, such as N,Ndimethyltryptamine,

are hallucinogens. Because these compounds

are behaviorally active and might be synthesized by known metabolic

pathways, they have long been considered candidates for

endogenous psychotomimetic substances, potentially responsible for

some psychotic behaviors. Another close relative of 5-HT, melatonin

(5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine), is formed by sequential N-acetylation

and O-methylation (Figure 13–2). Melatonin, not to be confused

with melanin, is the principal indoleamine in the pineal gland, where

it may be said to constitute a pigment of the imagination. Its synthesis

is controlled by external factors including environmental light.

Melatonin induces pigment lightening in skin cells and suppresses

ovarian functions; it also serves a role in regulating biological

rhythms and shows promise in the treatment of jet lag and other sleep

disturbances (Cajochen et al., 2003).

Synthesis and Metabolism of 5-HT. 5-HT is synthesized

by a two-step pathway from the essential amino

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