DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1218 to the nucleus. There, it interacts with specific DNA sequences within

the regulatory regions of affected genes. The short DNA sequences

that are recognized by the activated GR are called glucocorticoid

responsive elements (GREs) and provide specificity to the induction

of gene transcription by glucocorticoids. The consensus GRE

sequence is an imperfect palindrome (GGTACAnnnTGTTCT, where

n is any nucleotide) to which the GR binds as a receptor dimer. The

mechanisms by which GR activates transcription are complex and

not completely understood, but they involve the interaction of the GR

with transcriptional coactivators and with proteins that make up the

basal transcription apparatus. Genes that are negatively regulated by

glucocorticoids also have been identified. One well-characterized

example is the pro-opiomelanocortin gene. In this case, the GR

appears to inhibit transcription by a direct interaction with a GRE in

the POMC promoter, thereby contributing to the negative feedback

regulation of the HPA axis. Other genes negatively regulated by glucocorticoids

include genes for cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), inducible

nitric oxide synthase (NOS2), and inflammatory cytokines.

In some cases, the inhibitory effects of glucocorticoids on

gene expression have been linked to protein–protein interactions

between the GR and other transcription factors rather than to negative

effects of the GR at specific GREs. Indeed, protein–protein interactions

have been observed between the GR and the transcription

factors NF-κB and AP-1, which regulate the expression of a number

of components of the immune system (De Bosscher et al., 2003).

Such interactions repress the expression of genes encoding a number

of cytokines—regulatory molecules that play key roles in the

immune and inflammatory networks—and enzymes, such as collagenase

and stromelysin, that are proposed to play key roles in the

joint destruction seen in inflammatory arthritis. Thus, these

protein–protein interactions and their consequent negative effects on

gene expression appear to contribute significantly to the antiinflammatory

and immunosuppressive effects of the glucocorticoids.

The recognition that the metabolic effects of glucocorticoids

generally are mediated by transcriptional activation, whereas the

anti-inflammatory effects largely are mediated by transrepression,

suggests that selective GR ligands may maintain the anti-inflammatory

actions while lessening the metabolic side effects (McMaster and

Ray, 2008). Recent reports describing steroidal and nonsteroidal

compounds that exhibit anti-inflammatory actions but have little

effect on blood glucose suggest that such selective glucocorticoid

agonists may emerge from ongoing research.



Regulation of Gene Expression by Mineralocorticoids. Like the GR,

the MR also is a ligand-activated transcription factor and binds to

a very similar, if not identical, hormone-responsive element.

Although its actions have been studied in less detail than the GR,

the basic principles of action appear to be similar; in particular, the

MR also associates with HSP90 and activates the transcription of

discrete sets of genes within target tissues. Studies have not yet

identified differences in the DNA recognition motifs for the GR

and the MR that would explain their differential capacities to activate

discrete sets of target genes. The GR and MR differ in their

ability to inhibit AP-1–mediated gene activation, suggesting that

differential interactions with other transcription factors may

underlie their distinct effects on cell function. The MR has a

restricted expression: it is expressed in epithelial tissues involved

in electrolyte transport (i.e., the kidney, colon, salivary glands,

and sweat glands) and in nonepithelial tissues (e.g., hippocampus,

heart, vasculature and adipose tissue) where its functions are less

well understood.

Aldosterone exerts its effects on Na + and K + homeostasis primarily

via its actions on the principal cells of the distal renal tubules

and collecting ducts, whereas the effects on H + secretion largely are

exerted in the intercalated cells. The binding of aldosterone to the

MR in the kidney initiates a sequence of events that includes the

rapid induction of serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase,

which in turn phosphorylates and activates amiloride-sensitive

epithelial Na + channels in the apical membrane. Thereafter,

increased Na + influx stimulates the Na + , K + -ATPase in the basolateral

membrane. In addition to these rapid genomic actions, aldosterone

also increases the synthesis of the individual components of

these membrane proteins as part of a more delayed effect.

Receptor-Independent Mechanism for Corticosteroid Specificity. The

availability of cloned genes encoding the GR and MR led to the surprising

finding that aldosterone (a classic mineralocorticoid) and cortisol

(generally viewed as predominantly glucocorticoid) bind the

MR with equal affinity. This raised the question of how the apparent

specificity of the MR for aldosterone was maintained in the face of

much higher circulating levels of glucocorticoids. We now know that

the type 2 isozyme of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase

(11βHSD2) plays a key role in corticosteroid specificity, particularly

in the kidney, colon, and salivary glands (Hammer and Stewart,

2006). This enzyme metabolizes glucocorticoids such as cortisol to

receptor-inactive 11-keto derivatives such as cortisone (Figure 42–6).

Because its predominant form in physiological settings is the

hemiacetal derivative (Figure 42–7), which is resistant to 11βHSD

action, aldosterone escapes this inactivation and maintains mineralocorticoid

activity. In the absence of 11βHSD2, as occurs in an

inherited disease called the syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid

excess, the MR is activated by cortisol, leading to severe

hypokalemia and mineralocorticoid-related hypertension. A state of

mineralocorticoid excess also can be induced by inhibiting 11βHSD






(binds to MR and GR)







(binds to neither MR nor GR)

Figure 42–6. Receptor-independent mechanism by which 11βhydroxysteroid

dehydrogenase confers specificity of corticosteroid

action. Type 2 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD2)

converts cortisol, which binds to both the mineralocorticoid receptor

(MR) and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), to cortisone, which

binds to neither MR nor GR, thereby protecting the MR from the

high circulating concentrations of cortisol. This inactivation allows

specific responses to aldosterone in sites such as the distal nephron.

The type 1 isozyme of 11β-HSD (11β-HSD1) catalyzes the reverse

reaction, which converts inactive cortisone to active cortisol in such

tissues as liver and fat. Only ring C of the corticosteroid is depicted;

see Figure 42–7 for complete structure.

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