DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Absorption, Fate, and Excretion. For sedative-hypnotic

use, the barbiturates usually are administered orally

(Table 17–4). Such doses are absorbed rapidly and

probably completely; Na + salts are absorbed more rapidly

than the corresponding free acids, especially from

liquid formulations. The onset of action varies from

10-60 minutes, depending on the agent and the formulation,

and is delayed by the presence of food in the

stomach. When necessary, intramuscular injections of

solutions of the Na + salts should be placed deeply into

large muscles to avoid the pain and possible necrosis

that can result at more superficial sites. The intravenous

route usually is reserved for the management of status

epilepticus (phenobarbital sodium) or for the induction

and/or maintenance of general anesthesia (e.g., thiopental

or methohexital).

Barbiturates are distributed widely, and they readily cross the

placenta. The highly lipid-soluble barbiturates, led by those used to

induce anesthesia, undergo redistribution after intravenous injection.

Uptake into less vascular tissues, especially muscle and fat, leads to

a decline in the concentration of barbiturate in the plasma and brain.

With thiopental and methohexital, this results in the awakening of

patients within 5-15 minutes of the injection of the usual anesthetic

doses (Chapter 19).

Except for the less lipid-soluble aprobarbital and phenobarbital,

nearly complete metabolism and/or conjugation of barbiturates

in the liver precedes their renal excretion. The oxidation of radicals

at C5 is the most important biotransformation that terminates biological

activity. Oxidation results in the formation of alcohols, ketones,

phenols, or carboxylic acids, which may appear in the urine as such

or as glucuronic acid conjugates. In some instances (e.g., phenobarbital),

N-glycosylation is an important metabolic pathway. Other biotransformations

include N-hydroxylation, desulfuration of

thiobarbiturates to oxybarbiturates, opening of the barbituric acid

ring, and N-dealkylation of N-alkyl barbiturates to active metabolites

(e.g., mephobarbital to phenobarbital). About 25% of phenobarbital

and nearly all of aprobarbital are excreted unchanged in the

urine. Their renal excretion can be increased greatly by osmotic

diuresis and/or alkalinization of the urine.

The metabolic elimination of barbiturates is more rapid in

young people than in the elderly and infants, and t 1/2

are increased

during pregnancy partly because of the expanded volume of distribution.

Chronic liver disease, especially cirrhosis, often increases

the t 1/2

of the biotransformable barbiturates. Repeated administration,

especially of phenobarbital, shortens the t 1/2

of barbiturates

that are metabolized as a result of the induction of microsomal


None of the barbiturates used for hypnosis in the U.S. appears

to have an elimination t 1/2

that is short enough for elimination to be

virtually complete in 24 hours (Table 17–4). However, the relationship

between duration of action and t 1/2

of elimination is complicated

by the fact that enantiomers of optically active barbiturates

often differ in both biological potencies and rates of biotransformation.

All of these barbiturates will accumulate during repetitive

administration unless appropriate adjustments in dosage are made.

Furthermore, the persistence of the drug in plasma during the day

favors the development of tolerance and abuse.

Therapeutic Uses

The major uses of individual barbiturates are listed in

Table 17–4. As with the benzodiazepines, the selection of

a particular barbiturate for a given therapeutic indication

is based primarily on pharmacokinetic considerations.

CNS Uses. Benzodiazepines and other compounds for sedation have

largely replaced barbiturates. Barbiturates, especially butabarbital

and phenobarbital, are used sometimes to antagonize unwanted

CNS-stimulant effects of various drugs, such as ephedrine, dextroamphetamine,

and theophylline, although a preferred approach is

adjustment of dosage or substitution of alternative therapy for the

primary agents (see Chapter 24).

Untoward Effects

After-Effects. Drowsiness may last for only a few hours after a hypnotic

dose of barbiturate, but residual CNS depression sometimes is

evident the following day, and subtle distortions of mood and impairment

of judgment and fine motor skills may be demonstrable. For

example, a 200-mg dose of secobarbital has been shown to impair

performance of driving or flying skills for 10-22 hours. Residual

effects also may take the form of vertigo, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea,

or sometimes may be manifested as overt excitement. The user

may awaken slightly intoxicated and feel euphoric and energetic;

later, as the demands of daytime activities challenge possibly

impaired faculties, the user may display irritability and temper.

Paradoxical Excitement. In some persons, barbiturates produce

excitement rather than depression, and the patient may appear to be

inebriated. This type of idiosyncrasy is relatively common among

geriatric and debilitated patients and occurs most frequently with

phenobarbital and N-methylbarbiturates. Barbiturates may cause

restlessness, excitement, and even delirium when given in the presence

of pain and may worsen a patient’s perception of pain.

Hypersensitivity. Allergic reactions occur, especially in persons with

asthma, urticaria, angioedema, or similar conditions. Hypersensitivity

reactions include localized swellings, particularly of the eyelids,

cheeks, or lips, and erythematous dermatitis. Rarely, exfoliative dermatitis

may be caused by phenobarbital and can prove fatal; the skin

eruption may be associated with fever, delirium, and marked degenerative

changes in the liver and other parenchymatous organs.

Drug Interactions. Barbiturates combine with other CNS depressants

to cause severe depression; ethanol is the most frequent offender,

and interactions with first-generation antihistamines also are common.

Isoniazid, methylphenidate, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors

also increase the CNS-depressant effects.

Barbiturates competitively inhibit the metabolism of certain

other drugs; however, the greatest number of drug interactions

results from induction of hepatic CYPs and the accelerated disappearance

of many drugs and endogenous substances. The metabolism

of vitamins D and K is accelerated, which may hamper bone

mineralization and lower Ca 2+ absorption in patients taking phenobarbital

and may be responsible for the reported coagulation defects

in neonates whose mothers had been taking phenobarbital. Hepatic




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