DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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642 termed fetal alcohol effects (FAEs) or alcohol-related

neurodevelopmental disorders. FAS is seen in offspring

born to ~5% of heavy-drinking females. The incidence

of FAS is believed to be in the range of

0.5-1 per 1000 live births in the general U.S. population,

with rates as high as 2-3 per 1000 in African-American

and Native-American populations. A lower socioeconomic

status of the mother rather than racial background

per se appears to be primarily responsible for

the higher incidence of FAS observed in those groups

(Abel, 1995). The incidence of FAEs is likely higher

than that of FAS, making alcohol consumption during

pregnancy a major public health problem.



Craniofacial abnormalities commonly observed in the diagnosis

of FAS consist of a pattern of microcephaly, a long and smooth

philtrum, shortened palpebral fissures, a flat midface, and epicanthal

folds. Magnetic resonance imaging studies demonstrate

decreased volumes in the basal ganglia, corpus callosum, cerebrum,

and cerebellum (Mattson et al., 1992). The severity of alcohol effects

can vary greatly and depends on the drinking patterns and amount of

alcohol consumed by the mother. Maternal drinking in the first

trimester has been associated with craniofacial abnormalities; facial

dysmorphology also is seen in mice exposed to ethanol at the equivalent

time in gestation.

CNS dysfunction following in utero exposure to alcohol manifests

in the form of hyperactivity, attention deficits, mental retardation,

and learning disabilities. FAS is the most common cause of

preventable mental retardation in the Western world (Abel and

Sokol, 1987), with afflicted children consistently scoring lower than

their peers on a variety of IQ tests. It now is clear that FAS represents

the severe end of a spectrum of alcohol effects. A number of studies

have documented intellectual deficits, including mental retardation,

in children not displaying the craniofacial deformities or retarded

growth seen in FAS. Although cognitive improvements are seen with

time, decreased IQ scores of FAS children tend to persist as they

mature, indicating that the deleterious prenatal effects of alcohol are

irreversible. Although a correlation exists between the amount of

alcohol consumed by the mother and infant scores on mental and

motor performance tests, there is considerable variation in performance

on such tests among children of mothers consuming similar

quantities of alcohol. The peak BEL reached may be a critical factor

in determining the severity of deficits seen in the offspring.

Although the evidence is not conclusive, there is a suggestion that

even moderate alcohol consumption (two drinks per day) in the second

trimester of pregnancy is correlated with impaired academic performance

of offspring at age 6 (Goldschmidt et al., 1996). Maternal

age also may be a factor. Pregnant women over age 30 who drink

alcohol create greater risks to their children than do younger women

who consume similar amounts of alcohol (Jacobson et al., 1996).

Children exposed prenatally to alcohol most frequently present

with attentional deficits and hyperactivity, even in the absence of

intellectual deficits or craniofacial abnormalities. Furthermore, attentional

problems have been observed in the absence of hyperactivity,

suggesting that the two phenomena are not necessarily related. Fetal

alcohol exposure also has been identified as a risk factor for alcohol

abuse by adolescents (Baer et al., 1998). Apart from the risk of FAS

or FAEs to the child, the intake of high amounts of alcohol by a pregnant

woman, particularly during the first trimester, greatly increases

the chances of spontaneous abortion.

Studies with laboratory animals have demonstrated many of the

consequences of in utero exposure to ethanol observed in humans,

including hyperactivity, motor dysfunction, and learning deficits. In

animals, in utero exposure to ethanol alters the expression patterns of

a wide variety of proteins, changes neuronal migration patterns, and

results in brain region–specific and cell type–specific alterations in neuronal

numbers. Indeed, specific periods of vulnerability may exist for

particular neuronal populations in the brain. Genetics also may play a

role in determining vulnerability to ethanol: There are differences

among strains of rats in susceptibility to the prenatal effects of ethanol.

Finally, multidrug abuse, such as the concomitant administration of

cocaine with ethanol, enhances fetal damage and mortality.


The core of care is a process of interventions and sessions

that help enhance changes in how the person

views their problem, along with efforts to help them

alter the problematic behaviors (Schuckit, 2009). With

cognitive-behavioral approaches serving as the core of

treatment, and a 20% or greater rate of spontaneous

remission in alcohol use disorders, the role of medications

can be difficult to evaluate. Thus, only those pharmacological

approaches that have been shown to be

superior to placebo through double-blind control trials

are worth considering in clinical practice.

Currently, three drugs are approved in the U.S.

for treatment of alcoholism: disulfiram (ANTABUSE),

naltrexone (REVIA), and acamprosate (Table 23–3).

Disulfiram has a long history of use but has fallen into

disfavor because of its side effects and problems with

patient adherence to therapy. Naltrexone and acamprosate

were introduced more recently. The goal of

these medications is to assist the patient in maintaining



Naltrexone is chemically related to the highly selective

opioid-receptor antagonist naloxone (NARCAN) but has

higher oral bioavailability and a longer duration of

action. Neither drug has appreciable opioid-receptor

agonist effects. These drugs were used initially in the

treatment of opioid overdose and dependence because

of their ability to antagonize all the actions of opioids

(Chapters 18 and 24). There is evidence that naltrexone

blocks activation by alcohol of dopaminergic pathways

in the brain that are thought to be critical to reward.

Naltrexone helps to maintain abstinence by reducing the urge

to drink and increasing control when a “slip” occurs. It is not a

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