DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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toxic concentrations of procaine. It has been reported to occur in 1

of 200 patients receiving 4.8 million units of penicillin G procaine

to treat venereal disease.

Reactions Unrelated to Hypersensitivity or Toxicity. Regardless

of the route by which the drug is administered, but most strikingly

when it is given by mouth, penicillin changes the composition of

the microflora in the GI tract by eliminating sensitive microorganisms.

This phenomenon is usually of no clinical significance, and

normal microflora are typically reestablished shortly after therapy

is stopped. In some persons, however, superinfection results from

pathological changes to the flora. Pseudomembranous colitis,

related to overgrowth and production of a toxin by Clostridium difficile,

has followed oral and, less commonly, parenteral administration

of penicillins.


Cephalosporium acremonium, the first source of the

cephalosporins, was isolated in 1948 by Brotzu from

the sea near a sewer outlet off the Sardinian coast.

Crude filtrates from cultures of this fungus were found

to inhibit the in vitro growth of S. aureus and to cure

staphylococcal infections and typhoid fever in humans.

Culture fluids in which the Sardinian fungus was cultivated

were found to contain three distinct antibiotics,

which were named cephalosporin P, N, and C. With

isolation of the active nucleus of cephalosporin C,

7-aminocephalosporanic acid, and with the addition of

side chains, it became possible to produce semisynthetic

compounds with antibacterial activity very much

greater than that of the parent substance.

Chemistry. Cephalosporin C contains a side chain derived from D-

α-aminoadipic acid, which is condensed with a dihydrothiazine β-

lactam ring system (7-aminocephalosporanic acid). Compounds

containing 7-aminocephalosporanic acid are relatively stable in

dilute acid and highly resistant to penicillinase regardless of the

nature of their side chains and their affinity for the enzyme.

Cephalosporin C can be hydrolyzed by acid to 7-

aminocephalospo ranic acid. This compound subsequently has been

modified by the addition of different side chains to create a whole

family of cephalosporin antibiotics. It appears that modifications at

position 7 of the β-lactam ring are associated with alteration in antibacterial

activity and that substitutions at position 3 of the dihydrothiazine

ring are associated with changes in the metabolism and

pharmacokinetic properties of the drugs.

The cephamycins are similar to the cephalosporins but

have a methoxy group at position 7 of the β-lactam ring of the

7-aminocephalosporanic acid nucleus. The structural formulas of

representative cephalosporins and cephamycins are shown in

Table 53–2, along with dosages schedules and half-lives.

Mechanism of Action. Cephalosporins and cephamycins inhibit

bacterial cell wall synthesis in a manner similar to that of penicillin.

Classification. The large number of cephalosporins makes a system

of classification most desirable. Although cephalosporins may be

classified by their chemical structure, clinical pharmacology, resistance

to β-lactamase, or antimicrobial spectrum, the well-accepted

system of classification by “generations” is very useful, although

admittedly somewhat arbitrary (Table 53–3). It is important to

remember that none of the cephalosporins has activity against

MRSA, listeria, or enterococci.

Classification by generations is based on general features of

antimicrobial activity (Andes and Craig, 2005). The first-generation

cephalosporins, epitomized by cephalothin (discontinued in the U.S.)

and cefazolin, have good activity against gram-positive bacteria and

relatively modest activity against gram-negative microorganisms.

Most gram-positive cocci (with the exception of enterococci, methicillin-resistant

S. aureus, and S. epidermidis) are susceptible. Most

oral cavity anaerobes are sensitive, but the B. fragilis group is resistant.

Activity against Moraxella catarrhalis, E. coli, K. pneumoniae,

and P. mirabilis is good. The second-generation cephalosporins have

somewhat increased activity against gram-negative microorganisms

but are much less active than the third-generation agents. A subset of

second-generation agents (cefoxitin, cefotetan, and cefmetazole,

which have been discontinued in the U.S.) also is active against the B.

fragilis group. Third-generation cephalosporins generally are less

active than first-generation agents against gram-positive cocci; these

agents are much more active against the Enterobacteriaceae, although

resistance is dramatically increasing due to β-lactamase-producing

strains. A subset of third-generation agents (ceftazidime and cefoperazone,

which are discontinued in the U.S.) also is active against P.

aeruginosa but less active than other third-generation agents against

gram-positive cocci. Fourth-generation cephalosporins, such as

cefepime, have an extended spectrum of activity compared with the

third generation and have increased stability from hydrolysis by plasmid

and chromosomally mediated β-lactamases (but not the KPC

class A β-lactamases). Fourth-generation agents are useful in the

empirical treatment of serious infections in hospitalized patients when

gram-positive microorganisms, Enterobacteriaceae, and Pseudomonas

all are potential etiologies. It is important to remember that none of the

cephalosporins has reliable activity against the following bacteria:

penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae, MRSA, methicillin-resistant S. epidermidis

and other coagulase-negative staphylococci, Enterococcus,

L. monocytogenes, Legionella pneumophila, L. micdadei, C. difficile,

Xanthomonas maltophilia, Campylobacter jejuni, KPC-producing

Enterobacteriaceae, and Acinetobacter spp.

Mechanisms of Bacterial Resistance to the Cephalosporins.

Resistance to the cephalosporins may be related to the

inability of the antibiotic to reach its sites of action or to

alterations in the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) that

are targets of the cephalosporins such that the antibiotics

bind to bacterial enzymes (β-lactamases) that can

hydrolyze the β-lactam ring and inactivate the

cephalosporin. Alterations in two PBPs (1A and 2X)

that decrease their affinity for cephalosporins render

pneumococci resistant to third-generation cephalosporins

because the other three high-molecular-weight PBPs

have inherently low affinity (Spratt, 1994).

The most prevalent mechanism of resistance to cephalosporins

is destruction of the cephalosporins by hydrolysis of the β-lactam ring.




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