DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Table 37–3

Iron Requirements for Pregnancy


(mg) (mg)

External iron loss 170 150–200

Expansion of red cell mass 450 200–600

Fetal iron 270 200–370

Iron in placenta and cord 90 30–170

Blood loss at delivery 150 90–310

Total requirement a 980 580–1340

Cost of pregnancy b 680 440–1050


Blood loss at delivery not included.


Iron lost by the mother; expansion of red cell mass not included.

Source: Council on Foods and Nutrition. Iron deficiency in the

United States. JAMA 1968, 203:407–412. Used with permission.

Copyright © (Year of Publication) American Medical Association.

All rights reserved.

inorganic iron or heme iron. A ferrireductase, duodenal

cytochrome B (Dcytb), located on luminal surface of

absorptive cells of the duodenum and upper small intestine,

reduces the iron to the ferrous state, which is the

substrate for the divalent metal (ion) transporter 1

(DMT1). DMT1 transports the iron to basolateral membrane,

where it is taken up by another transporter, ferroportin

(Fpn; SLC40A1), and subsequently reoxidized to

Fe 3+ , primarily by hephaestin (Hp; HEPH), a transmembrane

copper-dependent ferroxidase. Apo-transferrin (Tf)

binds the resultant oxidized iron.

Mucosal cell iron transport and the delivery of

iron to transferrin from reticuloendothelial stores are

both determined by the human hemochromatosis protein,

which is a major histocompatibility complex class

1 molecule encoded by the HFE gene (for High Fe)

located on the short arm of chromosome 6 at 6p21.3.

Regulation is finely tuned to prevent iron overload in

times of iron excess while allowing for increased

absorption and mobilization of iron stores with iron

deficiency. A predominant negative regulator of iron

absorption in the small intestine is hepcidin, a

25–amino acid peptide made by hepatocytes (Ganz,

2003). The synthesis of hepcidin is greatly stimulated

by inflammation or by iron overload. A deficient hepcidin

response to iron loading can contribute to iron

overload and one type of hemochromatosis. In anemia

of chronic disease, hepcidin production can be

increased up to 100-fold, potentially accounting for

characteristic features of this condition, namely poor

GI uptake and enhanced sequestration of iron in the

reticuloendothelial system.

Normal iron absorption is ~1 mg per day in adult

men and 1.4 mg per day in adult women; 3-4 mg of

dietary iron is the most that normally can be absorbed.

Increased iron absorption is seen whenever iron stores

are depleted or when erythropoiesis is increased or ineffective.

Patients with hereditary hemochromatosis due

to HFE mutations demonstrate increased iron absorption

and loss of the normal regulation of iron delivery

to transferrin by reticuloendothelial cells (Ajioka and

Kushner, 2003). The resulting increased saturation of

transferrin permits abnormal iron deposition in nonhematopoietic


Iron Requirements and the Availability of Dietary Iron.

Iron requirements are determined by obligatory physiological

losses and the needs imposed by growth. Thus

adult men require only 13 μg/kg per day (~1 mg),

whereas menstruating women require ~21 μg/kg per

day (~1.4 mg). In the last two trimesters of pregnancy,

requirements increase to ~80 μg/kg per day (5-6 mg),

and infants have similar requirements due to their rapid

growth. These requirements (Table 37–4) must be considered

in the context of the amount of dietary iron

available for absorption.

In developed countries, the normal adult diet contains ~6 mg

of iron per 1000 calories, providing an average daily intake for adult

men of between 12 and 20 mg and for adult women of between 8 and

15 mg. Foods high in iron (>5 mg/100 g) include organ meats such

as liver and heart, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, egg yolks, oysters, and

certain dried beans and fruits; foods low in iron (<1 mg/100 g) include

milk and milk products and most nongreen vegetables. The content

of iron in food is affected further by the manner of its preparation

because iron may be added from cooking in iron pots.

Although the iron content of the diet obviously is important,

of greater nutritional significance is the bioavailability of iron in

food. Heme iron, which constitutes only 6% of dietary iron, is far

more available and is absorbed independent of the diet composition;

it therefore represents 30% of iron absorbed (Conrad and

Umbreit, 2002).

The nonheme fraction nonetheless represents far the largest

amount of dietary iron ingested by the economically underprivileged.

In a vegetarian diet, nonheme iron is absorbed very poorly because of

the inhibitory action of a variety of dietary components, particularly

phosphates. Ascorbic acid and meat facilitate the absorption of nonheme

iron. Ascorbate forms complexes with and/or reduces ferric to

ferrous iron. Meat facilitates the absorption of iron by stimulating

production of gastric acid; other effects also may be involved. Either

of these substances can increase availability several fold. Thus assessment

of available dietary iron should include both the amount of iron

ingested and an estimate of its availability (Figure 37–4) (Monsen

et al., 1978).

A comparison of iron requirements with available dietary

iron is seen in Table 37–4. Obviously, pregnancy and infancy represent

periods of negative balance. Menstruating women also are at




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