DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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of mAbs and the introduction of the murine anti-CD3 mAb

(muromonab-CD3 or OKT3) (Ortho Multicenter Transplant Study

Group, 1985). ATG is the most frequently used depleting agent.

Lymphocyte immune globulin and OKT3 are rarely used because of

poorer efficacy and acute side effects, respectively. Alemtuzumab, a

humanized anti-CD52 monoclonal antibody that produces prolonged

lymphocyte depletion, is approved for use in chronic lymphocytic

leukemia but is increasingly used off label as induction therapy in


In many transplant centers, induction therapy with biological

agents is used to delay the use of the nephrotoxic calcineurin

inhibitors or to intensify the initial immunosuppressive therapy in

patients at high risk of rejection (i.e., repeat transplants, broadly presensitized

patients, African-American patients, or pediatric patients).

Most of the limitations of murine-based mAbs generally were overcome

by the introduction of chimeric or humanized mAbs that lack

antigenicity and have a prolonged serum t 1/2

. Antibodies derived

from transgenic mice carrying human antibody genes are labeled

“humanized” (90-95% human) or “fully human” (100% human);

antibodies derived from human cells are labeled “human.” However,

all three types of antibodies probably are of equal efficacy and safety.

Chimeric antibodies generally contain ~33% mouse protein and 67%

human protein and can still produce an antibody response, resulting

in reduced efficacy and t 1/2

compared to humanized antibodies. The

anti–IL-2R mAbs (frequently referred to as anti-CD25) were the first

biologicals proven to be effective as induction agents in randomized

double-blind prospective trials (Vincenti et al., 1998).

Biological agents for induction therapy in the prophylaxis of

rejection currently are used in ~70% of de novo transplant patients

and have been propelled by several factors, including the introduction

of the relatively safe anti–IL-2R antibodies and the emergence of

ATG as a safer and more effective alternative to lymphocyte immune

globulin or muromonab-CD3. Biologicals for induction can be

divided into two groups: the depleting agents and the immune modulators.

The depleting agents consist of lymphocyte immune globulin,

ATG, and muromonab-CD3 mAb (the latter also produces

immune modulation); their efficacy derives from their ability to

deplete the recipient’s CD3-positive cells at the time of transplantation

and antigen presentation. The second group of biological agents,

the anti–IL-2R mAbs, do not deplete T lymphocytes, with the possible

exception of T regulatory cells, but rather block IL-2–mediated

T-cell activation by binding to the α chain of IL-2R.

More aggressive approaches have been recently utilized in

patients with high levels of anti-HLA antibodies, donor-specific antibodies

detected by cytotoxicity cross-match, or flow cytometry and

humoral rejection. These therapies include plasmapheresis, intravenous

immunoglobulin, and rituximab, a chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal

antibody (Akalin et al., 2003; Zachary et al., 2003; Vo et al., 2008).

Maintenance Immunotherapy. The basic immunosuppressive protocols

use multiple drugs simultaneously. Therapy typically involves

a calcineurin inhibitor, glucocorticoids, and mycophenolate (a purine

metabolism inhibitor; see “Mycophenolate Mofetil”), each directed

at a discrete site in T-cell activation (Suthanthiran et al., 1996).

Glucocorticoids, azathioprine, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, mycophenolate,

sirolimus, and various monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies

all are approved for use in transplantation. Glucocorticoid-free regimens

have achieved special prominence in recent successes in using

pancreatic islet transplants to treat patients with type I diabetes mellitus.

Protocols employing rapid steroid withdrawal (within 1 week

after transplantation) are being utilized in more than a third of renal

transplant recipients. Short-term results are good, but the effects on

long-term graft function are unknown (Vincenti et al., 2008). Recent

data suggest that calcineurin inhibitors may shorten graft t 1/2

by their

nephrotoxic effects (Nankivell et al., 2003). Protocols under evaluation

include calcineurin dose reduction or switching from calcineurin to

sirolimus-based immunosuppressive therapy at 3-4 months.

Therapy for Established Rejection. Although low doses of prednisone,

calcineurin inhibitors, purine metabolism inhibitors, or

sirolimus are effective in preventing acute cellular rejection, they are

less effective in blocking activated T lymphocytes and thus are not

very effective against established, acute rejection or for the total prevention

of chronic rejection (Monaco et al., 1999). Therefore, treatment

of established rejection requires the use of agents directed against

activated T cells. These include glucocorticoids in high doses (pulse

therapy), polyclonal antilymphocyte antibodies, or muromonab-CD3.

Adrenocortical Steroids

The introduction of glucocorticoids as immunosuppressive

drugs in the 1960s played a key role in making

organ transplantation possible. Their chemistry, pharmacokinetics,

and drug interactions are described in

Chapter 42. Prednisone, prednisolone, and other glucocorticoids

are used alone and in combination with other

immunosuppressive agents for treatment of transplant

rejection and auto-immune disorders.

Mechanism of Action. The immunosuppressive effects

of glucocorticoids have long been known, but the specific

mechanisms of their immunosuppressive actions somewhat

elusive. Glucocorticoids lyse (in some species) and

induce the redistribution of lymphocytes, causing a rapid,

transient decrease in peripheral blood lymphocyte counts.

To effect longer-term responses, steroids bind to receptors

inside cells; either these receptors, glucocorticoidinduced

proteins, or interacting proteins regulate the

transcription of numerous other genes (Chapter 42).

Additionally, glucocorticoids curtail activation of NF-κB,

which increases apoptosis of activated cells (Auphan et

al., 1995). Of central importance, key pro-inflammatory

cytokines such as IL-1 and IL-6 are downregulated. T

cells are inhibited from making IL-2 and proliferating.

The activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes is inhibited.

Neutrophils and monocytes display poor chemotaxis and

decreased lysosomal enzyme release. Therefore, glucocorticoids

have broad anti-inflammatory effects on multiple

components of cellular immunity. In contrast, they

have relatively little effect on humoral immunity.

Therapeutic Uses. There are numerous indications for

glucocorticoids. They commonly are combined with




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