DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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550 few side effects. However, succinylcholine has multiple

serious side effects (bradycardia, hyperkalemia, and

severe myalgia) including induction of malignant

hyperthermia in susceptible individuals.





The conventional view of general anesthesia is that

anesthetics produce a reversible loss of consciousness

and that CNS function returns to basal levels upon termination

of anesthesia and recovery of consciousness.

Recent data, however, have cast doubt upon this notion.

Exposure of rodents to anesthetic agents during the

period of synaptogenesis (within the first 10 days post

birth) results in widespread neurodegeneration in the

developing brain (Jevtovic-Todorovic et al., 2003). This

neuronal injury, which is apoptotic in nature, results in

disturbed electrophysiologic function and cognitive

dysfunction in adolescent and adult rodents that were

exposed to anesthetics during the neonatal period. A

variety of agents, including isoflurane, propofol, midazolam,

nitrous oxide, and thiopental, manifest this toxicity

(Patel and Sun, 2009).

Although the etiology is not clear, GABA A


and NMDA receptor antagonism play a role. In

particular, the combination of a GABA A

agonist and

NMDA receptor antagonist produce the greatest toxicity.

Until the occurrence of this neurotoxicity during

brain development has been established in pre-clinical

studies, its relevance to the use of anesthetics in humans

will not be clear. To date, there are no data to suggest

that the provision of anesthesia to neonates and infants

undergoing surgery produces any neurotoxicity.

Ongoing clinical trials in humans should clarify this

within the next few years.

By contrast, anesthetics reduce ischemic injury to a variety of

tissues, including the brain and heart. This protective effect is robust

and results in better functional outcomes in comparison to ischemic

injury that occurs in unanesthetized awake subjects. With respect to

ischemic injury of the brain, anesthetics (inhalational agents, propofol,

barbiturates, ketamine, lidocaine, midazolam) suppress excitotoxic

injury produced by excessive glutamate release, reduce

inflammation, and promote pro-survival signaling (Head et al.,

2007). In addition, exposure to anesthesia results in the activation

of plasmalemmal and mitochondrial ATP-dependent K + channels, activation

of signal transduction pathways (NO synthase, MAP kinases),

and protein synthesis that render the brain less vulnerable to subsequent

ischemic injury. In a similar fashion, volatile anesthetics and,

under some conditions, propofol and barbiturates, reduce myocardial

ischemia-reperfusion injury (Frassdorf et al., 2009). The molecular

mechanisms leading to cardiac protection by volatile anesthetics

involve activation of “classical” preconditioning signaling pathways

(e.g., GPCRs, endothelial NO synthase, survival protein kinases,

PKC, reactive oxygen species, ATP-dependent K + channels, and the

mitochondrial permeability transition pore) (Hausenloy and

Scorrano, 2007). Propofol and barbiturates may induce specific components

of the “classical” pathways involved in cardiac protection;

however, there is debate as to whether these agents are truly protective

or injurious to the ischemic myocardium (Frassdorf et al., 2009).


Therapeutic Gases

Oxygen (O 2

) is essential to life. Hypoxia is a lifethreatening

condition in which oxygen delivery is inadequate

to meet the metabolic demands of the tissues.

Since oxygen delivery is the product of blood flow and

oxygen content, hypoxia may result from alterations in

tissue perfusion, decreased oxygen tension in the blood,

or decreased oxygen-carrying capacity. In addition,

hypoxia may result from restricted oxygen transport

from the microvasculature to cells or impaired utilization

within the cell. An inadequate supply of oxygen

ultimately results in the cessation of aerobic metabolism

and oxidative phosphorylation, depletion of highenergy

compounds, cellular dysfunction, and death.

Normal Oxygenation

Oxygen makes up 21% of air, which at sea level represents

a partial pressure of 21 kPa (158 mm Hg). While

the fraction (percentage) of O 2

remains constant regardless

of atmospheric pressure, the partial pressure of O 2

(PO 2

) decreases with lower atmospheric pressure. Since

the partial pressure drives the diffusion of O 2

, ascent to

elevated altitude reduces the uptake and delivery of

oxygen to the tissues. Conversely, increases in atmospheric

pressure (e.g., hyperbaric therapy or breathing

at depth) raise the PO 2

in inspired air and increase gas

uptake. As the air is delivered to the distal airways and

alveoli, the PO 2

decreases by dilution with CO 2


water vapor and by uptake into the blood.

Under ideal conditions, when ventilation and

perfusion are well matched, the alveolar PO 2

will be

~14.6 kPa (110 mm Hg). The corresponding alveolar

partial pressures of water and CO 2

are 6.2 kPa (47

mm Hg) and 5.3 kPa (40 mm Hg), respectively. Under

normal conditions, there is complete equilibration of

alveolar gas and capillary blood, and the PO 2

in endcapillary

blood is typically within a fraction of a kPa of

that in the alveoli. In some diseases, the diffusion barrier

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