DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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274 gastric emptying. Although the absorption of mecamylamine is less

erratic, a danger exists of reduced bowel activity leading to frank

paralytic ileus.

After absorption, the quaternary ammonium- and sulfoniumblocking

agents are confined primarily to the extracellular space and

are excreted mostly unchanged by the kidney. Mecamylamine concentrates

in the liver and kidney and is excreted slowly in an

unchanged form.



Untoward Responses and Severe Reactions. Among the milder

untoward responses observed are visual disturbances, dry mouth,

conjunctival suffusion, urinary hesitancy, decreased potency, subjective

chilliness, moderate constipation, occasional diarrhea,

abdominal discomfort, anorexia, heartburn, nausea, eructation, and

bitter taste and the signs and symptoms of syncope caused by postural

hypotension. More severe reactions include marked hypotension,

constipation, syncope, paralytic ileus, urinary retention, and


Clinical Summary

Neuromuscular blocking agents paralyze skeletal muscle

by blocking neurotransmission through nicotinic

ACh receptors at the neuromuscular junction. They have

no sedative, amnestic, or analgesic properties, and are

mainly used in combination with narcotic or volatile

anesthetics to relax skeletal muscle and facilitate surgical

procedures. Depolarizing neuromuscular blocking

agents cause an initial depolarization of the motor end

plate that renders it refractory to further stimulation.

Competitive or non-depolarizing blocking agents compete

directly with ACh at its receptor in the motor end

plate. Neuromuscular blocking agents are preferably

administered as a single or as intermittent intravenous

injections. Depth of blockade is monitored by peripheral

nerve stimulation. Competitive agents can be

reversed by administration of anti-cholinesterase agents.

Succinylcholine, the most common depolarizing

neuromuscular blocking agent, is used to facilitate

endotracheal intubation during rapid-sequence induction

of anesthesia due to its rapid onset and short duration

of action. The numerous non-depolarizing

neuromuscular blocking agents provide a spectrum of

pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles;

vecuronium and pancuronium are used frequently. Due

to differences in metabolism/elimination, certain nondepolarizing

agents are appropriate for patients with

compromised renal, hepatic, or cardiovascular function.

Vecuronium or rocuronium are appropriate for patients

with cardiovascular disease, atracurium for patients

with hepatic or renal insufficiency, and pancuronium

for patients with normal hepatic and renal function.

Gantacurium, currently in clinical trial, represents a

new class of competitive agents with ultrashort duration

of action comparable to succinylcholine but reportedly

with fewer side effects.

Ganglionic blocking agents have been supplanted

by superior agents for the treatment of chronic hypertension

(Chapter 28). Alternative agents also are available

for management of acute hypertensive crises and

for the production of controlled hypotension (e.g.,

reduction in blood pressure during surgery to minimize

hemorrhage in the operative field, to reduce blood loss

in various orthopedic procedures, and to facilitate surgery

on blood vessels).


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