Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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Jeg vil også gjøre oppmerksom på at selv om jeg her gjør hva jeg kan for å<br />

avdramatisere problembildet forbundet med de illegale stoffene, så betyr ikke<br />

det at jeg oppfordrer til all mulig bruk og eksperimentering her. Verken av de<br />

legale eller illegale stoffene. Jeg påpeker bare et faktum. Og det er at det er<br />

ingenting ved de illegale stoffene, verken i farlighetsgrad eller<br />

avhengighetsgrad, som gjør dem verre for samfunnet enn stoffer vi allerede har<br />

legalisert, — og følgelig har et noe mer avslappet forhold til. Weil forteller<br />

videre om dette:<br />

“Whether a drug is legal or illegal, approved or disapproved, obtained from a<br />

physician or bought on the black market, if the user is aware of its nature, can maintain<br />

a useful effect from it over time, can easily separate from it, and can remain free from<br />

adverse effects, that is a good relationship with the drug. Bad relationships with drugs<br />

begin with ignorance of the nature of the substance and loss of the desired effect with<br />

increasing frequency of use, and progress to difficulty in leaving the drug alone, with<br />

eventual impairment of health or social functioning. Any drug can be used successfully,<br />

no matter how bad its reputation, and any drug can be abused, no matter how<br />

accepted it is. There are no good and bad drugs; there are only good and bad<br />

relationships with drugs.” 172<br />

Andrew Weil har som lege spesielt god kompetanse på det ruspolitiske<br />

feltet, og var rådgiver på området for Carter-administrasjonen. Han har med<br />

andre ord god greie på hva han snakker om, og selv om det han sier vil<br />

benektes på det sterkeste av statsmaktens lakeier, blir det ikke mindre sant av<br />

den grunn. Benson Roe, professor i medisin, bekrefter her et av denne bokens<br />

sentrale poenger:<br />

“The widespread propaganda that illegal drugs are ‘deadly poisons’ is a hoax. There is<br />

little or no medical evidence of long term ill effects from sustained, moderate<br />

consumption of uncontaminated marijuana, cocaine or heroin. If these substances —<br />

most of them have been consumed in large quantities for centuries — were<br />

responsible for any chronic, progressive or disabling diseases, they certainly would<br />

have shown up in clinical practice and/or on the autopsy table. But they simply have<br />

not! (…)<br />

It is frequently stated that illicit drugs are ‘bad, dangerous, destructive’ or<br />

‘addictive,’ and that society has an obligation to keep them from the public. But<br />

nowhere can be found reliable, objective scientific evidence that they are any more<br />

harmful than other substances and activities that are legal.” 173<br />


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