DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Delivery Devices

Several ways of delivering inhaled drugs are possible (Virchow

et al., 2008).

Pressurized Metered-Dose Inhalers. Drugs are propelled from a

canister with the aid of a propellant, previously with a chlorofluorocarbon

(Freon) but now replaced by a hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) that

is “ozone friendly.” These devices are convenient, portable, and typically

deliver 100-400 doses of drug. It is necessary to coordinate

inhalation with activation of the device, so it is important that

patients are taught to use these devices correctly. Many patients find

this difficult despite instruction.

Spacer Chambers. Large-volume spacer devices between the pMDI

and the patient reduce the velocity of particles entering the upper airways

and the size of the particles by allowing evaporation of liquid propellant.

This reduces the amount of drug that impinges on the

oropharynx and increases the proportion of drug inhaled into the lower

airways. The need for careful coordination between activation and

inhalation is also reduced because the pMDI can be activated into the

chamber and the aerosol subsequently inhaled from the one-way valve.

Perhaps the most useful application of spacer chambers is in the reduction

of the oropharyngeal deposition of inhaled corticosteroids and the

consequent reduction in the local side effects of these drugs. Large volume

spacers also reduce the systemic side effects of drugs because less

is deposited in the oropharynx, and therefore swallowed. It is the swallowed

fraction of the drug absorbed from the GI tract that makes the

greatest contribution to the systemic fraction. This is of particular

importance in the use of certain inhaled steroids, such as beclomethasone

dipropionate, which can be absorbed from the GI tract. Spacer

devices are also useful in delivering inhaled drugs to small children

who are not able to use a pMDI. Children as young as 3 years of age

are able to use a spacer device fitted with a face mask.

Dry Powder Inhalers. Drugs may also be delivered as a dry powder

using devices that scatter a fine powder dispersed by air turbulence

on inhalation. These devices may be preferred by some patients

(Chan, 2006) because careful coordination is not as necessary as

with the pMDI, but some patients find that the dry powder is an irritant.

Children <7 years of age find it difficult to use a dry powder

inhaler (DPI) because they may not be able to generate sufficient

inspiratory flow. DPIs have been developed to deliver peptides and

proteins, such as insulin (e.g., EXUBERA, AFRESA), systemically.

Nebulizers. Two types of nebulizer are available. Jet nebulizers are

driven by a stream of gas (air or oxygen), whereas ultrasonic nebulizers

use a rapidly vibrating piezo-electric crystal and thus do not require

a source of compressed gas. The nebulized drug may be inspired during

tidal breathing, and it is possible to deliver much higher doses of

drug compared with pMDI. Nebulizers are therefore useful in treating

acute exacerbations of asthma and COPD, for delivering drugs when

airway obstruction is extreme (e.g., in severe COPD), for delivering

inhaled drugs to infants and small children who cannot use the other

inhalation devices, and for giving drugs such as antibiotics when relatively

high doses must be delivered. Small handheld nebulizers (soft

mist inhalers) are now also available.

Oral Route

Drugs for treatment of pulmonary diseases may also be given orally.

The oral dose is much higher than the inhaled dose required to achieve

the same effect (typically by a ratio of ~20:1), so that systemic side

effects are more common. When there is a choice of inhaled or oral

route for a drug (e.g., β 2

agonist or corticosteroid), the inhaled route

is always preferable, and the oral route should be reserved for the few

patients unable to use inhalers (e.g., small children, patients with physical

problems such as severe arthritis of the hands). Theophylline is

ineffective by the inhaled route and therefore must be given systemically.

Corticosteroids may have to be given orally for parenchymal

lung diseases (e.g., in interstitial lung diseases), although it may be

possible in the future to deliver such drugs into alveoli using specially

designed inhalation devices with a small particle size.

Parenteral Route

The intravenous route should be reserved for delivery of drugs in

the severely ill patient who is unable to absorb drugs from the GI

tract. Side effects are generally frequent due to the high plasma



Bronchodilator drugs relax constricted airway smooth

muscle in vitro and cause immediate reversal of airway

obstruction in asthma in vivo. They also prevent bronchoconstriction

(and thereby provide bronchoprotection).

Three main classes of bronchodilator are in

current clinical use:

• 2

Adrenergic agonists (sympathomimetics)

• Theophylline (a methylxanthine)

• Anticholinergic agents (muscarinic receptor antagonists)

Drugs such as cromolyn sodium, which prevent

bronchoconstriction, have no direct bronchodilator

action and are ineffective once bronchoconstriction has

occurred. Anti-leukotrienes (leukotriene receptor antagonists

and 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors) have a small bronchodilator

effect in some asthmatic patients and appear

to prevent bronchoconstriction. Corticosteroids, although

gradually improving airway obstruction, have no direct

effect on contraction of airway smooth muscle and are

not therefore considered to be bronchodilators.



Inhaled 2

agonists are the bronchodilator treatment of

choice in asthma because they are the most effective

bronchodilators and have minimal side effects when

used correctly. Systemic, short-acting, and nonselective

agonists, such as isoproterenol (isoprenaline) or

metaproterenol, should only be used as a last resort.

Chemistry. The development of 2

agonists is based on substitutions

in the catecholamine structure of norepinephrine and epinephrine

(Chapter 12). The catechol ring consists of hydroxyl groups in the 3

and 4 positions of the benzene ring (Figure 36–4). Norepinephrine




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