DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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182 While these criteria are applicable for most neurotransmitters,

including norepinephrine and ACh, there

are now exceptions to these general rules. For instance,

NO has been found to be a neurotransmitter, in a few

postganglionic parasympathetic nerves, in nonadrenergic,

noncholinergic (NANC) neurons in the periphery, in

the ENS, and in the CNS. However, NO is not stored in

neurons and released by exocytosis. Rather, it is

synthesized when needed and readily diffuses across


Chemical rather than electrogenic transmission at

autonomic ganglia and the neuromuscular junction of

skeletal muscle was not generally accepted for a considerable

period because techniques were limited in time

and chemical resolution. Techniques of intracellular

recording and microiontophoretic application of drugs,

as well as sensitive analytical assays, have overcome

these limitations.

Neurotransmission in the peripheral and central

nervous systems once was believed to conform to the

hypothesis that each neuron contains only one transmitter

substance. However, peptides such as enkephalin,

substance P, neuropeptide Y, VIP, and somatostatin;

purines such as ATP and adenosine; and small molecules

such as NO have been found in nerve endings.

These substances can depolarize or hyperpolarize nerve

terminals or postsynaptic cells. Furthermore, results of

histochemical, immunocytochemical, and autoradiographic

studies have demonstrated that one or more of

these substances is present in the same neurons that

contain one of the classical biogenic amine neurotransmitters.

For example, enkephalins are found in postganglionic

sympathetic neurons and adrenal medullary

chromaffin cells. VIP is localized selectively in peripheral

cholinergic neurons that innervate exocrine glands,

and neuropeptide Y is found in sympathetic nerve endings.

These observations suggest that synaptic transmission

in many instances may be mediated by the release

of more than one neurotransmitter (see the next section).



Steps Involved in Neurotransmission

The sequence of events involved in neurotransmission

is of particular importance because pharmacologically

active agents modulate the individual steps.

The term conduction is reserved for the passage

of an impulse along an axon or muscle fiber; transmission

refers to the passage of an impulse across a synaptic

or neuroeffector junction. With the exception of the

local anesthetics, very few drugs modify axonal conduction

in the doses employed therapeutically. Hence

this process is described only briefly.

Axonal Conduction. At rest, the interior of the typical

mammalian axon is ~70 mV negative to the exterior.

The resting potential is essentially a diffusion potential

based chiefly on the 40 times higher concentration of

K + in the axoplasm as compared with the extracellular

fluid and the relatively high permeability of the resting

axonal membrane to K + . Na + and Cl – are present in

higher concentrations in the extracellular fluid than in

the axoplasm, but the axonal membrane at rest is considerably

less permeable to these ions; hence their contribution

to the resting potential is small. These ionic

gradients are maintained by an energy-dependent active

transport mechanism, the Na + , K + -ATPase (Hille, 1992).

In response to depolarization to a threshold level,

an action potential or nerve impulse is initiated at a local

region of the membrane. The action potential consists

of two phases. Following a small gating current resulting

from depolarization inducing an open conformation

of the channel, the initial phase is caused by a rapid

increase in the permeability of Na + through voltagesensitive

Na + channels. The result is inward movement

of Na + and a rapid depolarization from the resting potential,

which continues to a positive overshoot. The second

phase results from the rapid inactivation of the Na +

channel and the delayed opening of a K + channel, which

permits outward movement of K + to terminate the depolarization.

Inactivation appears to involve a voltage-sensitive

conformational change in which a hydrophobic

peptide loop physically occludes the open channel at the

cytoplasmic side. Although not important in axonal conduction,

Ca 2+ channels in other tissues (e.g., L-type

Ca 2+ channels in heart) contribute to the action potential

by prolonging depolarization by an inward movement

of Ca 2+ . This influx of Ca 2+ also serves as a stimulus to

initiate intracellular events (Catterall, 2000; Hille, 1992),

and Ca 2+ influx is important in excitation-exocytosis

coupling (transmitter release).

The transmembrane ionic currents produce local

circuit currents around the axon. As a result of such

localized changes in membrane potential, adjacent resting

channels in the axon are activated, and excitation

of an adjacent portion of the axonal membrane occurs.

This brings about propagation of the action potential

without decrement along the axon. The region that has

undergone depolarization remains momentarily in a

refractory state. In myelinated fibers, permeability

changes occur only at the nodes of Ranvier, thus causing

a rapidly progressing type of jumping, or saltatory,


The puffer fish poison, tetrodotoxin, and a close

congener found in some shellfish, saxitoxin, selectively

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